We exposed their plan, enough of us know the truth, there is no need for them to slow roll and disguise the events they have planned for us any longer. The NWO has built a machine to roll right over us if given the chance. The NWO cannot get that chance.
Comments (32)
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This is why we were born in this time. Let's go!
Timing is everything. People will eventually wake up to the NWO, its just a question of whether it will be too late. I think the NWO cannot delay any longer, they have to push forward because too many people already know. But its just waking more people up because they are rushing and getting sloppy.
First things first, we have the opportunity to clog-up their voting machines by having an overwhemming turnout. It will wreak their machines and expose their pollsters for who and what they are: Vehicles for USA mass destruction, burn it down folks. Not literally, just vote.
I actually think NY went red for 2020. But the dems had their operatives in every precinct.
Roger that, Polly. I believe you are correct.
OP here's a tip:
"Their" is a possessive pronoun.
Example: "They left their coats in the car."
Hey, I was waiting for someone to make issue. I would of had to delete to fix, so I was lazy and you caught me. Do you know how to fix issues in title when a mistake is made ... like their to there?
This was exactly my thought on 11/4/20.
They stole it…
However I am still holding the wine.
Time flies ain't it?
Agreed...Actually our lives forever changed with the "2 Weeks to Stop the Spread" Over 2 years ago now.
As long as we have our guns, all they can do is kick and scream.
I do not think guns will have a part to play: Vaccines, food supply, water supply, air supply will be poisoned
Death by spreadsheet.
Wow, you hit it. So true. Wonder if they are hitting their numbers.
Doubtful. Too many fires to put out all at once. Too many people waking up. Too many people learning the playbook and documenting what they learn. If you think of pop awakening on a spreadsheet, you would probably measure it by words produced over a time period, so consider how much the number of words written have increased in regards to secret societies and social engineering and racketeering and governments subverted, corruption and exposures, the attention people have redirected to think on subjects of rebellion, authority, self-determination, history, values, etc etc. On the spreadsheets their war is already over. They are exposed and history will finally take account of them as they are, because this time the common people did (are doing) the work of writing the history books.
We won. Don't take your boots off though. Still a lot of work to do.
"From the beginning, it has always been about protecting the children"
I think it's been to rescue the children to cut their energy supply and adrenochrome addiction.
My guess, thousands upon thousands ... could be 10's of thousands.
No turning back means we have PAST the precipice and are running head long into the ending!
Embracing the storm. LET'S GO!!!!
agreed on no turning back. enough of us know but not nearly enough are redpilled yet. which works to our advantage, it gives them hope that they can still pull it off because they still have so many dupes under their control. keeps them from going too overt and just killing huge amounts of people in an obvious way.
Rubicon about to be crossed!!!
Alea iacta est
Oh no, we are there, but what we do about it is the discussion. Thus far, content to believe in: "we caught them all;" Devolution; and the coming election. I think we win with non-violence.
There is no, c'mon man.
The Enemy will slow roll until the very end, it is how you get the herds to place themselves in the cattle cars.