His pants are not on backwards. I just found the source video for this. It's just extremely low quality video (zoomed in) and it blends the zipper cover and you can't see button because pants.
It seemed a little too much so I had to investigate.
Video is linked below, it was when he was talking about Puerto Rico aid and shit.
Welp, so much for our moms and dads once telling us that: "Even the President puts his pants on every morning, just like you do son." haha, I hope not.
It's not true. See u/Lord_Moo's comment:
But it is truly believable!
there is no way this is not planned/forced, a humiliation ritual at a minimum...shit's getting more and more ridiculous and cannot be "real"......
I agree. This is way over the top. How about he wears a shoe for a hat next?
or depends on the outside of his pants
Why not just have him piss himself on live television?
that would be awesome.....
His pants are not on backwards. I just found the source video for this. It's just extremely low quality video (zoomed in) and it blends the zipper cover and you can't see button because pants.
It seemed a little too much so I had to investigate.
Video is linked below, it was when he was talking about Puerto Rico aid and shit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34roOn8yiTk Marker to tell it is correct 33:17 Video basically starts at 32 minutes-ish. It is just a visual gaff.
I can't believe I sat there and stared at Joe Biden's crotch to figure this out.
Well, I looked at Big Mike, so might as well check everyone...
So a pattern is developing?
Yes, look at https://qalerts.app/?n=4730
3rd hand on the 6.
What about the side pockets that are visible from front? Looks backwards to me.
Yeah, I saw the zipper on the front of his pants. Was looking to see if maybe the guy meant inside out but the video quality is too poor.
Welp, so much for our moms and dads once telling us that: "Even the President puts his pants on every morning, just like you do son." haha, I hope not.
Kriss Kross fanboy
I don't see it unless the zipper is suppose to be in the back.
It looks like a zipper on the front. I will watch again.
Buhahaha did you see the look on all the peoples faces...priceless
He was probably told to wear them that way because he's always shitting himself?
lol open the bomb bay doors........
I really don't enjoy zooming in on his crotch, but you're right. What a retard. Maybe Jill did it to distract from her hideous dress and espadrilles.
that joke was below the belt
I see what you did there.
Those quick diaper changes behind the scenes can get pretty hectic.
At least we hope the diaper was installed correctly.
Interesting search results from Google. Seems they wanna cover it up with Trump did it. Just thought I would share https://www.google.com/search?q=biden+wear+his+pants+backwards&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sxsrf=ALiCzsZXjCByDyY8nexGpm55UtNE_iRHBg%3A1664993539721&ei=A8k9Y67JK7iG0PEPhOWosAo&oq=biden+wear+his+pants+backwards&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQghEKABMgUIIRCrAjIFCCEQqwI6BAgeEApKBAhBGAFQhhtYxjxg0UBoAHAAeACAAbQBiAGkCJIBAzAuN5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
So if I'm being honest I have zero skills in that department.
Ok thanks for that. Will work on figuring it out.
Think mirror
No.... You can see the zipline material..