BioClandestine: "For those who haven't figured it out, “Muh brain-chips” was a narrative fueled by THE LEFT to get you to not trust Elon. The Left pushed this psyop to try and deter the MAGA community from giving validity to Elon, because they knew he was about to expose them via the Twitter files."
- N C S W I C -

Jokes on them… I don’t trust anyone except Jesus Christ!
Only sound thought posted on here at the moment. People forget way too soon. Most won't enter the promised land.
Elon tweeted the Neuralink: Fall update, posted 2 days ago.
Ability to interface with phone and laptop, read and write information to the brain... And medical uses such as fixing paralysis and resoring vision to the blind. I just started watching...
Exactly, he is saying this himself. What if he is so smart because he has the implant already? What if he is the first ai? What if it explains why he is so odd. It would also explain the perfect setup for the antichrist. Savior of the world and will have all worship his image. Take his mark. How? By saving the world? Biblical? Elon is Q? Quantum initiative? Elon Quantum? Elon rich from Mil? Elon special top secret classified gov project? Sorry to be redundant but usually the thing you least expect!
He admitted it tonight.
Partially correct
As I've been saying for a week now, it is also because there's a company already doing it, and by pushing Elon, it provides cover.
Funded by?
Speaking of psyops, what's the latest status of Clandestine cucking for Tulsi?
Tulsi is a patriot dude
We've been anti transhumanism long before this...
This post by bio clandestine isn’t right.
Listen to Elon’s interview with how Rohan from late summer 2020. Elon clearly defines the likely trajectory that the neuralink tech will go, and he defines the need to increase the bit rate transfer of info between computers and man in order to keep up with AI. Bioclandestine’s assessment seems to come from a lack of knowledge of Elon’s own words. Doesn’t mean Elon can’t be an ally, bioclandestines assessment just isn’t based on an accurate comprehensive analysis of what Elon actually said in the interview with Joe Rogan.
This post is a honeypot for exposing shill accounts.
Very useful to know which accounts to block... thanks.
I have also seen elon saying that we must be very careful of our individual intelligence.
Today, RT is running an article about cyber-prosthetics. That has all sorts of enhancements. their philosophy is to 'enhance' people who have missing limbs, by providing all sorts of capabilities and personal preferences.
The idea is to not just have something that looks like a hand, or something, but to have one that looks like a robot hand if you want, or maybe a cellphone attached to the wrist.
What part of Elon Musk owning a brainchip company is inaccurate?
As I said in the first post, Elon explains where he is trying to take the neuralink tech. He said that it is important to develop a faster bit rate uptake for the human brain. The bioclandestine article sounds like it’s trying to make the tech sound benign. Justifying its existence in the name of helping people.
Transhumanism with better marketing.
I always think of Matthew 11:5 when I see info about neuralink.
I'm not sure how to take it. 🤔
Hum. I know Elon is very very smart. Scary smart. Either way, I trust God. I will not fear and I am greatful to be alive through all this! Just amazing.
Regardless of what bioclandestine said, transhumanism is bioethically wrong. Eugenics was also supposed to be a benign thing. Better living through chemistry is supposed to be a good thing. None of them are.
Pacemakers are a good thing. Prosthetic parts are a good thing.
Pacemakers and artificial limbs aren't the same as an implant that can be hacked / overtake your individual will. It's not the same as a push for children to be drugged into compliance. Not the same thing as messing with the genetics for some uberbeing and accidentally creating a generation of genetically engineered psychopaths. Technology is good for some things but it doesn't replace nature or God.