The Simon Lectures. Series I, Part 6.
Originally published on, 2022 October 18.
This is Part 6 of Series I of The Simon Lectures.
Part 5 can be found here:
Part 4 can be found here:
Part 3 can be found here:
Part 2 can be found here:
Part 1 can be found here:
To recap: (1) in Part 1, we determined that the United States federal government is insolvent, and that all of our assets bear illusory valuations, in that they’re all overvalued; (2) in Part 2 we observed (i) that the United States Dollar is backed by nothing other than the “full faith and credit” of an insolvent federal government, and (ii) that we have compelled use of the dollar by imposition of the petrodollar arrangement, thereby creating synthetic demand for the dollar in order to keep it artificially strong; (3) in Part 3 we concluded that the artificially strong dollar has decimated the U.S. manufacturing sector, but has fueled the stratospheric growth of Wall Street; (4) in Part 4 we determined (i) that Obama initiated a regimen of economic sabotage of this country; (ii) that expansion of our money supply is part of that regime; (iii) that the expanded money supply is being used by Wall Street to acquire business concerns on a global basis; and (iv) that the remainder of the world cannot “opt out” of all of this because they need our dollars to purchase OPEC oil; and (5) in Part 5 we concluded that our national debt is destructively large, that there are no available spending “levers” to pull to solve the problem, and that our leaders are, instead, reconstituting the citizenry of the country in response to the situation, and that this is societally observed as the Southern Border Crisis.
In Part 5, I compared our present-tense ratio of debt to GDP (134%) to Greece’s ratio in 2009 when it initially plunged into its sovereign debt crisis (127%). I may have gotten a little rhetorically “carried away” in my characterization of Greece and in my expression of disgust at the reality of our striking resemblance to our Hellenic brethren. But everything I said was true and I retract not a word of it. The fact of the matter is that we are on shakier financial footing than Greece at start of its sovereign debt crisis, and there is no sound fundamental reason that we are not encountering one, ourselves.
I know what you’re thinking. It’s something along the lines of this: “But, Simon, we always pay. It’s not like we fail to make the coupon payments on these securities. So of course there are buyers for our Treasurys. It’s not like we’re issuing junk bonds here – they buy because they know we’re good for it.” So we’ve been servicing our debt. So what? Didn’t Bernie Madoff pay his investors at first?
Let’s take a look at those debt service payments, shall we? Considering the period starting with the administration of Commie #1 (Recall: that’s Obama) in 2008 and ending in 2021, we have made about $6.4T in aggregate debt service payments. 2022 isn’t in the books yet, but let’s call it $7T to bring things to today. On average, that’s about $0.47T in debt service payments on an annual basis. From 2008 to today, we have run an annual budget deficit that is, on average, more than $1T. So, in any particular average year, we pay $0.47T to service our debt while running a deficit of $1.15T – meaning we go $1.15T further into debt.
Let me say that again. In an average year we need to pay $0.47T in debt payments. And we assume $1.15T in debt to do it. We are financing 100% of our debt with debt. This is not a statistical “trick” resulting from averaging figures. Since 2008, there has never been a year where we haven’t assumed more debt than we have paid out in debt service payments. Not one single year. 100% of our debt is being serviced with capital acquired via debt arrangements. Every single year. Is Bernie Madoff our Secretary of the Treasury? Let me ask you: would you be permitted to make your credit card payments using another credit card? Because that’s what we’re doing.
If you’ve been following along, you’re probably thinking we’re running a Ponzi scheme. That would be wrong. Because a Ponzi scheme is actually more honest than the scam we’re running.
We’ve been focusing on Commie #1, but now it’s time to shift our focus to Commie #2 (Biden). When Biden took office in 2020, the Federal Reserve held $2.2T in Treasurys; today it holds about $5.8T. So since the administration of Commie #2, the Federal Reserve has acquired $3.6T in Treasurys. In that same timeframe, we have made raised a total of about $7.5T of capital through the sales of securities, and made about $1.7T in debt service payments. Let’s dissect that slowly.
We have paid $1.7T in debt payments since 2020. But we didn’t actually have the money to make the payments. So we have borrowed 100% of that. To be more specific, we sold about $7.5T in Treasurys to acquire the capital we used to make the debt payments (and to fund other operations we couldn’t afford). In large part, those Treasurys were purchased by banks on Wall Street. And in that timeframe, the Federal Reserve purchased $3.6T of Treasurys off of our various banks’ balance sheets. So the Federal Reserve is the ultimate source of capital for almost one-half of that (3.6/7.5 = .48).
