Basically, toxins in the environment. Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause auto-immune diseases. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from the vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”
“The informed consent that you would have to prepare to vaccinate somebody in the public, if it’s honest, would have to say that dangers would exceed the benefits.” BOOM.
What about illnesses that spread through a house hold, tribe, or village? How do you explain someone getting sick from being around someone else? Viruses may not exist but can’t harmful bacteria cause illness and be transmitted to others?
Basically nobody knows. What we do know is scurvy "spread" throughout ships at one time, but was found to be dietary. See also the failed experimental attempts to spread the Spanish Flu by sharing disgusting bodily fluids. Perhaps the house hold or group has something else in common? Most "viruses" spread during the winter when sunlight is less, so perhaps it is a reduction in Vitamin D?
Could be as simple as a pheromonal response, where people in a small vicinity are sick that they send a signal of that illness and signal that others with the same toxicity should take the time to clear it up.
The better question is, if viruses are spreading disease, how some people can be exposed and it goes ignored?
The theory is not denying the existence of viruses and bacteria, but rather that they serve a different purpose that isn't fully understood.
No one knows how illnesses are spread. All of the below have just as much evidence as the other.
To a virologist, it is an invisible never isolated 'undead' Bogeyman called a "virus" hiding in ever nook and cranny of your "household, tribe, or village".
To a witch doctor or shaman, it is evil spirits that are befalling people in every household, tribe, or village.
To a UFOoligist, it is UBEs using higher technology that we don't understand used in every household, tribe, or village.
To a Terrain Theorist it is toxins in the environment that is found in household, tribe, or village.
Dr. Tom Cowan explains that circumstantial data (epidemiological observations) like this are not necessarily evidence at all and does not follow the scientific method. You are making an observation. Scurvy was thought to be a pathogen for hundreds of years. The observation was made (and widely believed), but it turned out it was not a contagious pathogen, but the lack of vitamin C. There are dozens and dozens of observations like this that do not follow the scientific method. Virology does not follow the scientific method.
And what about the "smallpox blankets" used to spread smallpox among the American Indians, who had previously never been exposed to smallpox, and had virtually zero immunity to it? There may be a lot we don't know about viruses, but clearly, there are known viruses with known illnesses associated with them.
Bed bugs are attracted to mattresses, which the Indians had never invented, so they traded to obtain them. But they didn't know about bed bugs, or what to do about them -- in the beginning. Notice, it only lasted a few years, and then the problem went away.
Bed bugs bite and inject their proteins directly into the bloodstream of humans. One or two bites is no big deal. The body can handle it. But dozens or hundreds of bites can overwhelm the lymphatic system (our waste system), clog it up, and cause lymophoma. Lymphoma can kill, and especially back then when it was not understood and there was no treatment.
Bed bugs almost killed me. I have first-had experience. I had over 300 bed bug bites from one night in cheap motel, where Indians (from India) most likely infected the room from the night(s) before.
About 6-8 months later, I developed lymphoma. I would have died, except that modern medicine/Big Pharma actually does SOME good every now and then (by accident). They had a chemo drug that worked. It was made from mustard gas, so it was an accident that they found it could be used to kill lymphoma cancer, but it can.
So, I know first hand what bed bugs can do. The medical industry is clueless about this, and you won't find anything about it online (at least, I didn't). But I have personal, first-hand knowledge of this subject.
My educated opinion is the Indians died of lymphoma because they did not understand the dangers of bed bugs.
Two good examples in support of your question are measles and chicken pox which do appear to be highly contagious. Are most illnesses like Covid barely contagious? Are "viruses" real, but too many things are called viruses which are really something else?
Poor nutrition, poor hygiene, toxic chemicals in the environment, poisons in the environment, and/or harmful electromagnetic frequencies in the environment
Most people today eat a shit diet. That creates toxins inside the body, which needs to get out. Anybody who is coughing, has acne, or any similar health issues is someone who has toxins within their body that the body is trying to get rid of.
The body attempts a "house cleaning" detox peridocially, which we mistakenly think of as "cold and flu season." In reality, when there is less sunshine available (Winter, or rainy season in the tropic zone), we produce less Vitamin D naturally. This lowering of Vitamin D, is (IMO, this is my theory) the trigger for annual detox.
Some people are so toxic inside that they get these symptoms at other times of the year, as well. And some are so toxic that they develop a more severe set of symptoms, which is diagnosed as an illness (diabetes, etc.).
There may also be a mechanism within the human body that senses what is happening in others around us. If women are put into a house together, they often find that their menstrual cycles start to synch. Likewise, children with chicken pox are going through a detox (possibly linked to upcoming maturity and puberty), and others of similar age might sense this and get a trigger to detox, as well.
