Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's not the interesting part. The 5.8 was proceeded by a 7.0 earthquake. These are after shocks. The aftershocks kept going after 5 days from the original 7.0. There were other shockwaves too 5.3 5.5 etc, 5.8 was the highest and it was after a period of those aftershocks, and last night they were getting closer together and increasing in intensity.

What does this mean? There is significant blocking in that area. There is a researcher I've kept tabs on that has been talking about the blocking of plates around the ring of fire, near Alaska, and the San Andreas Fault.

The current theory he has is the blocking is significant and has slowdowns of cyclical trends that have stopped over the past 70, 50, and 30 years and plenty of newer data to go off of too. Essentially this boils down to stored kinetic energy that releases in the form of Earthquakes, with blocking starting to reach a breaking point where we see things like aftershocks not being "done" and increasing at times tells us that yes, it is significant.

If another 7.0-8.0 earthquake releases in that area, the mega-event is close by. Likely to be a 9.1+-10.0+ earthquake near Japan, that is the current theory. There is way more information from the guy's theory as it is - but he's been at this for over a year. When he first predicted it was as Early as Christmas, but likely later this year. He's been on fire making predictions, which goes to say he is finding his groove in making an understanding of his own research, quite fascinating.

The kicker though is that he believes that "they", the people in charge of USGS and above are censoring some data, specifically Africa, but in general he says they should know of these and don't report on them, and he finds that odd and has much suspicion there, but this is just my summary of events. The guy never seemed normal per say, but he definitely has kept up his efforts, increased his reach and has been gaining followers, some of which are news just to keep tabs I would imagine.

IF this happens, expect Japan to be upheaved completely, California to be completely fucked, a chain of events releasing similar energy throughout the world (not as significant) and at this much energy even being in the states you would feel a rumbling for close to a half hour that is equivalent to a 9.0 earthquake if this got up to a 10.0. That's how significant this energy release COULD be. Granted I'm not the expert but I've been following for close to a year now and he definitely isn't smoking the reefer. He's got a working understanding.

Anyways that's my info dump.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's timing. This is the Drip Drip Drip. Notice how nothing is getting by the media to try and address all these stories? How are they always on point and direct?

They also had to get rid of the loyalists within Twitter that also took awhile I'm sure, there were leaks they had to fix, remember? Lots of Twitter employees revealing or exposing or back talking. They had to revoke access, sift thru, virtually audit everything then release. It has to be thorough, and there has to be receipts, something we were deprived of.

Lord_Moo 18 points ago +18 / -0

Did they rig the election for the D and realized the D wasn't even alive? Why did this go unmissed? Did they write him in each time or didn't take off the ballot? Like come on...

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I started looking just barely a couple things to note 11/14 is on there 1114 https://qalerts.app/?n=1114

21:24 Posting Time https://qalerts.app/?n=2124 21:15 Original Posting Time (check their archive) https://qalerts.app/?n=2115

Why give a 9 minute update between post times. What could have been wrong with the minor update that they missed.

Those are just the 3 things I noticed on that post. It isn't every one, as some solar data just has to be discussed. The circumstantial, "I didn't really see anything" or "this doesn't mean anything really" type posts are always up around key events. Just saying.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The article says it's him. It's captioned too.

by DrMcCoy
Lord_Moo 10 points ago +10 / -0

His pants are not on backwards. I just found the source video for this. It's just extremely low quality video (zoomed in) and it blends the zipper cover and you can't see button because pants.

It seemed a little too much so I had to investigate.

Video is linked below, it was when he was talking about Puerto Rico aid and shit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34roOn8yiTk Marker to tell it is correct 33:17 Video basically starts at 32 minutes-ish. It is just a visual gaff.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is no threat of CME or solar flare or kerrington event. Check for yourself.



Ruling this out for now, becuase it would be impossible to predict a huge event days before it happens, not to mention solar activity would take time for it to reach us, and in that time we would know what to expect to be hitting us. It takes hours or days for CME activity to have an effect on us since it triggers a geomagnetic storm based on the ejection. Or a flare can cause solar radiation to also have a similar effect. But none of these have been detected to have happened (yet) so if it did you'd get confirmation beforehand.

