COG has been in effect since 2001 {and signed into continuance by each following president, Trump included} so Trump couldn't have implemented devolution, perse. {17th}
Trump enabled cog and devolution. Just look at the eos and it's obvious. {Patel}
I think where this is headed: 17th spec ops goes into great detail how there is a shadow government operating under the COG. Dick Cheney forced the issue almost immediately after 9/11.
And whom will Dick Cheney have placed into these positions of power who answer to absolutely no one?
His goons who have been pushing us into the preferred reset/martial law/communist state. You can figure out his cohorts by now.
What I think Trump has done is removed those who were running under cover of the COG and replaced them with his own people.
He never needed to implement devolution, it had already been done. But much like anything, it was running like corrupt shit, intentionally, to kill this country. {And probably all countries}
By enabling patriots to take those positions, it's devolution by proxy.
All I know is I am sick of this crap and ready to see people hang
As we all are but war is war and perseverance is needed to be victorious.
Reply of the Day right there.
Yeah, I don't see the theories as incompatible to begin with. COG doesn't dissolve government, it preserves it with a parallel structure, without changing anything in the command-and-control chain. Devolution, by contrast, sidesteps normal government operations with a different executive structure, leveraging COG (Continuity Of Government procedures) to do it.
That's how I see it conceptually.
I agree. COG has been active since 9/11 and been tweaked by each subsequent president. Trump is just the most recent iteration of that but Trump tweaked it in the people’s favor.
up doot for content and if I could I'd give another for the use of iteration.
First rule of Psy/Info OP club...
Second rule of Psy/Info OP club...
Third rule of Psy/Info OP club...
On 16 August 2022 at 2336 Zulu (1936 ET) Mike Lindell, during a discussion with co-host Brannon Howse on Lindell's personal news show "The Lindell Report', hosted on the platform, broke the First and Second Rules of Psy/Info OP club.
At the 36:40 time mark into program, Lindell discussed two press smear articles reporting on 'The Pit' meeting in Apache Junction, Arizona on 12 and 13 August co-sponsered by Catherine Engelbrecht of True The Vote and Greg Philips of OPSEC. Lindell opines to Howse that the substance of 'The Pit' program, inspired by the revelations of the '2000 Mules' documentary film, proves his allegations of foreign election interference by internet introduced algorithm controlled vote manipulation resulting in Biden's 2020 election.
SInce this is Lindell's first infraction he has been issued a warning and instructed to not cross the PsyOp and InfoOP streams in the future.
How do you know this?
"devolution by proxy" I like it...OR 2 for the price of 1! OR...Double protected..
Is that like double secret probation?
LOL!! YESS!! The Dean Warner "Special" !!
That explains how the Trump shadow government but also doing everything by the book. Trump often said he can play their game but better.
Interesting thoughts.
Why would continuity of government need to have been in effect when the chain of succession was in the same general area so often? And who would have attacked us that wasn't in on the cabal plan to enslave the world?