Call to mind Part 4. When the Federal Reserve buys securities from banks, what do we call that? Quantitative Easing. And where does that money for quantitative easing come from? It is printed into existence. It is simply created by the Federal Reserve. We are selling Treasurys to Wall Street banks; printing money at the Federal Reserve; using that money to buy Treasurys off of the balance sheets of the banks in order to replenish them with cash; and they use that cash to buy more Treasurys. This means that of the $1.7T we have paid to service our debt, almost 50% of it was simply printed into existence. Almost 50 cents of every dollar we have paid to service our debt has been simply printed into existence. And we’ve actually printed more money into existence than we’ve paid out in debt service payments.
Ask yourself: if our Federal Reserve were not buying $3.6T worth of Treasurys, could our Treasury Department successfully market those securities? If we weren’t clearing Treasurys off of our banks’ balance sheets, would our banks continue to buy Treasurys in this volume? What kind of coupon rate would we have to pay to market those securities?
I stand by what I said: a Ponzi scheme is more honest than the scam we’re running. At least in a Ponzi scheme, you have to locate real buyers willing to pony up real money into your scheme: Madoff had to persuade holders of genuine wealth to part with their cash. We’ve only got to locate real buyers with real money for half of our scam. We’re printing the other half.
What do you call it when you are financing debt with debt? What do you call it when you have descended to a state where, ultimately, you are printing money to supply the debt cycle? What do you call it when half of every dollar in debt service payments have been printed into existence? It is called constructive default. We are in constructive default on our debts. Recall Part 1. You cannot sell off our nation’s assets for a sum of money great enough to pay our national debt. And, in reality, we are unable to pay our debts in a meaningful way as they are coming due. This means we are insolvent. And our creditors know it. Wall Street knows this.
Ask yourself another question: why do you think we’ve got the former chairman of the Federal Reserve (Janet Yellen) occupying the position of Secretary of the Treasury? Because the Federal Reserve is the dominant buyer of the securities that our Treasury is marketing. That’s why.
Want to know what Janet’s day looks like? If I were doing this as a podcast, I’d ask you to close your eyes to imagine the scene I’m about to set. But I’ll need your eyes open so you can read this. So don’t close them.
[Scene opens. It is 9pm, and Janet is sitting in a secluded booth at the elegant Nobu Downtown location on Broadway. Jane Fraser, CEO of Citigroup, is seated opposite her. A bottle of Hokusetsu sakè sits between them.]
Yellen: I can’t get enough of the Toro here, Jane. Best in the city. Fatty, tender, perfect delicate taste. Let me order the sushi – I know the menu cold.
Fraser: You really know your way around this joint, Janet. Are you sure you’re not secretly a sushi chef on the side? I must confess, I love my dinners with you.
Yellen: Me too, Jane, but I’m afraid you’re not going to love this – I’m going to need Citi to purchase another $100B of my securities this year.
Fraser (choking on her sakè): That worthless shit?! Please Janet! We’re friends. But I’ve got responsibilities to my shareholders.
Yellen: Settle down. Pour yourself another sakè. I’ve got this under control. I’ll have the Fed buy that excrement right off your balance sheet next fiscal year. But I need a year. It’s got to look legit. And I’ll tell you what – all those worthless collateralized debt obligations cluttering your balance sheet? I’ll have the Fed buy them too. You’ll be swimming in cash. But I need a year.
Fraser: Are you sure? Are you sure the Fed will do that?
Yellen: Jane! You and I, we’re friends! I wouldn’t lie. I’ve still got the entire board on speed-dial, and I’ll be out with them – here – next week, firming it all up. So what do you say? Can I count on you for $100B?
Fraser: Janet, you sweet-talker, what’s a $100B between old friends? I’m in.
[Scene closes.]
Folks, don’t let them bullshit you. Yellen doesn’t occupy a Cabinet position to twiddle some coupon rate figures. Any moron could do that. Hell, I could do that. She’s on Biden’s Cabinet to move securities by the billions. Period. That’s the whole job of the Secretary of the Treasury. And if you think it’s an accident that she used to chair the entity that she relies on to clear those bad boys off banks’ balance sheets, you shouldn’t be reading this Series – this Series is far too attached to reality for your sensibilities.
Here's what this all boils down to. We are in de facto default on our debt. And both Wall Street and the Fed know it. Moreover, none of them see a good way out of this mess – not the Biden Administration, not the Fed and not Wall Street.
Let me be blunt. This can’t last. This system doesn’t have much time left. Don’t get me wrong: it’s not going to collapse tomorrow. But it doesn’t have, say, two decades left in it either. Either our government collapses or our debt collapses or our currency collapses before then. So time is running short, and that’s the prime mover in all of this.
