Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs.
A man and woman were chained to the cube--the same Man and Woman I saw in the garden, but now they had horns and tails tipped with flame. And they were evidently dissatisfied in spirit, and were filled with protest and repulsion.
"This is a picture of weakness", said the voice, "a picture of falsehood and evil. They are the same man and woman you saw in the garden, but their love ceasing to be a sacrifice, became an illusion. This man and woman forgot that their love is a link in the chain that unites them with eternity, that their love is a symbol of equilibrium and a road to Infinity.
"They forgot that It is a key to the gate of the magic world, the torch which lights the higher Path. They forgot that Love is real and immortal and they subjugated it to the unreal and temporary. And they each made love a tool for submitting the other to himself.
"Then love became dissension and fettered them with iron chains to the black cube of matter, on which sits deceit".
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly. I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist.
"But how to do this is not for me to tell. For I am the Evil which men say is the cause of all evil and which they invented as an excuse for all the evil that they do.
"They call me the Prince of Falsehood, and truly I am the prince of lies, because I am the most monstrous production of human lies".
The Black cube is the Cube of Matter.
It's the symbol of Man's obsession with the Material World.
In other words, it's the False Idol of Materialism.
"Recall the words of the orator, and the meaning of this symbol will be plain," she said, as I gazed in silence at this truly marvelous work. "The white pyramid symbolizes the higher self, the spirit of the pilgrimage; the black cube symbolizes the lower man or the celestial being after it is lost in matter. The being has sunk so low that nothing but a thread connects it with the higher self, and the passions and desires that arise from matter, and which are symbolized by the red demon, would sever even this frail connection and destroy the soul.
Yeah, I saw this speech by Biden too. Red, black, devil stuff.
"Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly."
And then Jill came out in a bunny suit and led him away for his pudding and peanut butter crackers.
It is an agent noun from Greek diaballein "to slander, attack," literally "to throw across," from dia "across, through" (see dia-) + ballein "to throw" (from PIE root *gwele- "to throw, reach").
The Devil card, therefore, is more talking about taking God's word out of context and reaching for meaning that isn't there. Like lawyers and politicians do when they ignore one part of the law to enforce another.
They take what God has said, and slander his Word.
The story on the Devil, therefore, should not be taken literally, as it is clear the allusions to the allegory are presented and that the author fully understands the etymology of the word "Devil."
"They call me the Prince of Falsehood, and truly I am the prince of lies, because I am the most monstrous production of human lies"
The Devil is real. The Devil is in the heart of any Creature that spins the Word of God against God's Creation.
The Lie.
The Lie IS the Devil, as the Lie is his child made when he raped Humanity and forced its birth.
Lucifer whispered into Eve's ear, and she did partake. Had she not partook of the Fruit, the Lie would have not been born. The Lie and her foolish belief of it birthed Slander into the world.
The Devil is not Satan is not Lucifer.
The Devil, the Slander, is the child of Man and Lucifer.
Together they serve to form the organization we call Satan, the Adversary.
Adversary = Ad + Verse = Against the Word.
Universe = Uni + Verse = The One Word.
Therefore Satan is all that wishes the undoing of God's Creation. The Adversary of God's Will.
Devil is Slander of God's Word.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer, is the catalyst in the birth of all the horrors and suffering of the World.
He is the Father of Lies, and Humanity, by way of Eve AND Adam's foolishness, is the Bride.
Lucifer is real. The Devil is real. AND WHAT THEY REPRESENT IS ALSO REAL!
We fight among powers and principalities, rather than flesh and blood. These abstract Truths must be taken BOTH literally and figuratively.
I don't like linking to Grimoires if I can help it, so you're gonna get the short form from the Tarot card description of the Devil.
Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs.
A man and woman were chained to the cube--the same Man and Woman I saw in the garden, but now they had horns and tails tipped with flame. And they were evidently dissatisfied in spirit, and were filled with protest and repulsion.
"This is a picture of weakness", said the voice, "a picture of falsehood and evil. They are the same man and woman you saw in the garden, but their love ceasing to be a sacrifice, became an illusion. This man and woman forgot that their love is a link in the chain that unites them with eternity, that their love is a symbol of equilibrium and a road to Infinity.
