I watched Died Suddenly last night, and it hit me pretty hard, despite not having fallen for the covid hoax for a second right from the beginning. I knew this was a bioweapon, we read all the theories, the Q posts, the comms, etc etc.
Link if you haven't seen it yet: https://www.stewpeters.com/video/2022/11/live-world-premiere-died-suddenly/
Then it became real when they started mandating the jab. Being self-employed I was spared much of the drama but I watched friends and family have their lives upturned by the mandates, and it quickly grew to dominate conversations etc. Families were torn apart, because some would get the vax and some refused and fear could find no middle ground.
All of this successfully pitted "us" against "them", but it was the wrong "them". The Luciferian overlords are masters of social manipulation and divide and conquer is their favorite trick in the book.
I distinctly remember having conversations with friends over a year ago, explaining that love is the higher path, and that the deep state was trying to pit the unvaxxed against the vaxxed. I think to a large degree I've been able to operate that way...
But seeing Died Suddenly brought this home like a dump truck running a red light and broadsiding my car.
Suddenly we have PROOF. Knowing something because you've read it on the internet is vastly different than being SHOWN the blood clots, SHOWN the people falling over and dying mid-sentence.
It's time to drop all "us" vs "them" - vax vs unvax mentality.
It needs to start with us, because those still in fear aren't going to man up.
We need to realize we literally are all in this together, and it's only by rowing together that we're going to successfully hold those responsible who truly deserve to be held responsible. The ones in the shadows and in the sunshine who knowingly and intentionally brought this whole plan to fruition.
We need to have grace for the rank and file who were naive and fearful and used their positions to further this luciferian agenda, because they've been targeted as much as anyone else.
I know, not easy. But still.
Our guns need to be aimed at the foundations of this problem - not at the balloons flying from the ramparts.
This morning I was still feeling very heavy hearted about this, and asked God what He thought about it. He led me to Isaiah 46:13:
I am bringing my righteousness closer to you; it is not far off. My deliverance will not be delayed, for I will set my salvation in Zion for Israel my glory!
I went on to read chapter 47, which is all judgment towards Babylon. Read it.
Jesus Christ WILL be victorious over Babylon, and I believe that victory is indeed not far off. No amount of magic or sorcery or witchcraft or sacrifice or technology will prevail against him. Let's make sure we're fighting as he leads us, and not get tricked into fighting each other at times.
I heard family members saying that my family shouldn't be allowed to work or grocery shop without the vax. I heard top university professors say non-vaxxed should be separated from their families and sent to re-education camps.
I get what you're saying, but the other side showed their true colors
Yeah I know. I'm still seeing that stuff too. In Ontario a bunch of doctors think the unvaxxed are psychologically broken and need drugs.
My point is all those layers are operating from fear.
The true problem layers are not in fear, they are coldly, calmly and calculatingly aware of precisely what they're doing. They have successfully remained hidden for so long precisely because they can always find hordes of fearful people to throw in front of themselves as cannon fodder.
I'm not saying we don't need to solve these issues on lower levels, but we need to realize they're symptoms, and not root causes.
We're never going to win if we're just fighting symptoms.
Opposite of up? Down Opposite of white? Black Opposite of love? Not hate. Self. Love is a principle that works outward. Self is lost in love. I've spat in the face of God. I've trampled underfoot the precepts of true love, honor, faith. My sins put Christ on the cross.
These compliance addicts that lined up for the jab and wanted to force everyone else to will never see their ignorant selfish control freak character flaws with us using the same weapons of hate against them. They will only see the stark contrast of their utter defilement when held up to the light we as flawed sinners ourselves can reflect from the only source of light and love. In the perfect character of Jesus all of these other insults against us vanish. What is a soul worth, to God? If it isn't worth us being abused and humiliated then Jesus had the full wrath of God poured on Him for nothing.
I understand fully the hatred we feel justified having against these backwards people who have been completely deluded by the adversary. They've been conned into considering us their enemies, but they aren't the enemy. They are all of us. We are all in the same boat. I've failed everyone that ever loved me, I've let so many people down, I've been one of the worst people who has ever lived in that I knew the truth and turned my back on it to live a lie so long I don't know if I can find my way back. Holding onto hate is the road I walked. You can end up over here with me on this road but it's nowhere to end up. I got here looking at my feet, the firey serpents, instead of looking up in faith to the only solution - losing sight of self and seeing the one that created us, found us when we lost ourselves, redeemed us at the cost of an infinite price.
