Please be respectful when talking about the Queen. She was a head of state, a monarch, a mother to multiple pedophiles, and most importantly a devoted cousin to her husband.
I could be wrong but I imagine black Brits get to mourn for 2 weeks. Does this uncultured racist not know that black people can live in the UK. What a biggot.
I am likely to catch some heat for this, but what the hell. I am white. I do not think I am superior to blacks. There are some great people who are / were black. I think the world of Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Denzel Washington [as far as I know he's a good guy], Ben Carson, and going way back, Scott Joplin - and forgive me for leaving out others. However, for the most part, I just don't trust them [having not met those I mentioned above, I am sure there are exceptions]. I just simply do not trust them. Most of the ones I have been around are loud, antagonistic, or have a chip on their shoulders. I am one of those "live and let live" types. As long as you don't threaten my family, my students or my country, you're fine until you lie to me. It's not that I haven't tried - I have, many times over the course of 59 years. My attitude now that I am in the autumn of my life is that a man is measured by the company he keeps, whether they're black, brown, red, white or blue. Saying that, I believe there are those who are crafted into a mentality that they are victims who cannot accept responsibility for their own actions and find it easy to blame others for their own problems. As soon as more people, including blacks, look in the mirror and shut the fuck up about how life is unfair and all the world is against them, the better off we will all be.
Well Dr. Jenn, George Floyd was scum, but his family profited handsomely from the death of a scum bag, criminal and had 4 funerals paid for by whom? Queen Elizabeth was royalty, but many of us suspect the royal family are all scumbags too, so George Floyd and Queen Elizabeth do have something in common. Both left money behind to their families, quite a bit of money. Both were honored: George was honored by cities being burned down and looting of store, as their right in his honor. Elizabeth had a less triumphant and quiet acknowledgement of her death: people gathered outside of Buckingham Palace with flowers, silently wiping tears away. The customary 10 days of mourning were extended by 7, equaling a total of 17. Perhaps this acknowledgement that Q is in control and Charles acknowledges their control instead of that of the Rothschilds. I suspect their fortunes will dwindle below those of George Floyd unless the Royals take drastic measures and continue their trafficking of children and adrenochrome. Remember the disappearance of around 20 children in Canada when the queen paid a visit. I do not believe she was good. I believe she was at the root of Diana’s death. People who live into their mid-late 90’s and are involved in government are suspect as adrenochrome users: Queen Elizabeth, Phillip, Kissinger, Kerry (although not in his 90’s yet), GHWB, Barbara Bush, etc.
This is just someone who thinks they think...that's the kind of mindless provocative drivel people with no talent to lead, use to entice idiots to follow them.
On the less criminal side, MLK has a street named after him in nearly every major city ... and where that and Malcolm X Blvd meet, crime rates are, in rememberance of their contributions, the highest in each such city!
I’m confused, are Black folks not getting a chance to mourn the queen? Because honestly, we should all be given the same opportunities to “mourn” the “loss” of a British monarch regardless of our skin color.
Most modern black people have gone pathological. Everything is about race, everything is about them and their "melanin" (which many of them now believe has magic or spiritual powers), and everything is an insult to their pride, even or especially things that have absolutely nothing to do with them. It's total madness. And what doesn't offend them scares them irrationally, and out comes the victim card.
Also, black people have an entire month devoted to them, an entire TV network, whole sections of their own programming on every subscription entertainment service, their own scholarships, their own universities, they're in every single commercial now despite the fact that they're a small part of the population, award shows have become affirmative action handouts where black movies and actors will always win awards simply because they're black, everyone on the planet is afraid to say a word against them for fear of being canceled or worse, and the list goes on and on and on. People like this woman (?) won't be satisfied until whites are their slaves. That's the only thing they'll consider to be sufficient equality and reparations.
Don Jr always delivers.🤭
It’s not about black folks, holy crap this lady is racist AF
Also narcissistic. Everything is about them.
That said, also fuck the queen.
Please be respectful when talking about the Queen. She was a head of state, a monarch, a mother to multiple pedophiles, and most importantly a devoted cousin to her husband.
I could be wrong but I imagine black Brits get to mourn for 2 weeks. Does this uncultured racist not know that black people can live in the UK. What a biggot.
Maybe this will redpill the native British about just who they’re bringing in and just how that’s turning out for them
Waiting for the public reveal on that tiny ass gold casket...
They used "gold foil" make it gold....NOW about that casket????
Only way they could fit his Bigfoot ass in that thing is if they sawed him off at the waist.
I'm all for blacks taking 2 weeks off. Crime would plummet nationwide.
Do we get two weeks off the constant bitching too
Notice that the front part of her brain is missing. Don’t expect a lot of logic to come out of that skull
Yet she can still bitch and whine. Amazing
Are we sure that's even a "she?" Pretty rayciiiiiiis of ya to assume its gender, BTW. LOL!