Say it does happen, a large force to act as an "EMP" it would fry sensitive electronics, certainly not all electronics. Basically anything with a microprocessor. Again, this has not been detected, nor do I suspect something "looming". I would have but there has been very little activity the last 2-3 days.

I've been watching Solar activity daily for... almost a year now. Some good activity before now, and I wanted to speculate that it would have been used eventually, but nope this weekend so far is clear of any solar activity springing up on it unexpectedly. It could happen on that day, but you'd have time to react somehow.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is so much more I have uncovered via this resource, but it's been kinda like my private "well" if even the times are truly random and nothing to do with Q they have a way of pciking those times to correspond with my thinking. It's either a great reading exercise or it's comms.

The post I referenced as to what the posts could be, that I think give them the most authenticity is look at post 4660/4659. Then go to the website and look at the post pictures. You see the resemblance right? This particular note - "easiest way is to recrop an image slightly smaller or slightly larger"

The images on the front page and when clicked on are formatted different. Either automatic process or not, but we have larger and smaller versions of the images that also truncate the edges of these posts at times. I've also soon them 100% showing. It's odd that these graphics are "homemade" each and every time.

I'm not trying to force my perspective here all too much. I'm hoping I get some curious thinkers. If not I love spaceweather as a hobby. Not sure which started it first, but the first time I checked it out it was 100% for comms because I saw warnings I didn't understand and I had the thought of something EMP related or some sort of "solar event" because of what a daily Q-Post mentioned.

I thought of the different ways they could implement this and how I could fact check it BEFORE it was announced to see if the data known before an event goes off if it was detectable or predicted in any way (so it can't be 100% random event, it takes a few hours for Coronal mass ejections CMEs to effect us, and geomagnetic storms are the same way, but can take days) So if there ever was a Kerrington type event I would want to know if it was legit or not.

That being said, I stumbled upon the site and just saw that there were a bunch of oddities that seemed to me just... off. I stumbled upon post 4660 beforehand and it just clicked when I saw it almost so clearly that this was sort of what was going on - more advanced and comms probably have "layers" but for a message? Very easy. Then the themes of space force, satellites, GOES 17 satellite, and much more.

I ended up telling a few people about it over time, and they just did that "oh well that's kinda weird... I can't say you're wrong but keep me updated" and I have to those people and they still are interested and surprised at the relevancy. I'm not saying this will change our lives or change your ways of thinking I'm just trying to explain the method to see if it holds true. The 1700 post gave me a bit more confidence after the FBI Raid stuff too, that it just seemed to make sense to share.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I absolutely remember this! In fact that's what also fueled more of my suspicions on solar activity because of this raid of child porn at a solar observatory was absurd.

They cleaned up nicely because it really didn't let out much info besides the fact everyone was surprised - just because it was so random it seemed, but "plausible". Fancy FBI always planting evidence on those they don't like eh? Maybe some intelligence communities felt a little left out and tried to ascertain info that they thought could be used. Lots of theories with this.

Lord_Moo 26 points ago +26 / -0

I have a resource that I think is connected in comms and have for some time.


Look at the posts on the front page, take any numbers and apply them to Q-Drops just about every time of post works. Sometimes these numbers get updated and insert new time.

Last significant (besides the last few over the last few days) was the 8th. Trump mentions Watch <-- well we went into Geomagnetic storm watch on the 8th, and it was also the day of the FBI raid. The Q-Posts seemed related.

Updates over the last few days. Some of the drops I have gathered. 2246/2245 - Trump with close deltas together 2232 - Forces SUN to SHINE (look at the space weather - it's actually getting spicy G3 geomagnetic storm coming 17-19)

Those are just the time stamps from what they updated last night. The original time posts of some of those posts were 2215 - Panic US Panic UK 1928 - Showtime - Panic in DC movie

I think this is relating to Liz Cheney - and the slow buy assured victory over the deepstate political families.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND that swpc.gov or spaceweather.gov (same website) doesn't do a lot of updates and suddenly they are updating a bunch of stuff AS WELL AS a geomagnetic storm warning over the next few days.