God is faithful. With His help one day I may be, too. I'm far from it. As far as all these complicity addict vaxxers.
Nah fuck that shit. Vaxholes made my life hell. Stop absolving personal responsibility and being too nice for your own good. They made a choice and we made a choice. I will only accept an apology if a vaxhole admits they were licking the balls of globalists and were completely 100% wrong and fell for a psyop. Otherwise no. Until then they are still a globalist minion. Without the globalist minions the globalists are nothing.
I am being led to separate completely. Though it's apparent an awakening has and is taking place by many. What's not really being discerned is, what are people being awakened to exactly?
This unity , we're all in this together talk is not really what I believe is being called for by our Father.
I believe there's the truth on the surface that many are awakening to. But it's the deeper truth that many are still oblivious to.
This come together so that we can all have one mind is exactly what God destroyed back in Abraham's day at the tower of babel.
The children are the unifying issue that brings everyone together. I believe this strategy of the enemy is exactly how they intend for us to be of the same mind.
There's a separation that's taking place. It is biblical in the context of what's happening. This world is trying to tether us together under the same cause. Yet God calls us to be separate from this world.
There's no way God wants me to be holding hands with tranny's and abortionists and gene altered abominations all because we agree that the children are off limits.
No it's always been a versus mentality since the beginning. Remember in Genesis when God said there would always be enmity between Satan's seed and the woman's seed?
God's people are to be separate. To not touch the unclean thing. To not be unequally yoked with the heathen.
So it's not a coming together moment in this season that God wants. This world is falling and will soon be completely fallen. The enemy is using all the tricks in the bag to get us to fall with it. Deception is everywhere and the only way to combat it is discernment, wisdom and understanding from The Most High.
There's only one awakening that we must come to. It's the true light of this world. There is not many ways to this light, but rather only one. His name is Jesus and through Him are we reconciled to The Creator YHVH.
I'm not advocating giving up or compromising even the tiniest portion of our morals.
Many of the militant LGBTQ crowd, the abortion crowd, etc etc are now knowingly involved. At whatever level they may be found, the people who KNOW what they're doing have made their choice.
I'm talking about all the rest. I personally know trannies and gays who are truly just hoodwinked - they don't intend evil, they are pawns who need to be set free even though they don't know it yet.
Jesus came and spent time with the LGBTQ types of his day - the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the people who out of fear furthered the goals of the greater system they were part of. He came to love them and show them the truth, not to stand in solidarity with them. As such, he pulled them out of that way of thinking and living, taught them to walk in love, and pointed them more effectively at the true enemy.
"There's only one awakening that we must come to. It's the true light of this world. There is not many ways to this light, but rather only one. His name is Jesus and through Him are we reconciled to The Creator YHVH."
I fully agree, friend.
At this point. I'm just enjoying what time I have left with my family since they ALL got the clot shot. It's all I can do. Once the vaccines negative affects kick in within the next 5 years. I'll be left on this planet alone. With only my memories to keep me company.
Yeap, deliberately forced photos at last Christmas because I knew it'd be the last for some, sure enough it was.
There might have been many millions of people who were given saline. This would explain why so many people actually appear to be fine so far.
We'll see. In the meantime I'm spending time with them as if it'll be the last day I see them.
I’ve been doing that too…making time for friends who got vaxed thinking there’s no guarantees.
Part of the plan so that if ALL vaxed all die at once there is obvious connection with the jab. This way its spread out over several boosters and 'doctors baffled'.
Brilliant insight, I agree. [THEY] want us divided and against each other. Let's not ever lose sight of who created this evil plan.
We always Said it was genocide. Agenda 21 and 30. That and numerous other things gs they achieved or ateptedmto achieve with covid hoax.
"How to Divide and Conquer Using BioWeapons 101"
Previous Post: If they give SALINE to almost everyone (the first time around), they still get ALL of their EVIL BENEFITS. Here's how...
Don't miss the paragraph that starts ('This is the big one')...
Great thread. Interesting to read what we were saying a year ago too.
I know several men who got the vax and are now ill--two have heart issues, two have cancer, one actually died. And I know OF others. I have never seen these people as the enemy. None of them pushed the vax. They got the vax for reasons of their own. I didn't even know they'd gotten it until they got sick. I have sent them lots of articles about detoxifying and fighting cancer with ivermectin, etc. Excluding the one who died, all of these men except one recognize that the vax was likely what made them sick.
