Anon must be on a dig. Shrink doesn't realize it yet, but he's the case study. He won't catch on until next month when memes comes across his social media.
Psychiatrists are pill pushers. They usually don't care to listen to your problems and try to help. Just mask with big pharma. Psychologists are therapists that talk with you and try to find the root of the problem to fix things. If they feel you can't deal without medicine, they will recommend you talk to your doctor or a psychiatrist. But they actually try to make you better. That's my personal experience anyways.
They are actual MDs. They are far more than a Psychologist. They took all the required premed and core med school. Then did a residency and probably a fellowship.
Do not go to any mental health "professionals". Anon put himself in danger where if they determine you are "danger to yourself and others" could possibly be put under their control. And once they got you inside, real hard to get out.
As an aside…I had (had being the operative word here) a friend in NYC, he was a psychologist and his sister was a psychiatrist. They both practiced there.
He told me that his sister use to make her big bucks from gullible clients as her practice mainly consisted of doing past life regression with them.
She said it was all bullshit, but her clients couldn’t get enough of it. It was a few decades ago.
So…although I haven’t spoken to my ‘friend’ in years…. I was actually thinking of them other day and thought..I bet in this social climate that they are trying to make a killing off of treating people with transgender issues.
Absolutely. Wife's childhood friend went to "therapy" and afterwards decided that he was a woman now and has, as far as I know, gone through the whole "she"-bang, to include thoughts of suicide. Dude had a wife and kids, and his own lucrative IT business, which he pissed away.
I think I would go into a witness protection plan. I hope they were truly interested in what you were saying and doing, rather than trying to figure out how to brainwash you to stop you.
Just before covid hit I was looking for a new counselor after the office I was going to closed. EVERY single fucking About Me I read the counselor spewed all the LGBTBBQ nonsense we all despise. There was no way I was booking anything to see any of those idiots. Fast forward to current day and myself, my wife, and 7 yo son go to church every Sunday and I feel better than any counselor ever helped me feel.
"Ya'll MFers need Jesus" ain't no lie. ;)
Well, that, and riding like you have some sense. I live a few miles from the section of US 421 they call "The Snake". Three mountains, one valley and 489 curves. Needless to say I ride it a lot. I also witness the subspecies of bikers called "sport bikers". If I believed in evolution I would call them a prime example of natural selection at work. I have to give them credit though. They dress for the slide, not the ride.
Dang, it’s like watching a cheap movie in which you know the girl will get her gun knocked away and the weird guy is toast. You are yelling at the screen. Obvious bad guy!!
Anons go to see psychiatrists?
yeah, that part is sus.
Anon must be on a dig. Shrink doesn't realize it yet, but he's the case study. He won't catch on until next month when memes comes across his social media.
Court ordered?
If it is, he's playing with fire. Psychiatrists can commit people involuntarily. But it's probably a joke.
Tom Cruise was right.
I think they're therapists that can prescribe medicine. I may be wrong though.
Psychiatrists are pill pushers. They usually don't care to listen to your problems and try to help. Just mask with big pharma. Psychologists are therapists that talk with you and try to find the root of the problem to fix things. If they feel you can't deal without medicine, they will recommend you talk to your doctor or a psychiatrist. But they actually try to make you better. That's my personal experience anyways.
All they do is pass the buck, and if they can't do that they will blame the patient.
They are actual MDs. They are far more than a Psychologist. They took all the required premed and core med school. Then did a residency and probably a fellowship.
And then will promptly give you SSRIs like you're Hunter snorting crack.
They’re probably the puberty blocking type.
People should note that Psychiatry is one of the shittiest MD specialties. Usually these are the people who barely passed med school.
Do not go to any mental health "professionals". Anon put himself in danger where if they determine you are "danger to yourself and others" could possibly be put under their control. And once they got you inside, real hard to get out.
Anon isn't too bright.
and now they are all posting memes......
As an aside…I had (had being the operative word here) a friend in NYC, he was a psychologist and his sister was a psychiatrist. They both practiced there.
He told me that his sister use to make her big bucks from gullible clients as her practice mainly consisted of doing past life regression with them.
She said it was all bullshit, but her clients couldn’t get enough of it. It was a few decades ago.
So…although I haven’t spoken to my ‘friend’ in years…. I was actually thinking of them other day and thought..I bet in this social climate that they are trying to make a killing off of treating people with transgender issues.
The big bucks now is affirming ppl and their mental illnesses, i.e. transgenders.
Absolutely. Wife's childhood friend went to "therapy" and afterwards decided that he was a woman now and has, as far as I know, gone through the whole "she"-bang, to include thoughts of suicide. Dude had a wife and kids, and his own lucrative IT business, which he pissed away.
then add in all the complacent parents who can't figure out why johnny is such a shithead..... PROFIT!
Wasn’t there a book in the 1960s by noted child psychologist Dr. Benjamin Spock called “Why Is Johnny Such A Shithead?”
no idea. when i ran an insurance office, we used to call them little turdlets.
I think I would go into a witness protection plan. I hope they were truly interested in what you were saying and doing, rather than trying to figure out how to brainwash you to stop you.
Avoid all glowies.
Just before covid hit I was looking for a new counselor after the office I was going to closed. EVERY single fucking About Me I read the counselor spewed all the LGBTBBQ nonsense we all despise. There was no way I was booking anything to see any of those idiots. Fast forward to current day and myself, my wife, and 7 yo son go to church every Sunday and I feel better than any counselor ever helped me feel. "Ya'll MFers need Jesus" ain't no lie. ;)
my wife was all into her 'psych' dr.
then i introduced her to my church.
she was PISSED the first few times, arguing with the pastor.
now she understands, and is NEVER going back to the dark side. light is SO much easier to see when the darkness is revealed.
Donald takes Daffy to the shrink..."What's wrong with her doc?"... "She f'n Goofy"
What the duck??? Guess I ruint that one!
You're a ducking quack
I'm think'n Goofy was the only winner
But ppl that can't come to grips with their gender are a-ok. Clown world at it's best.
Case study? Oh brother!
Get a motorcycle.
My bike is my psych.
you NEVER see a MC parked outside a psych's office.
Cures you or kills you.
TRAINING is key to surviving when riding a MC.
as long as you are aware of the risks, and take precautions as you can, your survivability on a bike is dependent on you.
awareness is KEY.
i taught MC safety for a few years. staying alive depends on your awareness of your surroundings. CRITICAL when on a bike.
Well, that, and riding like you have some sense. I live a few miles from the section of US 421 they call "The Snake". Three mountains, one valley and 489 curves. Needless to say I ride it a lot. I also witness the subspecies of bikers called "sport bikers". If I believed in evolution I would call them a prime example of natural selection at work. I have to give them credit though. They dress for the slide, not the ride.
Yup, all the training in the world won't keep a dummy from being one
At this point, I don't think I would trust any psychiatrist. The risk of manipulation is simply too great.
Stay away, Anon! Stay away!
Dang, it’s like watching a cheap movie in which you know the girl will get her gun knocked away and the weird guy is toast. You are yelling at the screen. Obvious bad guy!!
Psychiatrists derive from communism.
What are you doing? Get the free guns and car then don't shoot up the school.
I really hope this is a true story!