Sure see coincidences everywhere BUT there have been an extraordinary relation in qposts linked These are not the only ones but the time stamps of the posts. The posts themselves contain other SPECIFIC times (which why be that specific if you're just giving out an alert that something what noticed, who picks the time?)

I've delayed on continually posting about it because it seems crazy - it seems like it's too coincidental. But I'm starting to notice patterns. When Trump sends a message with "watch" in it, we see a geomagnetic watch set typically or some solar event.

Other notable posts (time stamps of references within) 0758 - Sept 7 1776 -- this one references basically a "submarine" vessel that was attempted to sink ships around the revolutionary war period. 3078 2014 - Corona 4 offline - Corona is also a part of the sun (this one was updated over some of the same post time stamps, but can't find it since archives only capture original post and most recent update) 358 which doesnt make much sense without the last one I've been looking for...

The Sun's corona is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere. The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun's surface. That makes it difficult to see without using special instruments. However, the corona can be viewed during a total solar eclipse.

Corona may have two meanings with this context. Corona virus. Solar Corona.

Just a crazy person unloading. I just to make the relationship of watch to geomagnetic watch and wanted to see the relationships

PS- This is not the first time crazy coincidences and sudden updates over weeks if not months of silence on the website occur. I check it every day because it's fascinating for the space weather alone, it's become a hobby. But it matches so well with the subtlety of Q posts. It's government controlled. It's also go CUSTOM made graphics which really correspond well with 4660 and 4662 talking about how to get sniffers to not be able to detect information. Well custom made graphics that cut off the edge of the picture and never make the same graphic twice would be a good way to keep people from accidentally stumbling upon it with AI.

Lord_Moo 7 points ago +7 / -0

The bottom picture is George Bush and Thomas S Monson, who is the (former) Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints. (he died)

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is there a video? Looks like he is reaching back for something right now in the pic. Why fake it? It's either fake with real handcuffs or it's just a hold and she's complying because it's not fake just rational it would only hurt herself as a politician to resist arrest in anyway once she's been identified.

edit: Watched video, seems fake

Lord_Moo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea but I wanted to follow up on it to SEE if it was true. Woulda been a bit easier with the date is all.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +6 / -1

Tweet doesn't mean much without the date. No idea if this is current or old news.

Lord_Moo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bluecifer is an awesome monument. It's only "evil" because it killed it's owner when it was being made. It fell on him. It's not an evil statue, it's misunderstood!

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

The structure itself has a hole on the top, and a hole in the center pillar. I'm assuming someone might've put it in there, and the explosion would cause it to violently react as the immense pressure in a tight space would fracture parts of it, but not completely shatter and explode it completely apart. It wasn't that large of an explosion so it was meant to do damage, but not say, demolish it.

It probably cause it to fall apart which did a good deal of damage having it fall on it's own weight. But I don't think that it was launched. It could have easily been thrown or dropped from a drone perhaps, which are fairly easily accessible to anyone and when you open the "option" to anyone no one can be more right or wrong without more specific details being confirmed in the investigation.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

One more passing comment that may be interesting to think. I was raised Mormon, which most people know about in passing or a more or less whole. I left the church years ago, it not good. Joseph Smith was a free mason, and the book he wrote, albeit very interesting for wisdom and it talks about some really high concept stuff about what happens to civilizations throughout time (though no evidence of these civilizations are really proven except for a known forgery that one prophet mistook as real called the Kinderhook plates) but I digress.

The point I wanted to make was that the study of humans and the rises and falls of societies is almost scientific. You see the warning signs along the way. When the populous starts to be so prosperous, it becomes corrupt within it's government. When it does that the government makes the people immoral. Once you lose morals, the wars, the corruption, the downfall of their society is brought to them. They go more into the politics of kings and leaders and all that, the Book of Mormon has a lot of stuff between nations and people but I would not have traded away my experience knowing the stories because they are laden with wisdom, even if the stories aren't true the wisdom prevails.

