Are search engines removing access to the accessible internet?
Go to Google, DuckDuckGo, Qwant, any search you want, hit the Images tab and search for something innocuous like "Tomatoes"
See how far you get before you get cut off. Yandex lets me get the farthest of all the ones I've tried.
When I was younger I remember this going on and on as long as you wanted. Now only "approved sites" are shown? I work in IT and this was a big WTH to me.
Heightened awareness.
I now get maybe 4 pages of results now for searches I used to get dozens of before...
Metacrawler still seems to work decently, thank you for the recommendation!
Edit: still ends after 30 pages.
Well at least that means there's absolutely been some kind of awakening by its very definition
Me too. I don't understand how this is suddenly a thing. The search engines have been censored a long time. I noticed the big censorship push right after Trump got elected the first time. Before the election, I could look up "pizzagate." After the election, no can do.
If I want the dirt, I usually just come here.
Agreed. I wish I did a better job of backing up my past research.
I've complained about not be able to do the type of research I once was able to do in late 1990s and 2000s. It's all gone to shit and it's frustrating as hell.
I have no source, just something I remember seeing on a conspiracy site years and years ago. Was in Calgary at the time, so would have been 2008 at the latest, but it was something like they refreshed the internet every XXX of time per day and all the websites they didn't want us accessing were banished to the dark web, or made not available via search engine. I don't know the technicals of how any of that could happen, so don't rip me apart lol.
Just something I do remember seeing something about a long time ago. It wouldn't be outside the box to think that is entirely possible.
Does that mean searching the dark web gives better results?
The dark web isn't dot com websites. It's there to buy drugs from government agents, hire FBI agents as contract killers, and download child porn.
If you're not in the club, it's there so they can arrest you after you make the attempt.
I didn’t intend to come across as naive, but maybe I did. I used Tor long before fake pandemics and stolen elections taught us the difference between prudence and fear. With Tor, I kept away from what I didn’t want to know about—and got neither corrupted or nor arrested.
What I’m wondering about are ways to find stuff that’s kept off the standard searches “for our own good”—which means for the good (and convenience) of the Information Keepers. Anybody got thoughts on that?
When I want information about anything, I try to track down primary sources as much as possible.
Rather than rely on articles explaining Joe Biden's Executive Orders, I go directly to the source, as an example.
As far as finding information in searches, I use , (when the search contains cuss words or triggers Swiss Cows for some reason), and recently, I've been using, which is a very old search engine. All of its results are generated from web spider bots like Google uses before it curates the results.
Sounds good. I use primary sources, too— hard to get on some search engines. Thanks for the suggestions!
Exactly. They're trying to pigeon hole information. Discovery is a thing of the past. We need a true search engine. They're all compromised.
They've destroyed everything, and the internet is the last bastion. You better believe it.
If only someone like Elon Musk could help found a censorship free search engine.
Black Pigeon Speaks did a video about the dead internet. Very interesting. Sorry, Youtube
I’ve noticed within the last couple of years, that it’s almost impossible to get answers to my questions on search engines. Everything that comes up seems as if they’ve taken just a couple words from my question and displayed the results for that. Nothing outside of normie level thinking comes up about any topic whatsoever.
Uhhhhmmmm. That's not how search engines work bro. You want Quora, if you have a QUESTION. Search engines are for SEARCHING.
Oh. So you DO know what a search engine is.
THAT is a search engine.
Another idiot to block.
Time to build a new search engine?
Funny you say that.
Can't find investors for mine. And I actually worked for Google.
Protip... nobody wants a working search engine.
Yandex is better, freespoke has the same issue OP noted, it is just newer and is advertised to anons.
gimme some of that old altavista any day!
I live in a rural area and I swear, at times, my internet service makes me miss dial up.
Ever since like 2017 or maybe a little later, the Internet has been really different. 2015 YouTube was awesome
If you go far enough (like 5 to 10 pages in) the results are just duplicates in the general search not image searches.... they lying to us for sure, they using the extra server power or capacity on something else and claiming it is for searches for the public
Searches for anything seem to be garbage lately. Aside from conspiracy stuff I also occasionally search car or computer related particulars. You always got a few results that weren't related/helpful, but now it seems most if not about all are. Including images.
I agree. I searched "First 4chan thread" because I wanted to know what it was, and got a bunch of bullshit about "muh conspiracy theory". Not even quotation marks, which usually isolate that term exactly helped very much.
Try and see what you think.
Yes, it is considered a 'feature' of the simulation for the master(s) over the said theiftom... aka planet. "Through wealth of information we are left with none." A reiteration of many other quotes. Orwell had no idea where we would be today.
I have wondered this too because you are definitely limited. I will search for things I know are out there on multiple sites and get nothing related. This isn’t really too surprising… they got people to be reliant on these search engines and now control what we can see.