I will conclude Part 6 here.
The takeaways from Part 6 are: (1) our country is financing debt with debt; (2) the debt cycle, itself, is being seeded with printed money; (3) we are in constructive default on our debt; and (4) Wall Street knows this.
Stay tuned for Part 7.
Or don’t. It’s your decision.
Ever yours, simon_says
[Footnote: Like so many of you, I am anonymous. However, were it the case that my identity became known, then a curious and tenacious mind would be able to unearth a firsthand connection between yours truly and a former Treasury Secretary. Given this connection, it is foreseeable that some might draw the conclusion that this information comes from or is otherwise endorsed by that individual. I take this opportunity to say that I have never had any conversation with said Secretary about any topic discussed in any of these Parts. These are exclusively my thoughts and words. I suspect the aforementioned Secretary would endorse none of this.]
Folks, if you are put off by the size of this post, may I suggest reading it in chunks, or sitting with your favourite beer after work on your favorite lawn chair, and reading it slowly and enjoying it. Especially the scene between Janet Yellen and Citibank CEO in the middle.
The series, but especially this part, is a must read for everyone. You will learn more from this one post than all the years spent in Economics and Finance classes or working at a bank or an investment firm or anything else.
Because the cold hard reality is that the entire Western Economy is "Worse than a Ponzi scheme" and now you can prove it and its not just a gut feeling.
After reading this, you will nominate Bernie Madoff for a Sainthood!
You are too kind, Bubble. Thank you.
Dude, this is what I have been looking for! Even all the people screaming about the Fed and "financial system is a pyramid scheme" etc, always fail to include this one simple mathematical fact that drives the nail into the coffin.
Armed with this simple fact, we can now go and flood the social media wanna-be-economists and prove that this system is a Ponzi scheme and not let them derail the conversation with all kinds of gaslighting.
What would be the best way to back this up with a raw source?
Thanks again for your invaluable service to this community!
ADDED: And I hope Anons can now figure out why we need to spend billions on Ukraine and Taiwan and whatever else. You have to keep issuing new debt to make sure the old debt will get serviced, and you need a good cover for this. Wars are good cover for debt.
This is the cover photo. The meme-worthy single line, and the best topical takeaway regarding "the current economic landscape" that we can send out en masse on the front page. Much agreed with your take on it.
More and more I am thinking about how the culture war impacts us on our side and how we have to enter that arena to truly be in the fight on all fronts. Platforms like Rumble and TS are just politicking and memes. We need music, art, movies, and I see these areas as wars to come. Point being, facts brought out and sharpened into weapons such as simon has done here, are the kind of easy consumption we need more of .. Leading into and up to that war in culture that we've avoiding fighting but must now enter into as a challenger and of course, win BIGLY.
Hope that's all made some kind of sense. Digestable facts and soundbites are the best weapons right now.
Agree fren. I have been thinking about this too. Its up to the Anons to take this all, digest this and spread it in easy to understand formats. Memes are the most obvious.
In an ideal world, that scene would have become a script in a TV show - let this idea sink slowly into the masses. But I guess it will sink in as we all experience first hand the horrors of this reality.
I'm best in prose. Words, sentences, paragraphs. Boring shit.
Others need to take this forward from here.
This is what Great Awakening is all about (and earlier even PW was like this). I remember before elections, people poring over videos and extracting info and making memes and revising them and then others launching them on their social media cannons. Glorious times. I must say we have gotten a little rusty, but I am sure we will do it again.
May I ask: the portion setting the scene with Yellen and Fraser... I wasn't sure about writing that. Did you like it? Or should I skip that sort of thing in the future?
Love it. Thats the kind of stuff that not only helps us visualise how these things might happen, but gives ideas to meme makers. Damn, if we can get that to Ben Garrison he might create a nice cartoon out of it!
Thanks - that passage was a break from my normal style. I wasn't sure how it might be received. Sounds like it hit the mark.
Keep it up
Not boring at all… you are an excellent writer. You made me understand clearly what is going on. Wow.
Your words are NOT boring shit fren. We can not thank you enough
I pieced it together with information from a couple of different (government) sources. Let me follow up with links and explanations of how to reproduce.
...The more damning part is that we are printing about 50% of the money we are paying out. Basically, we have increased the rate of debt accumulation so greatly, we don't know how to legitimately market the securities. So we are laundering the securities through banks:
Treasurys --> Banks --> Fed.
And the Fed prints money to buy them.
