“Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special prosecutor to oversee criminal matters related to former President Donald Trump, according to a senior Justice Department official.”
🧠 This Guy is Really Stupid!
This isn’t real. It’s EXACTLY like Mueller. They need something bad to talk about on the legacy media. They don’t want to show Trump rallies with 50k people. So they create this. But the problem is, just like Mueller, they can’t dig to deep or it will expose Pelosi. So the actual investigation is gonna find nothing.
What will happen is two more years of “anonymous” sources telling false shit to media outlets so they have a narrative.
Two more years of “walls are closing in.”
They are scared. This looks pathetic and they know it. Grasping at straws.
Listen guys. We know it's been 7 years of the most exhaustive investigations by the most motivated individuals with everything to lose, but we still haven't found anything!!!! But guys trust us! We'll find something!
Their desperation and lack of ever producing a shred of actual evidence shows how desperate they really are. They haven't been able to stop him despite a 7 year, 24/7 full court press media blitz against him. They're terrified of him. He just keeps coming, and he hasn't even thrown his Haymaker yet!
When that Haymaker falls, I want to watch every squirming minute of it.
PS: Extra points for spelling "lose" correctly
"Lose" or "loose"? Apparently one of the most difficult choices to make for millions of undereducated Americans,or shall we say for the "orthographically challenged"?
How about the way so many Americans say "Valentime's Day?" Ugh. I try not to be a "Karen" about it by correcting them. Supposebly" is another one.
What about "Wendsday" and "Libary" ?
I know that we get annoyed when things don't fall our way, but can you imagine being a leftist? They've investigated this guy every way they can think of for 7 years and never come up with a damn thing. FBI, FISA warrants, DOJ, special counsel, select committees, House investigations, Senate investigations, US Attorney investigations, Southern District NY, NYC DA, I think at one point they even went at him from FL. And now another Special Counsel. Oh and don't forget two impeachment inquiries.
They raided his home too.
Leftists have investigations without crimes we have crimes without investigation.
Not “we’ll find something.” More like 2 years of “we have the evidence.” But no evidence ever presented.
Comer and Jordan produced more hard evidence as their press conference than any tentacle of the government produced against President Trump in six years combined.
Let them have their delusions. We can just keep moving forward. Our gravity will propel tham along with us
No. We will simply leave them behind. What the hard core leftists "believe" will become more and more irrelevant as election laws are tightened in states and counties over time.
Leftists are always a minority that use cheating and propaganda tactics to create the false illusion that they are a majority.
Once that capability is stripped away - its game over for them.
Keep redpilling normies and at some point we will achieve a critical mass where the sheep that only move with the herd (lack of critical thought) will begin to move towards truth. As we near the precipice this will happen naturally. I know it doesnt look like it now, but I do believe that as we near the precipice we will find that it really is only 4% to 6% that is lost forever. The other 20% to 40% are pure herd animals that have fallen for the deliberate amplification of lies.
They never got the memo it is fake. That is so true. Also my mother just says he has enough money to get out of everything because he is slimy. Blegh. Braindead.
Give me the guy and I will create the crime.
God willing, it'll wake up a large number or normies.
I know right. I'm just laughing at their pathetic attempts to play hardball
Proves they are insane.
Keep doing the same thing expecting a different result.
Somehow I think this is going expose some shit.
It’s so obvious. CNN is already doing it. They have an analyst on to discuss why Garland chose that particular prosecutor. Anything but discussing why Trump is filling arenas or why he is a sure shot to destroy whatever shitty Dem candidate they come up with. Especially if it’s Biden lol.
Watch. Won’t be but a few weeks until they start having “anonymous” insiders giving them information that turns out to be totally false.
Problem is no one is watching. NYT and WAPO should also be publishing articles soon on fake leaks.
A carbon copy of Mueller.
So true!