If you are a public servant there can be no expectation of privacy over your taxes or your immediate family. If you have something to hide, you don't deserve to be making law.
Are you saying the Covid tyranny is worse now that it was a year ago?
I think it was worse a year ago. The mask mandates have collapsed. The mRNA injection mandates are collapsing. People seem to be returning to normal, socially. Local businesses are mostly open again. Trump is back on Twitter. Republicans have the House. Kari Lake lawsuit. Hunter Biden Laptop is now confirmed. Roe vs. Wade is overturned. BLM riots have cooled. ANTIFA is pretty quiet. Epstein arrested and killed. Maxwell arrested. Twitter Files DECLAS. Trump has his own social network. Ukraine narrative crumbling. Covid narrative crumbling. Q posting again. These are all victories.
Getting Trump's tax returns wasn't about Trump, it was about going after everyone that does business with him. Basically sending a message to any businessperson that they will lose all of their business contacts if they try to take on the Uniparty.
The worst of the Uniparty do not run businesses, at least not in the ethical sense. They get rich on illicit activities, bribery, insider trading, and probably human trafficking. Those aren't going to show up in their tax returns.
Why do you folks seem to think this hurts them in any way? How long have we know millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders has had three houses? We know Al Gore has a huge mansion and flies on private jets to climate change events. Sane people already know this and the insane people don't care because the only sin to them is failing to tow the woke agenda, so as long as these Democrats don't stray from the script their supporters will forgive it.
STOP with the Democrats talk. It is ALL OF THEM! Stop dividing along party lines, as that is all part of their scheme. Yes, to us it appears a larger percentage of Democrats are crooks, but how can we look at Mitch, Mitt, Graham, and all of those thieves and point fingers at Democrats? No. It's the entire DC establishment, not just Democrats.
How about Body cams for all elected public officials? It's for their safety and the publics' safety. All conversations in the performance of their duties should be recorded. All protection details of any sort should be required to be recorded at all times while on duty. If the Secret Service or any other protection service have any knowledge of serious crimes or felonies and do not report it in writing to their superiors, they will be considered accomplices. No more privacy or NDA's should be required of publicly funded security. Transparency is the cure for corruption.
Every elected official's tax returns should be made public every year.
Down to the local level, including whomever they are joint filing with.
Including all the S corps hide their money in!
And their book deals.
That and how about personal & business banking statements of every official...
And I would like Dirty Nancy to go first 😉
That’s a good thing. Everyone is on board with that (except politicians)
If you are a public servant there can be no expectation of privacy over your taxes or your immediate family. If you have something to hide, you don't deserve to be making law.
Are you saying the Covid tyranny is worse now that it was a year ago?
I think it was worse a year ago. The mask mandates have collapsed. The mRNA injection mandates are collapsing. People seem to be returning to normal, socially. Local businesses are mostly open again. Trump is back on Twitter. Republicans have the House. Kari Lake lawsuit. Hunter Biden Laptop is now confirmed. Roe vs. Wade is overturned. BLM riots have cooled. ANTIFA is pretty quiet. Epstein arrested and killed. Maxwell arrested. Twitter Files DECLAS. Trump has his own social network. Ukraine narrative crumbling. Covid narrative crumbling. Q posting again. These are all victories.
It takes time, it must be done right, must be done according to the rule of law.
It is always the darkest before dawn.
They don't put grift on their tax returns!
Getting Trump's tax returns wasn't about Trump, it was about going after everyone that does business with him. Basically sending a message to any businessperson that they will lose all of their business contacts if they try to take on the Uniparty.
The worst of the Uniparty do not run businesses, at least not in the ethical sense. They get rich on illicit activities, bribery, insider trading, and probably human trafficking. Those aren't going to show up in their tax returns.
Why do you folks seem to think this hurts them in any way? How long have we know millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders has had three houses? We know Al Gore has a huge mansion and flies on private jets to climate change events. Sane people already know this and the insane people don't care because the only sin to them is failing to tow the woke agenda, so as long as these Democrats don't stray from the script their supporters will forgive it.
STOP with the Democrats talk. It is ALL OF THEM! Stop dividing along party lines, as that is all part of their scheme. Yes, to us it appears a larger percentage of Democrats are crooks, but how can we look at Mitch, Mitt, Graham, and all of those thieves and point fingers at Democrats? No. It's the entire DC establishment, not just Democrats.
Taxation is theft?
Govt prints money. And they collect tax. That's gotta be some kind of double jeopardy!
Do they really need to sit in elaborate halls in squeeky clean buildings to decide if article B should be types in all caps or semi-small fonts?
Freedom and transparency. Nothing less or GTFO!!!
This gene has been let out and the dems are not going to be happy when it's turned on them.
Not American, what is it with their fixation on tax returns?
How about Body cams for all elected public officials? It's for their safety and the publics' safety. All conversations in the performance of their duties should be recorded. All protection details of any sort should be required to be recorded at all times while on duty. If the Secret Service or any other protection service have any knowledge of serious crimes or felonies and do not report it in writing to their superiors, they will be considered accomplices. No more privacy or NDA's should be required of publicly funded security. Transparency is the cure for corruption.