Comments (28)
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We need to take back BC,this BCE is crap.
I remember seeing the BC and AD change to BCE and CE in my college text books, and that wasn't even 10 years ago. I remembered thinking "the frick is this? 'common era'? common in WHAT?"
It's all to take anything to do with Christ out of the equation.
Hatred and lies knows no bounds. They've tried changing every single history book. I'll never reference it as anything other than what it is: BC and AD.
Same here. If I have kids (God willing) they will be taught history in terms of BC and AD.
In my lifetime it went from BC (Before Christ) to BCE (Before Common Era). AD Anno Domini (Year of our Lord) is done away with altogether.
It's still BC and AD.
Anyone who says otherwise is fake news.
Amen brother! Just like the rainbow has been "coopted" by the swindled and confused. Those colors in the sky will ALWAYS represent God's promise to never flood the earth again, as well as His covenant with us. The only REAL meaning assigned to anything is that given by Him, the creator.
Peace and blessings.
good one!!
So does this mean that Old Norse religions are still relevant because we named some days of the week after Norse gods?
Tuesday=Tiw's Day Wednesday = Woden's (Odin) Day Thursday = Thor's Day Friday= Frig's Day
I think those are the corresponding gods. It's been awhile since I've read about it.
Or maybe the old Roman gods are still relevant, because of the months that are named after Roman gods. Janus=January. Mars=March, Februus (Roman festival)=February.
July and August are named after Ceasers, I think.
It's more relevant than ever before.
These people truly are dumb.
That's hilarious.
I've always loved how Jesus is the point at which we start recording history.
What do you mean? We have historical records going back many years before the birth of Christ.
yes, but at Jesus's death is the dividing point between BC and AD, year 0
That's not when we started recording history though.
It was more of a cheeky joke than an attempt at historical precision
Oh it's relevant. So are all the other faiths and ideals. Just because you found what works for YOU doesn't mean you have all the answers.
8 billion people, 6 thousand known, active religions and you scored the correct one? Even if that's true, Jesus expects His followers to remain humble and accept that they could have fallen for the wrong ideas and to treat others with dignity and respect. Not scorn, judgement, contempt and a holier than thouism chip on your shoulder like so many religious zealots do.
Well said.
All religions will fall in due time, including Christianity. Christianity does not represent Jesus Christ whatsoever. Christians will share the same fate as the left. The only thing God hates more than a hypocrite is a religious one.
The only things I have come to understand Jesus hating are death of the innocent and lying.
No man made religion ever properly represents any of their faiths.