I mention this for two fold, one Joseph Smith being a free mason, may have done something on the radical end, almost revealing some sort of inner knowledge of view/scope of how to view government and society, which is what a secret society would have had a warm welcome with. The second, because the leadership now is corrupt as most religious leadership is now a days, and the abuse of the religion has perpetuated problems that religion has always exploited by evil people, the abuse of children by having a religious figure insert themselves and cause mayhem if they so choose.

Do I think that other religions piggyback off of others, sure. I think they are all trying to describe the same thing. That's what I think makes everything look and feel true in most religions. I think the powers that we try to connect to probably exist, and it's other beings from other dimensions or "beyond the vale" or what have you. This insider knowledge is hard to grasp, define, and share which is why they let wisdom do the talking. Here's what we know, we shall prove it right over time. This is where I would be looking to religion is these end times basically. Not because I need to flock to faith in fear, but because we are growing more desperate and our convictions are holding stronger than in a time where we were mostly "ok". But we may be moving again toward the age of miracles, because we are gonna need more than ever after the dust settles from whatever it is that's been happening to the world the last decade or so.

Lord_Moo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that they could be refuted or rebuffed, but yes the 9/11 content is magnificent. I also just like his world view approach much after the religion section. Personally, I think his abstract view on religion basically moving past it, to describe humankind and what's taken place over the course of history is the responsible approach because he tries to disarm your religious thinking to expand it to a more open space that all humans can share regardless of religion, but enhanced by their tenants of why all humans gravitate toward certain behaviors.

In doing so I think I'd be more open to exploring religion, and honestly that's true as lately I've been thinking of reading scripture again mostly because of that, and I think despite literal or religious connotations, the scriptures and holy books of old were a great accounting to how the wisdom of the millennia that have passed can be still absorbed and it's scary parallel to what we see today.

Lord_Moo 5 points ago +7 / -2

Although the brightness of the light in the background might seem pertinent. It may not, depending on the camera settings this happened at night. IF the explosions went off, causing the camera to jiggle in the slightest, it may have meant that anything already within it's [This is a bright area on my current lens] filter to move, causing whatever happened around it to take on a very high gamma setting.

Gamma setting: It defines the relationship between a pixel's numerical value and its actual luminance. Without gamma, shades captured by digital cameras wouldn't appear as they did to our eyes.

This is just a "for instance" we have to take into account the technology capturing the event as "telling us the truth" about what it saw. It only has so much functionality within it's own control, but those functions may have skewed the results when a sudden change was detected.

I've seen a lot of security cameras capture "ghosts" but it's because the detection for moving objects in low light cause them to only show up somewhat, as the areas that contain objects or artifacts with fixed positions will basically key that in, and when something moves around that object slow enough or much darker or moving something much brighter we see some effects we wouldn't see on the video because the camera is trying to "be smart" and capture what we "should be seeing" but it changes the result by trying to measure it and keep it in a format we "should" understand.

I don't think it was a directed energy weapon of any sorts either. Standard blast. Think about it, the angle that it would have had to approach seems unlikely for a weapon having to come from the sky (or at least that's what I would assume, satellite, or some deployable weapon that is guided through the air) also, the amount of energy to do that over distance would be extraordinary, and for what it did it was so impactful to STONE a famous insulator from electrical energy, it's doubtful that it would cause that kind of damage. You'd be better off using a rail gun with the same type of technology of high energy weapon and it's a kinetic ordinance that would collide with the stone breaking it.

Even if you pushed a massive EMF field toward stone, it should remain relatively unaffected unless they are doing something much more complicated than sending energy, but rather powering certain things, speculating, you could charge the air and make it to the stone to what, deliver a lightning strike? Say that happened. That'd be more "weather" manipulation, which does exist (Spain is on record, and search cloud seeding it's technology we were interested in the 1940s-1970s. by the 1980s we were more into programming and digital facets)

That's my take, long I know. But the information is in contrast to the theories I've seen, and it's not taking away from them, but merely explaining things we should consider before we take what we first saw and wanted to speculate on, and think of the boring more likely explanation. However, I won't say it's definitely 100% NOT an EMF type weapon, but it's gotta have to be some high tech shit for sure.

