R.I.P. to her or him. I do not agree with their lifestyle but they are dying without ever accepting Jesus Christ and we know where they are going. I pray for her/his soul.
Real Men are supposed to “Protect” and Provide… Judging the Sin and not the Sinner was really my point but have to admit when the Sinner is working to Lure others into the Sin, I have short lapses of memory …
Yes, hard to say love the sinner, hate the sin, when they are not just sinners or sinning. They are living a lifestyle of sin and rebellion.
This to me is the major marker of those destined to hell, not that I would say, so-and-so is going to hell, but those who choose a lifestyle of sin and rebellion have no place in God's kingdom, Jesus says so himself.
I wouldn't know if this person is saved, but I would never recommend there lifestyle, especially if you have asperations of going to heaven. Why tow the line, avoid it like the plague.
That's somewhat of a loaded statement with a tad bit of political correctness and cynicism. To me. it's not a lifestyle. It's a sick transvestite or a cross-dresser. No one knows.... who knows? Maybe this one did find Jesus. I hope so.
C'mon now, we all know what's happening here. I think that's more of realism than cynicism. Ideally, yes, we (all Christians) should hope that this person gave their life to Christ and repented of all known sins.
It is highly unlikely that this is the case. A sinner who sins is "easily" (high price to pay) forgiven, a lifestyle of sinner (let the thief no longer steal...) is not seen in the Bible as a forgiven person. Looking at examples throughout the Bible. I can't off the top of my head, think of someone who led a sinful lifestyle (not repentant) who God: calls blessed, saved, in his bosom, etc. Generally nothing nice is said about them. The reason I won't judge in my head or publicly this person's eternal destination is I don't know what happened between them and God. All I can do is look at the fruit of their life and say, likely or unlikely.
I agree with you, but isn't it a presumption that anyone 'knows' from a news clip? We can talk about the sickness it general terms and its influence on the innocent, but the sudden death of this transvestite, I'll leave it as an enigma belonging to God.
I do not say RIP because if you abuse kids, or push them into a lifestyle that will harm their lives and very soul, I want you to burn in hell.
So I guess it's up to God to judge them now... maybe they were decent but misguided, but seeing what we've been seeing of late, it seems like the majority of the people in this lifestyle are actively going after kids...
R.I.P. to her or him. I do not agree with their lifestyle but they are dying without ever accepting Jesus Christ and we know where they are going. I pray for her/his soul.
Real Men are supposed to “Protect” and Provide… Judging the Sin and not the Sinner was really my point but have to admit when the Sinner is working to Lure others into the Sin, I have short lapses of memory …
Yes, hard to say love the sinner, hate the sin, when they are not just sinners or sinning. They are living a lifestyle of sin and rebellion.
This to me is the major marker of those destined to hell, not that I would say, so-and-so is going to hell, but those who choose a lifestyle of sin and rebellion have no place in God's kingdom, Jesus says so himself.
I wouldn't know if this person is saved, but I would never recommend there lifestyle, especially if you have asperations of going to heaven. Why tow the line, avoid it like the plague.
That's somewhat of a loaded statement with a tad bit of political correctness and cynicism. To me. it's not a lifestyle. It's a sick transvestite or a cross-dresser. No one knows.... who knows? Maybe this one did find Jesus. I hope so.
C'mon now, we all know what's happening here. I think that's more of realism than cynicism. Ideally, yes, we (all Christians) should hope that this person gave their life to Christ and repented of all known sins.
It is highly unlikely that this is the case. A sinner who sins is "easily" (high price to pay) forgiven, a lifestyle of sinner (let the thief no longer steal...) is not seen in the Bible as a forgiven person. Looking at examples throughout the Bible. I can't off the top of my head, think of someone who led a sinful lifestyle (not repentant) who God: calls blessed, saved, in his bosom, etc. Generally nothing nice is said about them. The reason I won't judge in my head or publicly this person's eternal destination is I don't know what happened between them and God. All I can do is look at the fruit of their life and say, likely or unlikely.
I agree with you, but isn't it a presumption that anyone 'knows' from a news clip? We can talk about the sickness it general terms and its influence on the innocent, but the sudden death of this transvestite, I'll leave it as an enigma belonging to God.
Do we need to drag this story out?
Was going to get into whether He/She/It was JABBED, but that felt like a slippery slope !!😬
It was most likely jabbed.
So I suppose it is identifying as deceased now…right? And can vote in November!
Bet her doctors are baffled and confused.
I Agree.. Twisted on every level …
I know, the punny name makes it SO cringe.
not to be pedantic but
if this person was performing in drag, then wouldn't they have to be born male, and presenting as female?
and if they were a trans woman, then they would just be dressing up like any other woman, and it wouldn't even be drag.
so if the author assumes this persons preferred pronouns are she/her,
the the author is erasing drag queens.
and is probably a "phobe" of some sort.
I tried to warn them. This ain't no gayme!
Sports bar???
One down, however many more to go.
I do not say RIP because if you abuse kids, or push them into a lifestyle that will harm their lives and very soul, I want you to burn in hell.
So I guess it's up to God to judge them now... maybe they were decent but misguided, but seeing what we've been seeing of late, it seems like the majority of the people in this lifestyle are actively going after kids...
Hopefully the COVID jab made his death much less severe.
Good for it.