FYI, Dr. Saladino puts out a lot of good info but he also deliberately misleads his followers by cherry picking the data he's willing to share. His info about the benefits of animal foods seems right on, but his info about plant foods isn't. There's no way that with all the research he's done on the antinutrients in plant foods that he hasn't come across the research showing how much those antinutrients can be lowered by proper preparation methods (as much as 100%). But he doesn't tell anyone that. He only says "PLANTS ARE POISON!" because that fits his carnivore narrative. He frightens people into giving up entire categories of food and pushes an unnecessarily restrictive way of eating.
While I'm surrounded by moose so it's a non-issue I would start eyeing the local pets before I would eat lab-'meat' that has been tinkered with to fit this weeks definition of what's 'healthy'...
The ads for veggies stress "antioxidants" mostly, which is an undefined quality of "good for you," in undefined amounts relative to a vague need which is also without a metric.
I don't doubt there's tons we should know about nutrition. I'm just saying, we won't learn about it from people selling veggies anymore than we would learn what nicotine is from cigarette makers.
This would explain why Jordan Peterson’s daughter can do the carnivore diet, in fact, I think she only strictly eats red meat, and she’s not deficient in any vitamins, etc.
It creates little tears in the intestinal tract, binds up the bowels, and provides no nutritional benefit.
Nobody thought about fiber until a few decades ago when industry tried to figure out how to sell a waste product for profit. Abracadabra ... "you need fiber in your diet" was born.
If you only eat meat you don't need fiber, as long as you get sufficient fat and fluids it's unproblematic to the point of being laughably regular and much more so than with any other way of eating....
You also don't need vitamin C(if one did I would have keeled over from scurvy years ago...) uric acid which your body produces on its own is an anti-oxidant that makes C look like the weak sickly distant cousin by comparison...
FYI, Dr. Saladino puts out a lot of good info but he also deliberately misleads his followers by cherry picking the data he's willing to share. His info about the benefits of animal foods seems right on, but his info about plant foods isn't. There's no way that with all the research he's done on the antinutrients in plant foods that he hasn't come across the research showing how much those antinutrients can be lowered by proper preparation methods (as much as 100%). But he doesn't tell anyone that. He only says "PLANTS ARE POISON!" because that fits his carnivore narrative. He frightens people into giving up entire categories of food and pushes an unnecessarily restrictive way of eating.
But Bill Gates said his lab meat is healthier! Save the planet!
While I'm surrounded by moose so it's a non-issue I would start eyeing the local pets before I would eat lab-'meat' that has been tinkered with to fit this weeks definition of what's 'healthy'...
same. Squirrels and rabbits beware! frogs too (sorry frens)
Plants are good to feed your meat.
My food eats veggies so I don't have to
😅🤣🤣🤣 seriously the garden is doing so bad I grow veggies to feed my pigs 👍 everything shooting up / going to flower
Love it -- Carnivore MD.
Just about three months into carnivore (in my old age) and all the trouble areas are healing.
The ads for veggies stress "antioxidants" mostly, which is an undefined quality of "good for you," in undefined amounts relative to a vague need which is also without a metric.
Been awhile since I looked into it, but IIRC there are antioxidants that work on the inside of the cell and those that are outside.
Plants provide the wrong (not healthy) kind.
I don't doubt there's tons we should know about nutrition. I'm just saying, we won't learn about it from people selling veggies anymore than we would learn what nicotine is from cigarette makers.
I would advise against actually eating animal foods, for anyone who thinks that's a good idea.
Dog food, for example, can be tainted with salmonella. This is fine for dogs as they are unaffected, but obviously humans won't have a fun time.
This would explain why Jordan Peterson’s daughter can do the carnivore diet, in fact, I think she only strictly eats red meat, and she’s not deficient in any vitamins, etc.
Liver and white onions
Where’s the fiber? Just eat lots of fresh meat and a serving of whole veggies or fruits.
Basically stop eating shit.
Fiber is bad for you, not good.
It creates little tears in the intestinal tract, binds up the bowels, and provides no nutritional benefit.
Nobody thought about fiber until a few decades ago when industry tried to figure out how to sell a waste product for profit. Abracadabra ... "you need fiber in your diet" was born.
Saying fiber is good for you is sorta like saying one of those cuisinart style roto-rooters makes your plumbing last longer...
If you only eat meat you don't need fiber, as long as you get sufficient fat and fluids it's unproblematic to the point of being laughably regular and much more so than with any other way of eating....
You also don't need vitamin C(if one did I would have keeled over from scurvy years ago...) uric acid which your body produces on its own is an anti-oxidant that makes C look like the weak sickly distant cousin by comparison...
The Navy begs to differ.
Explain the Inuit still being alive(or humans in any area that has had an ice-age in the past for that matter...).....
Like me for example?
Until you need to shit.
OK, I've thunk about it. What's the problem? I eat liver once a week without fail.
Nah. Liver and tripe are not only good but healthy.