My guess IF anything, it's weather manipulation that caused perhaps an ionized trail from the sky to the ground causing it to basically be a line of electrons creating a full circuit for energy to quickly release to the ground in such high energy that it strikes and causes a small explosion, seemingly, from nature.

Though what we see in the video doesn't seem to deliver like that... My guess is someone planted the explosive, maybe even a bunch of tannerite, I haven't much played with it, but it would definitely do some damage if you planted it into a hole in a stone and the pressure was too much. It would significantly compromise the stone being so brittle, that's likely why they had to demolish the rest of the guide stones because they don't know if the stone is compromised and could fall on someone and since it's such a wildly hated symbol right now, it's best that people don't get themselves hurt trying to do more to it or tip it, and get crushed or something.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

What he covers is fact. The other religions. You may not like discussing them, but there are 100% similarities. I went to a Private Christian college and I regretted it, but what they even taught there was the same, that other religions have "partial" truths of what is at the end of the rainbow.

So let's just stop that line of thinking right there, you can't say something is BS because you don't like it. I'd rather you say that you don't like the parts where he says xyz, that would be more convincing than a blanket statement defending your faith that rejects all "offending" materials despite it's merit, but how you feel about it.

He doesn't even get into the specifics of each religion, but yes, if you study religion you notice that ALL religions have a central theme to them. ALL of them do. You have to actually be not afraid to study another religion before you can accept information that brings down your current view on your faith.

Just because you put "proofs" in quotations doesn't assert it's falsehood. It asserts how you interpret new data from a source. You found it offensive that it takes Christianity out of the spotlight. Even though it promotes it's tenants.

That said, the best method has always been to include enough truth to sound convincing and then to distort it into the direction you with the audience to go.

That's what EVERYONE has done FOREVER when they decide to spread any thought or idea. You're giving yourself the loophole to say "it's close but not quite". At the college I went to, they always said "These other religions are good, and they promote good things, but they are only partially correct/have partial truths" because how else can you explain the "overlap" and then different conclusions? You can't.

It's either all correct or all not, and any sort of "partial truths" not given from an approved source is deemed blasphemy. Most religions are a vehicle to ruling people. Considering how kings and queens used religion for centuries to claim "divine right" to rule, even the priests and Pharisees had their hay day to saying their gods allowed them such "gifts" which were likely slight of hand and props

Say what you will, you cannot tell me there are "partial truths" while you contend to say you know best any one's version of "truth" is corrupt for not being what you whole heartedly accept. Considering he has more than enough evidence to assert a heliocentric model of worship, and we know other religions in the ancient past have also done so, why not admit that there are connections between sun worship and the god you know now?

I'm not even sayin Christianity HAS to be wrong. It's one of many religions. The part that gets me is the ignorance or the audacity to say "the religion I was born into is clearly the 1 truth, others are close but none are like mine, this is the truth, and I will die for it" yea that's great but that is every war ever right there with that thinking. Thinking other religions are attacks on your own is the kind of thinking that starts conflict. Shedding the vehicle for truth, religion, and accepting the way the world works and learning from that is how you surpass yourself in knowing what things really are.

Just my opinion. I'm Agnostic, not atheist. There's something out there, whether it's god or some other finality, so be it. But no one can or should claim to know more about an afterlife than anyone else. Divine right does not exist, and has not existed. To do so would be arrogant lest we forget the amount of false prophets these books proclaim as well. Finding the underlying way that "scripture" or "tablets" or "scrolls" all mean the same thing may be the best way to unite the world under something because as humans we all recognize good vs evil. It's not always easy to identify, but not pursuing more knowledge is in and of itself a spiritual death as well. It's up to you to learn more, and to continue learning.

Let's hope of a tolerant community rather than an exclusionary. I will say, Christianity has had it's fair share of follies and fortune. I'm not one to say what's best. Just one that claims no one should claim they found the best for everyone, they can find their own way.

