I read somewhere that flouride in water, toothpaste, etc calcifies the pineal gland. Somehow the pineal gland not being healthy affects our congnition and possibly the part of us that activates during meditation type thinking.
There's an even simpler explanation. Lead poisoning. When they were putting lead into gasoline, it released it into the air and literally everyone got some level of lead poisoning. They've even found direct links between pumping lead into our atmosphere and a measurable decline in iq.
It was discovered by accident by a scientist trying to research something else. Had it not been for an inquisitive scientists, the govt would never had pressure to stop giving its citizens lead poisoning.
Aren't posts above #4953 suspected of being from a non-Q person? Something about trip codes not matching and most people are disregarding them? Not to rain on your post, OP, but this doesn't sound like the Q that posted between 2017 and 2020.
(I didn't down-vote you, btw). So I'm reading up on this issue and lots of pros and cons. Here's one that may support your take (though I'd have liked to actually hear your take other than "no").
Thanks for the clarification of your stance, but I'm thinking more in technical terms. I was not here from the beginning like many of you were; in fact, I didn't find GAW/Q at all until after the 2020 elections and Q had stopped posting by then. I've always been hazy on the technicalities of the trip code (though some really smart anons have taken the time to try and explain it to me). That said - and feel free to correct me - I thought there was some sort of technical threshold that had to be met to verify that the real Q had returned - whether that's this trip code or a combination of that and something else. And this is where I'm not seeing that there's clarity for these recent posts to be considered from the real Q. I'm still reading up on both sides of this, literally hundreds of comments and trying to understand this.
You're obviously of the mindset that whatever threshold the original Q (and, yes, I understand it's a team not a person) set forth before he left (to verify it would be him upon return) has been met. There was a "problem post", but you're saying that was an anomaly and doesn't detract from the validity of the others. I can respect that - no offense was intended in my original comment - but since I'm unclear on the original Q criteria, I'm unable to be convinced at this point in time. Plus... I'm looking at these latest Q posts and they have a decidedly different tone. I've read some commentary here by other anons that this could simply signify we're in a new phase.
In any case. Thank you for taking your time. I don't mean to be chewing up your time, but this fog of war is truly thick. Regards.
I just wanted to reply to this last comment of yours on this thread... I think you're saying post #4516 provided you with some kind of epiphany. I'm not sure I'm following, but if I had to guess regarding entry techniques, you're referring to how to drop red pills as the link in that post refers to as an example. (Some of the formerly-dead links in the Q-Posts appear to be active again so this will help). I could be out in left field now, am just going on the post link and the fact you had some sort of revelation related to "dragonfly". It's interesting that you chose that post to highlight as some of the posts around that time mesh with the newest posts regarding the "mission" for anons.
As with this example you've given, part of the problem with coming in late to the game is that a lot of analysis and discussion has happened amongst old-timers (including lurkers like yourself) who were around when these drops were occurring that newer anons are not privy to and can't possibly get the same perspective on. Ah, well, we fumble forward as best we can.
One other point of yours I wanted to comment on is this: "...Direct b/c you cast doubt on what may be important comms, right off the bat, based on a very specific incident that happened 10 drops and 5 months ago. ..." While I may not agree with you that this current poster is a "real Q", I also can't say definitively that it's NOT. All I can go on with my limited perspective is pro and con arguments I'm reading by people much more capable than me in making this determination. Others have noted that the recent drops are not providing any new intelligence and could have been written by anyone on the outside with a rudimentary grasp of the historical Q-drops. That notwithstanding, your saying that these (and perhaps future ones by the same person) may be important comms is a good, solid point. They're worth analyzing under the circumstances and if, in the future, current-Q ever goes off the rails and calls for civil war or the like I doubt anyone here will be following him/her over the proverbial cliff.
I really hope we can get clear answers at some point, even after-the-fact, about at least some of this strategy. One thing for sure... God Wins. That's good enough for me. Best regards, anon.
I need to find the book again, though I thought the sequence on every human was coded with "I Am". I was blown away when I saw that, I need to dig to verify I am recalling that correctly.
Fear and division keep us at a low vibration. That is why they want us divided. Keeping us at a low vibration keeps our DNA compressed like a spring. That is how they manipulate our DNA. It is the FEAR of the shot and the FEAR of 5G that affects us the most.
I'm curious if there's some sort of the radio spectrum thing going on here also. We know that the human body reacts to certain frequencies and that DNA can be altered by that. We know that radio frequencies can be broadcasted from multitude sources aside from just radio towers, including power lines and high lines all over the nation. And then there's harp, whatever the hell that was for. I remember monkey works covering there was a lot of sniffing going on and a lot of flights doing radio recon etc. I don't know maybe not, but my God tells me there has to be a connection with our health and direct exposure to emi.
There's a point on the path to ascension that the person realizes that this isn't a fight between good vs evil. But that we are all in a birds nest of sorts as little chicks growing and learning to sprout our little wings trying to fly. The good vs bad mind thought is just part of the growing process.
I read somewhere that flouride in water, toothpaste, etc calcifies the pineal gland. Somehow the pineal gland not being healthy affects our congnition and possibly the part of us that activates during meditation type thinking.
There's an even simpler explanation. Lead poisoning. When they were putting lead into gasoline, it released it into the air and literally everyone got some level of lead poisoning. They've even found direct links between pumping lead into our atmosphere and a measurable decline in iq.
It was discovered by accident by a scientist trying to research something else. Had it not been for an inquisitive scientists, the govt would never had pressure to stop giving its citizens lead poisoning.