This is another truth bomb right here. The snake oil salesmanship at its best. If we are the ones ultimately footing the bill, they would sell anything to anyone, why wouldnt they? All they need is a good salesman who knows how the crime is done.
So think about this. My gut tells me whatever is happening right now the way everything is happening is such that when the whole system finally collapses, it will become apparent that:
They cannot bail out the banks any more (they printed so much that they cant pint a dollar more)
The collapse happens in such a way that all the bad actors - big banks, wall street, their buddies, private contractors - are left holding the bag and all real assets are accumulated somewhere (BlackRock?) where some handy rule can be applied (perhaps a certain EO?) to take back the real assets and use that to restart the real economy
This is what I keep calling "Controlled Demolition".
My question is, how would this actually look? Some possibilities:
US is forced to default on its debt. Everyone holding the treasuries will be wiped out.
We hit hyperinflation because of this exponential money printing cycle. Banks will freeze funds and people will simply stop using money and switch to something else (gold and silver)
A fake WW3 scenario plays out. US "loses" the war and Russians liquidate the banks.
Any ideas? What the end will look like and what the final balance sheet will look like?
Stay tuned for subsequent Parts!
I suspect tTrump knows this. He spent tons of money we didn’t have as well. I’m hoping white hats have a plan to saddle the cabal. With all this debt and start our gold backed economy from scratch.
Astute observation. Trump used one of the best known tactic from the Art of the War: Using the enemies power against him.
How does this work?
The original timeline for this whole Ponzi scheme to come unravelling was 2027-2030. Hence the Agenda 2030. Hence the 16 years plan to destroy America. Hence the planned years of pandemics, nuclear fallouts, destruction of economies etc, so that by 2027 the new system (central bank digital currencies) could be unveiled and by 2030 the whole world will be in their new slave pens.
How do you stop an enemy this powerful? Force them to make mistakes and overplay their hand.
"Operation Warpspeed"
Figuratively, Trump forced them to print money faster and faster having to throw their plans into the dumpster, and in the process causing a considerable percentage of humanity understanding that central banks are our enemy. Making them come out of the shadows. Making them do stupid things that even the most asleep normie gotta wonder "hmm, that was wierd".
Literally, "Operation Warpspeed" was all about this. The bankers started their accelerated printing money after they realised Mueller had failed, 6 months before they officially declared a pandemic. Operation Warpspeed was less an attack against Plandemic and more an attack against the banks by forcing them to over play their hand and accelerate their plans.
In the process he used a big chunk of this money to prepare "controlled demolition" rather than letting the economy collapse on its own. We will see how this works as banks start going bankrupt with nowhere to hide.
Looking back, historians will find "Operation Warpspeed" to be the most brilliant strategies ever invented.
Trust me when I say this - Trump knows exactly what he is doing.
This is fire right here! Fire I tell ya! Very well said. ;)
Thanks, this helps explain some things.
Interesting thread. I will check it out.
2 questions:
(1) What is the net buy/sell of US Treasuries by (a) China and (b) all other countries, and how does that relate to your info?
(2) I do not believe that Janet Yellen knows how to balance a checkbook, much less is a mastermind of this whole thing. I have always believed that the power of the Federal Reserve is in the office of the President of the New York Fed Bank, which is why he always has a seat on the FOMC, because it is that bank -- and ONLY that bank -- that conducts ALL open market operations ("printing of money"). Most likely, even the prez is a figure head with puppet masters behind the scenes dictating the real moves. What's your take?
Nice post and agree with most of it.
There is one thing that is needed to keep in mind, and I wrote that as a comment with part 5.
It all depends on the medium you are using for valuation.
The Federal Reserve Note (FRN) is not a physical medium as a consequence of production in large part. The majority of FRN exists as a code on a computer screen. In effect, this is the digitization of the medium of exchange. It is fiction.
By the same token, all the assets in the world could be measured in pure blood sperm. At the very least, that has value with huge potential for increase.
The FRN has no value in and of itself, it has assigned value because of use and acceptance as a medium to pass on debt. This goes for Euro, francs, pesos, etc, etc.
Debt only exits on paper or in digital form as a code on a computer screen.
So, the realization has to be: There is no debt.
When ever you part with your assets: be it physical, produced items or your life force in terms of production capacity, your energy, to transform it into a pay check or FRN's, you are sucked into fiction. A service can be useful, but in and of itself has no value. It produces a result in a state of being.
For instance, the transportation from a to b is a service. It produces nothing but a price tag to a physical item.
That is the generational slavery, or perpetual servitude, based on the public corporation that you have been given as a transmitting utility: "your" " straw-man".