Lord_Moo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Considering the Pharaoh tomb mask, and the star above the Earth and the Pharaoh looking to it I would assume some sort of sun worship. Considering the Egyptians were the most prominent with their sun worship, most religions do it in one form or another.

Yes even Christianity. Ever wonder why the Birth of Christ is December 25th? Winter solstice. This is when the sun is at it's lowest, but from then on day by day, we see more sun, till Spring, it symbolizes Birth/Rebirth. Which brings us to Easter. Which symbolizes death and rebirth, the sun is approaching it's shortest days, the summer solstice. (this doesn't happen AT Easter, more closely it's the vernal equinox where days and night are briefly equal in length which THEN approaches the death for shorter days)

If you were to chart the sun and look to the horizon, you'd see what? Well you'd see a cross. This is astrology at work here, our ancestors kept note and track of the sun movements. They created their symbols to represent these significant events.

There are quite literally 100s of other characters that do this in other religions throughout all of time. Some examples are Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis and Attis, Dionysus, as well as Jesus. They die at "Christmas" and revive in Spring. It's a simple model we've seen forever.

There are other things to note about symbiology and religion. Most religions have a "garden of Eden" type origin. Man -> immortal -> choice -> Knowledge-> mortal -> physical death -> judgement -> heaven/hell. It's all a journey to make it "back" to heaven. Or the heaven equivalent. Or rest. Or whatever you believe would be on the other side of things.

It's interesting that we think our religions of this day and age are unique and praiseworthy of some notable idea that started 2000 years before Christ, and you could even have one that's almost tit for tat the same as Jesus.

I am spiritual, and I feel as though many religions understand spirituality. The "rules" are as simple as karma. Knowing what the intention is the act that was put into the world and judgement on the act and intention. I believe in good and evil. I believe that there is something after death. But beyond that, there's too much evidence no one knows what's going on except we are approaching the only thing we've ever truly known. That is what we can learn from the planet we're on. Every day since the origin of Earth the sun was there, and we've studied and observed what we can, every one's day always starts with the sun.

Just some fun studying. There's a really cool documentary I can recommend that goes further into this concept, and strangely enough goes into modern day and talks about conspiracies and how people go to control man that is contradictory to what we believe man's behavior and values have been throughout time. It's called Zeitgeist, one of the best documentaries of my life, fun fact there are 3 of them! I haven't even watched the third yet, I think it came out January of this year, the first one was 2007?2008? Very useful at any point in your life, and you'll slap yourself realizing how much we already knew about 9/11 and still nothing was done. Everything about the 9/11 story is bullshit from the official report.

damn I sound crazy but I love these topics.

Lord_Moo 16 points ago +16 / -0

My guess is it's Jan 6th Finale, or something relating to it. It's too in the front spectacle not to be the last boom, considering their "surprise witness".

Could also be Vaccine related. Biden/Hunter Biden related. Could be Hillary Clinton/Obama/FISA related Ukraine/Russia related. Taiwan/Chinese related Nancy Pelosi related.

There are many booms to be. Could be a lot of stuff.

Lord_Moo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because they don't have stock footage of anyone actually with Monkeypox... I haven't heard one "sob story" about their loved ones getting or dying from Monkeypox. 100% it is vax side effects being masked so no one is proud enough to admit that they or anyone they know explicitly have it.

Lord_Moo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Except the range on 5G is catastrophically low. The reason there are so many antennas they have quoted as to needing are because they are microcells.

The microcells are basically tiny cell towers that are mounted nearby to provide coverage. They do this seemlessly by switching from one to the other by providing a measured signal. The reason they have to measure this signal is because amplifying too much and you overload the antennas (think microphone feedback) and two, is because there is something called AGC which is automatic gain control.

Since signals tend to be mixed with ambient noise and sometimes need to be designed to cover a larger area we can essentially dial in the effectiveness of a particular antenna. Some of these MAY have beamforming to pinpoint accurately to a directed user, but this is not feasible when we are dealing with the amount of people that are currently using it, it will beam form slightly, but this is just directionality, and would be described as a directional antenna or LPDA type antenna.

