Unnecessary hostility towards other people -- that are also fighting the same enemy as you, just in a different way... It is exactly what the enemy wants.
Unfortunately, some people just can't seem to grasp that.
Its just like reddit over there. I looked back at my previous posts, most were deleted by mods and the rest never got any interaction like I was shadowbanned. Definitely run by Alex Jones controlled opposition types
I was wondering what was happening over there but that sums it up.
Upvotes from me to.
we got you fren
What post do you see this on, I've only come across mockery and derision
This kek
Cocococococombo breaker!!!! Trump dropping the hints almost daily now.
Feels good, man.
Upvoat #71 (think mirror).
Turn around 4.5 times, then think mirror.
When Trump made even more obvious references as of late.
Idk, but that's what that meme seems to be saying lol.
It's not true.
Some are still on the tit of mainstream. They are usually older and stuck in their ways.
PDW is doomer and shill infested so you'll still get ridiculed, but there are a lot of closet Q followers now on there
As I said on Patriots, I keep my copium, hopium and doomium all together so that I can see all sides.
I absolutely follow and participate in all our side's shit. Don't know why some over there insist on being divisive.
If they're concerned by the passivity it's one thing, but they treat folk here as enemies which is just flat out stupid.
Unnecessary hostility towards other people -- that are also fighting the same enemy as you, just in a different way... It is exactly what the enemy wants.
Unfortunately, some people just can't seem to grasp that.
I use to post Q stuff when it was on Reddit and many didnt have an issue. Certainly after the election they want none of it
On the positive side, they can finally stop dooming. I feel sorry watching them cry over every illusion.
Can someone explain this meme to me? I never quite knew the “inside joke”.
ohio memes are some of the best memes ever.
Its just like reddit over there. I looked back at my previous posts, most were deleted by mods and the rest never got any interaction like I was shadowbanned. Definitely run by Alex Jones controlled opposition types
nah don’t want to get banned just yet haha
Such patriots...one marvels at their faith.
Could've lost the fucking gun.
I got upvotes on everything I said on that post except for the mods deleted this when I commented it https://youtu.be/XWVNkHQtdbw
chill handshake.
I love how all you shills,identify yourselves with names that make you sound patriotic.
Didn't you read them memo your supposed to lay low and make patriotic shitpost,and then start shilling after you loose the handshake?
Oh look, another faggot handshake account trying to gaslight.