I am likely to catch some heat for this, but what the hell. I am white. I do not think I am superior to blacks. There are some great people who are / were black. I think the world of Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Denzel Washington [as far as I know he's a good guy], Ben Carson, and going way back, Scott Joplin - and forgive me for leaving out others. However, for the most part, I just don't trust them [having not met those I mentioned above, I am sure there are exceptions]. I just simply do not trust them. Most of the ones I have been around are loud, antagonistic, or have a chip on their shoulders. I am one of those "live and let live" types. As long as you don't threaten my family, my students or my country, you're fine until you lie to me. It's not that I haven't tried - I have, many times over the course of 59 years. My attitude now that I am in the autumn of my life is that a man is measured by the company he keeps, whether they're black, brown, red, white or blue. Saying that, I believe there are those who are crafted into a mentality that they are victims who cannot accept responsibility for their own actions and find it easy to blame others for their own problems. As soon as more people, including blacks, look in the mirror and shut the fuck up about how life is unfair and all the world is against them, the better off we will all be.
Well Dr. Jenn, George Floyd was scum, but his family profited handsomely from the death of a scum bag, criminal and had 4 funerals paid for by whom? Queen Elizabeth was royalty, but many of us suspect the royal family are all scumbags too, so George Floyd and Queen Elizabeth do have something in common. Both left money behind to their families, quite a bit of money. Both were honored: George was honored by cities being burned down and looting of store, as their right in his honor. Elizabeth had a less triumphant and quiet acknowledgement of her death: people gathered outside of Buckingham Palace with flowers, silently wiping tears away. The customary 10 days of mourning were extended by 7, equaling a total of 17. Perhaps this acknowledgement that Q is in control and Charles acknowledges their control instead of that of the Rothschilds. I suspect their fortunes will dwindle below those of George Floyd unless the Royals take drastic measures and continue their trafficking of children and adrenochrome. Remember the disappearance of around 20 children in Canada when the queen paid a visit. I do not believe she was good. I believe she was at the root of Diana’s death. People who live into their mid-late 90’s and are involved in government are suspect as adrenochrome users: Queen Elizabeth, Phillip, Kissinger, Kerry (although not in his 90’s yet), GHWB, Barbara Bush, etc.
At least she has some manners
Lol so if you have manners it's quite all right to diddle and kill kids but a black man who's a dick should die cuz drugs?
I'm no George Floyd fan by any stretch, play stupid games win stupid prizes but your comment is ridiculous.... I hope it's sarcasm.
I'd much rather be surrounded by dick druggies who are truly only hurting themselves than by a bunch of well mannered child killers ....
MLK Jr? Oh wait, I forgot the left doesn't like him anymore.
Well when blacks have a queen, they can mourn for two weeks with their entire nation that they built.
I thought all black women were queens? (And even some of the men.) At least that's what the TV tells me. /s
She’s a real See You Next Tuesday… back where you came from and take your fake “doctorate” with you to educate the masses….
What exactly do “black folks” need to mourn ?
Bet this "Dr" Jen Jack-sonnn (as Rush would pronounce the Rev Jesse) pushed the vax?
Can I get a hallelujah
This is just someone who thinks they think...that's the kind of mindless provocative drivel people with no talent to lead, use to entice idiots to follow them.
On the less criminal side, MLK has a street named after him in nearly every major city ... and where that and Malcolm X Blvd meet, crime rates are, in rememberance of their contributions, the highest in each such city!
Oh, every mlk blvd in America is a total shithole. I see the signs for MLK, I steer clear.
I’m confused, are Black folks not getting a chance to mourn the queen? Because honestly, we should all be given the same opportunities to “mourn” the “loss” of a British monarch regardless of our skin color.
And he was a nobody. Everyone in the world knew who the queen was.
Most modern black people have gone pathological. Everything is about race, everything is about them and their "melanin" (which many of them now believe has magic or spiritual powers), and everything is an insult to their pride, even or especially things that have absolutely nothing to do with them. It's total madness. And what doesn't offend them scares them irrationally, and out comes the victim card.
Also, black people have an entire month devoted to them, an entire TV network, whole sections of their own programming on every subscription entertainment service, their own scholarships, their own universities, they're in every single commercial now despite the fact that they're a small part of the population, award shows have become affirmative action handouts where black movies and actors will always win awards simply because they're black, everyone on the planet is afraid to say a word against them for fear of being canceled or worse, and the list goes on and on and on. People like this woman (?) won't be satisfied until whites are their slaves. That's the only thing they'll consider to be sufficient equality and reparations.
Does this "Dr" really think we're getting 2 weeks paid holidays off work? Lucky if we get 1 day.
Don't they have a national holiday in February in Zimbabwe for Mugabe? THATS EVERY YEAR!!!!
we also do not have 2 weeks off
You don't need a special day off to mourn. No one is stopping you from mourning.