"They forgot that It is a key to the gate of the magic world, the torch which lights the higher Path. They forgot that Love is real and immortal and they subjugated it to the unreal and temporary. And they each made love a tool for submitting the other to himself.
"Then love became dissension and fettered them with iron chains to the black cube of matter, on which sits deceit".
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly. I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist.
"But how to do this is not for me to tell. For I am the Evil which men say is the cause of all evil and which they invented as an excuse for all the evil that they do.
"They call me the Prince of Falsehood, and truly I am the prince of lies, because I am the most monstrous production of human lies".
The Black cube is the Cube of Matter.
It's the symbol of Man's obsession with the Material World.
In other words, it's the False Idol of Materialism.
Thank you! That's a powerful explanation my fren. I apologize you had to go there. But.. I thank you.
Also look at these pictures.
I got them in my other threads, but why not have them everywhere?
Notice the baby eating? That's not a coincidence, and thats the link to adrenochrome and pizzagate. This crap has been going on that long.
A black rock is what, is in the cube that some who go to mecca for the hadj bend over to kiss.
I found this video today on the Saturn symbolism that you may find relevant:
Yeah, I saw this speech by Biden too. Red, black, devil stuff. "Black, awful night enveloped the earth. An ominous, red flame burned in the distance. I was approaching a fantastic figure which outlined itself before me as I came nearer to it. High above the earth appeared the repulsive red face of the Devil, with large, hairy ears, pointed beard and curved goats' horns. A pentagram, pointing downwards, shone in phosphoric light between the horns on his forehead. Two large, grey, bat-like wings were spread behind him. He held up one arm, spreading out his bare, fat hand. In the palm I saw the sign of black magic. A burning torch held down-end in his other hand emitted black, stifling smoke. He sat on a large, black cube, gripping it with the claws of his beast-like, shaggy legs
And I heard the voice of the Devil: "I am Evil", he said, "at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly."
And then Jill came out in a bunny suit and led him away for his pudding and peanut butter crackers.
It's a damn shame it's not large, hairy legs.
That go up and down in the water.
I learned about roaches
Btw u/Jak4 that Sacred Texts site is full off deep reading.
Thank you for all the information.
This makes me want to make a t-shirt of a black cube with a cartoon pigeon pooping on it.
As it says, love is the road to infinity. Makes me sad we're all in the prison.
men did not invent the devil
Take it up with P D. Ouspensky who wrote this in [1913].
I'm just relaying to you what the cube means using the oldest references I can find.
Devil translates to "Slander of the Word" anyways.
The Devil card, therefore, is more talking about taking God's word out of context and reaching for meaning that isn't there. Like lawyers and politicians do when they ignore one part of the law to enforce another.
They take what God has said, and slander his Word.
The story on the Devil, therefore, should not be taken literally, as it is clear the allusions to the allegory are presented and that the author fully understands the etymology of the word "Devil."
What God has said
is that the devil is real
the Accuser and the father of lies
so to say he is not real
is a further slander of the Word of God
Again, you're thinking too literally.
The Devil is real. The Devil is in the heart of any Creature that spins the Word of God against God's Creation.
The Lie.
The Lie IS the Devil, as the Lie is his child made when he raped Humanity and forced its birth.
Lucifer whispered into Eve's ear, and she did partake. Had she not partook of the Fruit, the Lie would have not been born. The Lie and her foolish belief of it birthed Slander into the world.
The Devil is not Satan is not Lucifer.
The Devil, the Slander, is the child of Man and Lucifer.
Together they serve to form the organization we call Satan, the Adversary.
Adversary = Ad + Verse = Against the Word.
Universe = Uni + Verse = The One Word.
Therefore Satan is all that wishes the undoing of God's Creation. The Adversary of God's Will.
Devil is Slander of God's Word.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer, is the catalyst in the birth of all the horrors and suffering of the World.
He is the Father of Lies, and Humanity, by way of Eve AND Adam's foolishness, is the Bride.
Lucifer is real. The Devil is real. AND WHAT THEY REPRESENT IS ALSO REAL!
We fight among powers and principalities, rather than flesh and blood. These abstract Truths must be taken BOTH literally and figuratively.