PFAS are the new followon to the lead poisoning as we are seeing very similar dispersion effects across the globe.
Excellent point. Govt. supplied sludge promoted as fertilizer. Probably just coincidence that as they removed lead, they pushed PFAS.
Aren't posts above #4953 suspected of being from a non-Q person? Something about trip codes not matching and most people are disregarding them? Not to rain on your post, OP, but this doesn't sound like the Q that posted between 2017 and 2020.
And this
(I didn't down-vote you, btw). So I'm reading up on this issue and lots of pros and cons. Here's one that may support your take (though I'd have liked to actually hear your take other than "no").
I'm not convinced and you appear to be. Fog of war, I suppose.
Thanks for the clarification of your stance, but I'm thinking more in technical terms. I was not here from the beginning like many of you were; in fact, I didn't find GAW/Q at all until after the 2020 elections and Q had stopped posting by then. I've always been hazy on the technicalities of the trip code (though some really smart anons have taken the time to try and explain it to me). That said - and feel free to correct me - I thought there was some sort of technical threshold that had to be met to verify that the real Q had returned - whether that's this trip code or a combination of that and something else. And this is where I'm not seeing that there's clarity for these recent posts to be considered from the real Q. I'm still reading up on both sides of this, literally hundreds of comments and trying to understand this.
You're obviously of the mindset that whatever threshold the original Q (and, yes, I understand it's a team not a person) set forth before he left (to verify it would be him upon return) has been met. There was a "problem post", but you're saying that was an anomaly and doesn't detract from the validity of the others. I can respect that - no offense was intended in my original comment - but since I'm unclear on the original Q criteria, I'm unable to be convinced at this point in time. Plus... I'm looking at these latest Q posts and they have a decidedly different tone. I've read some commentary here by other anons that this could simply signify we're in a new phase.
In any case. Thank you for taking your time. I don't mean to be chewing up your time, but this fog of war is truly thick. Regards.
Busy day today. I'll try to get back to you later.
I just wanted to reply to this last comment of yours on this thread... I think you're saying post #4516 provided you with some kind of epiphany. I'm not sure I'm following, but if I had to guess regarding entry techniques, you're referring to how to drop red pills as the link in that post refers to as an example. (Some of the formerly-dead links in the Q-Posts appear to be active again so this will help). I could be out in left field now, am just going on the post link and the fact you had some sort of revelation related to "dragonfly". It's interesting that you chose that post to highlight as some of the posts around that time mesh with the newest posts regarding the "mission" for anons.
As with this example you've given, part of the problem with coming in late to the game is that a lot of analysis and discussion has happened amongst old-timers (including lurkers like yourself) who were around when these drops were occurring that newer anons are not privy to and can't possibly get the same perspective on. Ah, well, we fumble forward as best we can.
One other point of yours I wanted to comment on is this: "...Direct b/c you cast doubt on what may be important comms, right off the bat, based on a very specific incident that happened 10 drops and 5 months ago. ..." While I may not agree with you that this current poster is a "real Q", I also can't say definitively that it's NOT. All I can go on with my limited perspective is pro and con arguments I'm reading by people much more capable than me in making this determination. Others have noted that the recent drops are not providing any new intelligence and could have been written by anyone on the outside with a rudimentary grasp of the historical Q-drops. That notwithstanding, your saying that these (and perhaps future ones by the same person) may be important comms is a good, solid point. They're worth analyzing under the circumstances and if, in the future, current-Q ever goes off the rails and calls for civil war or the like I doubt anyone here will be following him/her over the proverbial cliff.
I really hope we can get clear answers at some point, even after-the-fact, about at least some of this strategy. One thing for sure... God Wins. That's good enough for me. Best regards, anon.
A bit of reptilian dna added to the mix. My guess is eventually folks will come to think tails and gills are cute!
Isn’t God’s name written in our DNA?
I need to find the book again, though I thought the sequence on every human was coded with "I Am". I was blown away when I saw that, I need to dig to verify I am recalling that correctly.
u/DCGRITS is this what you were talking about?
Yes YAH is what the sequence looks like. was always skeptical about this, like did they (institutions) just make it look like that.
This is eerie. I just watched the James Bond movie, "No Time to Die" and its plot is exactly aligned with the third paragraph of Clandestine's post.
I even posted about it on this board about 5 minutes ago.
Fear and division keep us at a low vibration. That is why they want us divided. Keeping us at a low vibration keeps our DNA compressed like a spring. That is how they manipulate our DNA. It is the FEAR of the shot and the FEAR of 5G that affects us the most.
I'm curious if there's some sort of the radio spectrum thing going on here also. We know that the human body reacts to certain frequencies and that DNA can be altered by that. We know that radio frequencies can be broadcasted from multitude sources aside from just radio towers, including power lines and high lines all over the nation. And then there's harp, whatever the hell that was for. I remember monkey works covering there was a lot of sniffing going on and a lot of flights doing radio recon etc. I don't know maybe not, but my God tells me there has to be a connection with our health and direct exposure to emi.
https://foc.us kind of like this fren
There's a point on the path to ascension that the person realizes that this isn't a fight between good vs evil. But that we are all in a birds nest of sorts as little chicks growing and learning to sprout our little wings trying to fly. The good vs bad mind thought is just part of the growing process.
Some days I feel like I'm fucking living the X files
Would trump push the vaccines so much if they were doing this ?
When it comes to personal decisions regarding your body, that's a you problem, not a Trump problem.