Just as your straw man is a legal fiction, corporations are legal fictions, so too is the Federal Reserve Note. A legal fiction. Even your mortgage is a legal fiction as to gave you nothing. It was all a legal fiction trick, a magicians trick.
The solution is quite simple: fiction against fiction = 0. When that is done, what are you left with? With physical assets, your means of production, your lifeforce.
Well said Redtoe.. FRNS have no value, outside of our strawman acceptance.
Not sure what you mean by "anon cred." I post anonymously in the sense that I have not stated my real name - just like most everyone here.
...Being insolvent and being in open default are not the same thing. I know these are long, and I haven't wanted to elongate them with even more explanation. If I wasn't clear - my apologies, and I can explain.
We agree about not being in open default. And we agree about the Fed's ability to create money.
I'm not sure we are on the same page regarding being insolvent. But I could elaborate.
As for being anonymous - my good friend on this site posts under his real name. That's why I said "like so many of you..."
When I read first read your post saying I wan't anonymous, I gulped a bit. I assumed you meant my identity was available. I think it is evident you mean something related to QAnon - and me not being related to the "Anon" portion of that. Absolutely right. I'm not a "Q" guy. I really never followed it at all. Somewhat recently, I examined the posts (briefly) and concluded they are "real." But what I mean by that is another wall of text.
Be well. And may victory be yours soon.
Why do you keep making such a big deal about the possibility of someone discovering your true name?
You know who you remind me of? Bill Paxton's character "Simon" in the movie True Lies. He was some sad loser putting on a big charade of being an important spy in order to impress the lead actress.
You just reek of someone obsessed with convincing others that you're much more interesting and important than you actually are.
But by all means, continue. It's been a while since I've seen such an entertaining character.
I don't get it. Are you suggesting this guy's name is Simon says? Or even Simon? Maybe I am missing something. If I put the "Dolly series" in something that I wrote in installments here I wouldn't expect people thinking my actual NAME is Dolly. I don't think that is at all obvious from his username in the title or the fact that he signs off on a long post with his username that Simon is somehow doxxing himself.
Think "Clandestine".
Obviously Clandestine wasn't his name, but he built up that moniker to be an authority figure in the Q community and then suddenly went full "you must accept Tusli" mode.
Whether someone is using their actual name or a pseudonym is effectually the same thing. There is literally no reason to promote oneself as a "Qanon influencer", no reason to promote a moniker.
The guy is pushing himself as actually connected to the treasury department, plastering his moniker in titles and again as a sign-off signature.
Okay I see where you are going with this. As always with me, the jury is out on everyone but my mother. And she might be jivin' too.
I have the feeling that he is practicing a future YouTube channel on us. (I'm only half joking here.)
I can just see him with his tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, horn rim glasses, an empty pipe clenched between his teeth (just for the image, you see), with his little comb-over presenting all this by PowerPoint to his YouTube viewers.
Seems like you're just mad that you can't date him
Hmm. Could be.
I see no reason to mingle things. Whether or not "simon" has any anon-cred, what ever that may be, is a matter for him or her to personally consider.
attacking the writer for this is a logical phallacy (pun intended). You are dicking around by insisting on true Scotsman arguments in an all out assault ad hominem.
The secondary issue, which bears not on anon-cred, whatever that is, has to do with semantics. Of this you are well aware.
that is what you wrote, and I agree to a degree. It all depends on the definition you are using. Without much a do, here the question: what is your definition?
but for now, going by what Simon wrote: "Insolvency" being in a state of not solvent. Generally it means that the debts and unfunded liabilities are such that they surpass the value of the assets of several liquidity quality. Solvent therefor means the quality of being able to solve your debts over a certain period of time longer that now. If debts can still be solved till < 1 year, that would be: being liquid.
As long as liquidity is available, the show goes on, despite being insolvent. Usually, and this can be nicely ascertained with the Altman Z-score and its derivatives, what chances are of a default within 1-3 years, meaning the situation in which no liquidity is available.
Although the examples of companies can be used to demonstrate the operation of insolvency and illiquidity, with States it is a bit more difficult due to, indeed, the power of creating fiat currency, that is, as long as people accept it as a currency.
companies too have this power. As long as people accept their shit. But since there is no force behind it, it usually shows quite quickly. Take away the right to tax and use of force, and states will collapse.
Dollar -> military -> oil. It is one gargantuan feedback loop. And it is coming to an end.
So, the question then becomes, what is really your beef with what Sion wrote?
Thank you for this! It's shocking how many people just make up their own definitions for things to support their statements.
This is the first time I've seen another person call someone out for making up their own definitions. It's nice to see others care as well. ✌️