There are lots of people suffering in silence and lots more who are suffering and have no idea that the vax had anything to do with it. I know in my heart that someday we'll all be Home together talking about this epic battle of good vs evil happening here now, but in the meantime the suffering for so many here is real and painful. I won't add to their pain by judging them now. We need to help where we can when we can. We love them where they are.
The ones who are assholes seem to be meeting their karma very fast these days. They are not my problem. I don't want to waste time with people who I can't actually help--there are too many who can actually use the help to be tended to.
I don't quote Jesus generally, but I try to remind myself that my job is to emulate Jesus in my actions. I'm not afraid to flip over the tables of the money changers when that's what's called for, but much more often, my job is to be truthful--sometimes as gently as I can be when the truth is painful.
Well said.
Have you come across any treatments that are intended to get rid of the clots? Most of the stuff I've seen was to combat spike proteins etc, detox and that sort of thing. Very interested if there are protocols out there that can effectively address the clotting issue.
I haven't seen stuff to get rid of the clots, unfortunately. Like you it's been detox stuff that I've seen. Clif High's protocol, for example, that includes ivermectin and vitamins C and D and Zinc et al.
I see that's basically warfarin, which is used to treat or prevent blood clots. I gathered from the video that the clots they're seeing appear quite different than normal blood clots though - I wonder if coumadin/warfarin is still effective or if we need a completely different thing altogether.
No. Fuck no.
Nah I'm good. I'm not willing to obsolve adults of their personal responsibility.
If the “Quantum Dot” and/or “self-assembling graphene hydra monsters” (words chosen for effect) are at all real, the virus and the spike protein fall into the category of “prelude to a kill”.
That passage you shared was very powerful and encouraging to know He is coming soon. Praise God in Jesus name. Have a blessed Thanksgiving
There is 1 thing nobody mentioned here..COMMON SENSE.
Masks cause more harm than good. There are gaps and the fabric itself allows room for virus to enter. And the moisture produced in the mask, and not wearing a clean one each time promotes bacterial pneumonia.
Any med cant be fast tracked - it has to be tested in real clinical trials.
The fact that the pharma company is protected against suits AND that all side effects were not listed on the drug insert.
We were forced/coerced into getting the jab but all of WH, Congress, SCOTUS, CDC, FDA, NIH are all exempt.
I can go on and on. You dont have to be a medical expert, you just have to use your common sense. If however you do just what you are told to do then thats your free will choice and no one to blame except yourself. We all live (or die) by the decisions we make and there is no place for pity or sympathy because someone chose a certain route.
Sometimes it takes moments like these vax moments to reveal people for who they are. Yes fear controls.
Like everyone else, I was ridiculed, called out, gaslighted, and shut out from friends and some family. The family, ive accepted it was fear and frustration and decided blood is everything and forgave. (Never forgotten though) Friends who treated me awfully, they are dispatched. I've seen their true selves and what our friendships actually meant. Good riddance. But also, I've found who really cares and who really loves me. And thats a gift I will cherish forever.
Without finding out the truth about people around me in these times, I still wouldve had unworthy people I saw as 'friends'. Im proud I resisted all and stayed pure and true to myself. Wasn't easy living in NZ during those times.
The vaxed can redeem themselves by taking out their globalhomo overlords.....
You are so diluted. To the point of mental illness. The people now who are superintendents, CEO’s managers, board chairmen, etc et . All of us were sorted by the machine back in grade school. All those tests, all those standardized tests, they weren’t intelligence measuring tests. They were sorting mechanisms. No, the people on the other side will never be able to accept that they were wrong. They haven’t ever been held accountable in their lives. We don’t live in a meritocracy. We live in a construct of the enemy, society is an engineered control machine. These people will never give up their reality, because to give up their reality, shatters who they are as individuals. Once they all die from the vax, then we can do something. Do your best to stay free until then. Cause the oppressors know when the end of freedom is. It’s the CBDC. The culmination of this train wreck is on the near horizon. Keep loving these fuktards and see where that gets you. The quicker all you bleeding heart faggots get this real simple concept through your thick stubborn skulls the faster we can get to work fixing this shit show. It’s time for adult conversations.