Some illnesses tend to occur moreso in some blood lines than others. For example, black people tend to get sickle cell anemia more than Whites. This might be due to the fact that blacks need more sun exposure to generate the minimum Vitamin D production necessary, and in the modern world, they often don't -- even if they live in modern day Africa.
Families who live in the same households usually eat the same foods (and junk foods), live in the same household conditions that may have chemicals and EMF's hitting them all, etc. When one gets a detox ("sick"), it might trigger a similar reaction in the others.
One thing we can say for certain, and that everyone can agree on: IF viruses do not exist, then viruses can NOT be the cause of these illnesses. Furthermore, because the "mainstream" medical industry, focused on selling drugs and not on making people healthy, has NO interest in pursuing what ELSE might be the real cause. Their gravy train has been rolling along just fine, running on the tracks of what is largely fraudulent "science."
5g radiation was what killed them in Wuhan ..they had just switched it on....already highly polluted city. People on cruise ships got hit too.. they had 5g. Electromagnetic devices are very harmful to the body...the symptoms can. Mimic vid d called's all toxic poisoning. Fluoride is a neurotoxin ..eats through concrete....cook with it in the water and its effects are heightened. Known to cause cancer quicker than any other agent..apart from vaxx I presume
It's different depending on which fake "viral caused" illness. There isn't one answer that covers all fake viruses.
Colds/Flus are a disappointment/dissatisfaction "stink conflicts" ("This stinks!") which affects the nasopharynx, sinuses, nose, frontal head area. The more intense it gets, the more fear/worry that is mixed in, this then registers in the pharynx, bronchial passages and lungs.
All "Covid" cases that weren't flus/colds or fake "positive test results with no symptoms" were the result of purging deeply held traumas/conflicts in the body that were exposed and released by the rising light quotient in this realm.
The "passing around" of viruses from person to person always includes the fear/worry/avoidance element, which your psyche then responds to by assisting you with the blockages in the nasal/bronchi/lung areas to help "prevent" you from breathing in the thing you're scared of. This we call a flu/cold. Self-generated via our own complaining/worrying.
So What are we getting sick from
Basically, toxins in the environment. Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause auto-immune diseases. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
What about illnesses that spread through a house hold, tribe, or village? How do you explain someone getting sick from being around someone else? Viruses may not exist but can’t harmful bacteria cause illness and be transmitted to others?
Basically nobody knows. What we do know is scurvy "spread" throughout ships at one time, but was found to be dietary. See also the failed experimental attempts to spread the Spanish Flu by sharing disgusting bodily fluids. Perhaps the house hold or group has something else in common? Most "viruses" spread during the winter when sunlight is less, so perhaps it is a reduction in Vitamin D?
Dr. Ryan Cole: "There Is No Such Thing As Flu Season, Only Low Vitamin D Season!"
Could be as simple as a pheromonal response, where people in a small vicinity are sick that they send a signal of that illness and signal that others with the same toxicity should take the time to clear it up.
The better question is, if viruses are spreading disease, how some people can be exposed and it goes ignored?
The theory is not denying the existence of viruses and bacteria, but rather that they serve a different purpose that isn't fully understood.
No one knows how illnesses are spread. All of the below have just as much evidence as the other.
To a virologist, it is an invisible never isolated 'undead' Bogeyman called a "virus" hiding in ever nook and cranny of your "household, tribe, or village".
To a witch doctor or shaman, it is evil spirits that are befalling people in every household, tribe, or village.
To a UFOoligist, it is UBEs using higher technology that we don't understand used in every household, tribe, or village.
To a Terrain Theorist it is toxins in the environment that is found in household, tribe, or village.
Dr. Tom Cowan explains that circumstantial data (epidemiological observations) like this are not necessarily evidence at all and does not follow the scientific method. You are making an observation. Scurvy was thought to be a pathogen for hundreds of years. The observation was made (and widely believed), but it turned out it was not a contagious pathogen, but the lack of vitamin C. There are dozens and dozens of observations like this that do not follow the scientific method. Virology does not follow the scientific method.
And what about the "smallpox blankets" used to spread smallpox among the American Indians, who had previously never been exposed to smallpox, and had virtually zero immunity to it? There may be a lot we don't know about viruses, but clearly, there are known viruses with known illnesses associated with them.
Bed bugs are attracted to mattresses, which the Indians had never invented, so they traded to obtain them. But they didn't know about bed bugs, or what to do about them -- in the beginning. Notice, it only lasted a few years, and then the problem went away.