The strength of cellular signal are quite low... in fact. The minimum signal requirement for your phone to be able to identify above the noise level is -115dB which if you're any good with math you'll no that the amount of energy is so low it can hardly do anything. Since we are dealing with EMF that uses waves/frequency to do this we measure the "loudness" of the signal, or amplitude, in Decibels. The frequency is the full waveform over time. Decibels are logarithmic, as you go up or down in value, you're changing by the same amount comparative to the original amount, let me explain.

(every 10dB change is +/-10x signal | 3.2dB = ~+/-2x signal) Signal A = -115dB = 0-1 Bar signal Signal B = -105dB = 2 Bar signal Signal C = -95dB = 3-4 Bar Signal Signal D = -65dB = 5 Bar signal The difference from A -> B is 10x LESS signal strength. The difference from A -> D = 10x10x10x10x10 Signal Strength = 100,000x stronger. I'm not kidding, but it also isn't that significant, because just as signal strength changes so fast, so does the area of which an antenna can broadcast without dissipating the entire signal into white noise.

This effect is called the inverse square law, essentially the further you go the further your signal goes down exponentially.

When we basically have no signal left at the end of service area, there is essentially 0 energy over ambient noise signal. Thing is, your cellphone has to send back signal to the cell tower, and trust me when I say this, your cellphone doesn't transmit much power. Many cell phones have two signal strengths: 0.6 watts and 3 watts, meant for different frequencies, low and hi band which is essentially 3G and 4G.

The new 5G signals ARE NOT ACTUAL 5G SIGNAL they are advertised for the namesake of 5G but are actually the same 4G signals but "upgraded" which is essentially none different than normal everyday life before 5G anyways. The new 5G is this higher frequency which means even lower range.

When frequencies get higher the more they are impacted to dissipation of energy over distance. Essentially increasing the likely hood of not getting signal. The trade-off is beneficial though, it allows more data to transfer faster.

When I see theories that try to use 5G as a "method" to explain their "theory" I get rather upset because it shows they only see this technology as some sort of potential "techno-magical" disaster. I'm not trying to discredit the use of it isn't nefarious, but it isn't mad scientist hour.

If anything 5G network is compromised or planned with backdoors that allow governments to eavesdrop on everything, since that is their only real desire is to control, not destroy per se.

Frequencies are also very percise, I've heard "what if they use the resonant frequency of (insert idea here). Well... our communications, to no one's surprise, is actually very simple, but complex. Let me show you: https://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/2003-allochrt.pdf

That link will take you to the FCCs frequency allocation chart, showing EVERY type of approved communication, and what the reserved band (a range of frequency) is used for. Lower frequencies are meant for higher range low data so think ship communications and submarines and the like. The higher ones are more data focused, so cellular and WiFi and bluetooth and the like.

There are some frequencies that do affect other materials using the aforementioned "resonant" frequency which allows the transfer of energy more readily into the material it has a resonance with. This is very particular to the matter the object is made of, for instance microwave ovens use the resonant frequency of water to cook with, but that is a 1200W microwave at only 6 inches away, vs a 3W cell phone talking to a cell tower miles away. Whatever situation you're worried about is likely not even possible in most cases, because beamforming and the like is extremely complicated to send a beam to a specific target while hitting nothing else and not ricocheting to another target and so on.

The idea behind 5G should be skeptical, but think of it as a network please, and not a beam of energy meant to do nefarious psuedo-science doomsday devices. Cell towers only project 3W-500W of power, but over miles. That's only a lot of energy that can do harm IF...

The Target is ridiculously close range The signal is very accurately The Target is comprised of matter specifically chosen to be affected by the signal The Cell tower is used out of scope of what it can do (or microcell which uses even less power)

PLEASE take my words to heart, let's stop fantasizing of doomsday devices built into communication infrastructures... my only guess to it's nefarious use is by it's intended normal use of data communication, and it'll be more on the snooping/eavesdropping/tracking side of things.

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