And Newsom has a law on the books that says NO sales of small engines starting January 2024. Most portable generators use small gasoline powered engines to rotate the electrical generator.
These people are essentially brainwashed. Weak minds are easily manipulated. I mainly feel sorry for them because they aren't going to escape the consequences of their belief systems when reality comes a knocking.
Faggot level
^Those^ words work. 😂🤣😂
So he must be a libturd and I guarantee got the jabs.
This has to be a sign of buyers remorse.........
Nope. It will always be (d)ifferent for these people.
What a dyke.
-Jackass Patrol
The front plate says eww women
... might b staged
Maybe he's referring to his own? 😵🤣
Lol reminds me of the Seinfeld with "Assman"🐸
And Newsom has a law on the books that says NO sales of small engines starting January 2024. Most portable generators use small gasoline powered engines to rotate the electrical generator.
-Tesla driver with "EWWW GAS" vanity plate
Its reported that Churchill once said that there are two traditions in the British Navy... rum and sodomy.
I believe the quote was, “rum, buggary and the lash!”
Clown world!
Wait until he tries to evacuate and runs out of electrical power. How will he re-charge his car while sitting in a long line of cars stuck in traffic?
raised by a single mother
Somebody give this faggot a cigarette
Lmao. Idiots
He's probably filling up the gas tanks for his boats
These people are essentially brainwashed. Weak minds are easily manipulated. I mainly feel sorry for them because they aren't going to escape the consequences of their belief systems when reality comes a knocking.
If you can afford a Tesla you should be able to afford a built-in generator for your house.
Let's let his neighbors know who has gas. Oh, wait, he already did. heh