Bed bugs bite and inject their proteins directly into the bloodstream of humans. One or two bites is no big deal. The body can handle it. But dozens or hundreds of bites can overwhelm the lymphatic system (our waste system), clog it up, and cause lymophoma. Lymphoma can kill, and especially back then when it was not understood and there was no treatment.
Bed bugs almost killed me. I have first-had experience. I had over 300 bed bug bites from one night in cheap motel, where Indians (from India) most likely infected the room from the night(s) before.
About 6-8 months later, I developed lymphoma. I would have died, except that modern medicine/Big Pharma actually does SOME good every now and then (by accident). They had a chemo drug that worked. It was made from mustard gas, so it was an accident that they found it could be used to kill lymphoma cancer, but it can.
So, I know first hand what bed bugs can do. The medical industry is clueless about this, and you won't find anything about it online (at least, I didn't). But I have personal, first-hand knowledge of this subject.
My educated opinion is the Indians died of lymphoma because they did not understand the dangers of bed bugs.
When you read this true research you will never worry about smallpox...the first major con!!!!
The entire ‘narrative’ about American Indians is a lie. Look up tartaria, all these lies are tied together.
Two good examples in support of your question are measles and chicken pox which do appear to be highly contagious. Are most illnesses like Covid barely contagious? Are "viruses" real, but too many things are called viruses which are really something else?
Poor nutrition, poor hygiene, toxic chemicals in the environment, poisons in the environment, and/or harmful electromagnetic frequencies in the environment
Most people today eat a shit diet. That creates toxins inside the body, which needs to get out. Anybody who is coughing, has acne, or any similar health issues is someone who has toxins within their body that the body is trying to get rid of.
The body attempts a "house cleaning" detox peridocially, which we mistakenly think of as "cold and flu season." In reality, when there is less sunshine available (Winter, or rainy season in the tropic zone), we produce less Vitamin D naturally. This lowering of Vitamin D, is (IMO, this is my theory) the trigger for annual detox.
Some people are so toxic inside that they get these symptoms at other times of the year, as well. And some are so toxic that they develop a more severe set of symptoms, which is diagnosed as an illness (diabetes, etc.).
There may also be a mechanism within the human body that senses what is happening in others around us. If women are put into a house together, they often find that their menstrual cycles start to synch. Likewise, children with chicken pox are going through a detox (possibly linked to upcoming maturity and puberty), and others of similar age might sense this and get a trigger to detox, as well.
Some illnesses tend to occur moreso in some blood lines than others. For example, black people tend to get sickle cell anemia more than Whites. This might be due to the fact that blacks need more sun exposure to generate the minimum Vitamin D production necessary, and in the modern world, they often don't -- even if they live in modern day Africa.
Families who live in the same households usually eat the same foods (and junk foods), live in the same household conditions that may have chemicals and EMF's hitting them all, etc. When one gets a detox ("sick"), it might trigger a similar reaction in the others.
One thing we can say for certain, and that everyone can agree on: IF viruses do not exist, then viruses can NOT be the cause of these illnesses. Furthermore, because the "mainstream" medical industry, focused on selling drugs and not on making people healthy, has NO interest in pursuing what ELSE might be the real cause. Their gravy train has been rolling along just fine, running on the tracks of what is largely fraudulent "science."
That needs to change.
5g radiation was what killed them in Wuhan ..they had just switched it on....already highly polluted city. People on cruise ships got hit too.. they had 5g. Electromagnetic devices are very harmful to the body...the symptoms can. Mimic vid d called's all toxic poisoning. Fluoride is a neurotoxin ..eats through concrete....cook with it in the water and its effects are heightened. Known to cause cancer quicker than any other agent..apart from vaxx I presume
It's different depending on which fake "viral caused" illness. There isn't one answer that covers all fake viruses.
Colds/Flus are a disappointment/dissatisfaction "stink conflicts" ("This stinks!") which affects the nasopharynx, sinuses, nose, frontal head area. The more intense it gets, the more fear/worry that is mixed in, this then registers in the pharynx, bronchial passages and lungs.
All "Covid" cases that weren't flus/colds or fake "positive test results with no symptoms" were the result of purging deeply held traumas/conflicts in the body that were exposed and released by the rising light quotient in this realm.
The "passing around" of viruses from person to person always includes the fear/worry/avoidance element, which your psyche then responds to by assisting you with the blockages in the nasal/bronchi/lung areas to help "prevent" you from breathing in the thing you're scared of. This we call a flu/cold. Self-generated via our own complaining/worrying.