Yes, this could finally be it
or this could be the ultimate troll on us
or it could be pure coincidence.
They were talking about Telsa stock crashing & it would make sense that a new software version could save the day. I found this: which is the most current. The highest version number I could find on that was 10.69 So yeah, I suppose 11.3 could be next but not that likely. 10.7 would be more likely, no?? Or maybe a new 11.0. Why would it go from 10.69 to 11.3 without an 11.0 first???
SO yeah, I think it's one of the top 2. 2 weeks, or 14 days from when he posted it would be, um January 21. That is the EXACT day one would expect Trump to return so that he can serve another term after. hmmm, maybe we really aren't fooling ourselves this time
That would have an effect on Tesla stock too of course or rather a whole game changer altogether as to why the owner of Tesla isn't too worried about his stock crashing
Also, on Brunson, we will find out Monday but they were only going to decide if they will hear it & schedule a date. If it's scheduled anytime before January 21st that would really be a good confirmation (It depends on how long they expect the case to go for - they are usually one day but considering how significant it is it might be a few days before) We will find out Monday
Now, more than ever in my life, I wish I was brighter than I am. All these Q drops with their cryptic meanings are like watching strippers and knowing all I can do is watch. Friggin' brain.
You’re here right? You’re ahead of about 96% of the global population. Many of us here were reading the q-drops live with deltas hitting 5 years later.
I stumbled onto Q via X22 about 6 months after Q's first drop. It seemed like a foreign language for about 2 months of Dave's podcasts. I felt like such a noob until things started to make sense. I came to X22 while seeking sanity and hope. You people were like finding an oasis in a desert.
I'm with you. I have come to terms with my abilities, and it isn't that. But I am black belt level contrarian, ph.d in criticism, and master of breaking stuff. So I stick to that.
Don't feel bad...I've been on here for 2 years AND STILL LEARNING...don't get takes a lil' time to get used to the machinations of the site and what the anons are talking about but you'll get it...BTW...I'm Older than Dirt and love the site!!!!
Anytime!!! Learning is good for the brain....What we don't have in instantaneous recognition we make up for stealthiness...
Glad to be of "SOME" help...Just stay with it...I learned along time ago-except at first and then after reading a few...start your own thought process...
The reason why I say this...because you will "recall" something that NO ONE has connected the dots...
Glad you're on the boards...Send a message if you have trouble...I don't mind helping another out...
The 11.3 refers to software versions for Tesla that went out. I saw other comments about prior versions. So did he release versions to coincide with 11.3 notice dropping on 1/7 or what?
Yes, I’m well aware Elon is referring to Tesla V11.3 model whateverthef*ck. Did you see the comment from Tesla owners??? What happened to all iterations BEFORE 11.3, Elon? Meaning, he released V11.3 straightaway after what previous version? Is he skipping?
With McCarthy’s Durham boat/Washington crossing the Potomac SoH speech, and Elon posting a picture of his nightstand with that same famous painting is not a coincidence.
Not even. The mid 10s are still in beta least, according to that link. I don't know shit about Teslas so I couldn't say what version is the operating version.
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.
What happened to the representation of Q post 34 in the graphic above? This sentence has been chopped up
"However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast."
I mean, Nov 3 was already a pretty big marker, if you ask me. Not that there might not be concurrent meanings and all, and who knows, maybe Elon is our boy and actually a genius Q-type fella. The evidence mounts, but I'm gonna wait 2 weeks to see if this is really a Q proof. (Sets alarm for 10 hours, 2 weeks)
Anon, 11.3 refers not to a date but the DoD Law of War manual. We have been belligerently occupied since 1/20/21. In two weeks, our military may engage the occupier. Read section 11 here it starts on page 757: DoD Law of War Manual
Let's be clear, shall we? That is a theory. To treat it like a fact is not Q-like at all -it's not what Q taught us to do.
I've listened to MajicEyes vids and decodes on LOW manual, and I think they are very good. I stated "concurrent" for that specific reason. There are, I believe (and I acknowledge when I have beliefs and don't pretend that they are facts, btw), numerous concurrent meanings.
However, I have also done a LOT of digging into LOW manual, and specifically the theories about "waiting times" required before engagement can occur, etc, and in my view, they are extremely bogus. They are premised on mis-readings of the LOW manual content + severe prejudicial interpretation + a form of hopium.
One such (nonsense, imo, although I caveat that I AM speaking rather passionately, I admit) theory that was being promoted by 107 and others who latched on to it, ONE YEAR AGO, was that for some reason (aka misreading of the LOW manual) the rightful sovereigns could NOT engage the belligerent forces for 12 months due to Geneva conventions, so when Jan 20, 2022 came around, all gloves would be off and we would see them activating and swooping in.
See: 11.3 End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations
Majic Eyes stuff is very high quality, but he does NOT (if I recall correctly) go so far as to throw out time period date fagging theories like some who follow on from his work and then mis-apply (imo) reasoning to the LOW manual. They do not, imo, apply the same rigorous logic and due diligence that MajicEyes does in his work.
"military may engage the occupier"
If you can specifically point me to any content that actually says this (after having been vetted for ambiguity, analysed in terms of semantics and actual langauge) then, I'm all ears.
Although it's by no means a validation of my opinions, I will mention that I professionally read texts to interpret their precise and accurate meaning for my work, and have done so for almost 30 years now: I've done legal texts, contract, legislation, medical research, civil engineering, manufacturing, journalistic texts, religious texts, etc. If I misread the meaning in texts, I don't get paid and I lose work. So that's the approach I bring when I look into and analyse something like LOW manual.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense even on the surface of it.
LOW talks about obligations of an occupying power, and how long those obligations last. However, the obligations finish (12 months after, I think) once the occupation is no longer considered an 'occupation'. The occupying power is obliged to observe GC for 12 months after the occupation has completed. GC are only relevant in terms of war, aka military engagement, and when they are not relevant, then civil law kicks in.
IIRC I had been watching a series and in the very next decode, the q drop "corrected" him about dates. He admitted his error and moved on. Still quality work.
Did he really just say “11.3” and “two weeks” in the same tweet?
Holy shit.
I know, I’ve been tripping all day from the deltas
Yes, this could finally be it or this could be the ultimate troll on us or it could be pure coincidence.
They were talking about Telsa stock crashing & it would make sense that a new software version could save the day. I found this: which is the most current. The highest version number I could find on that was 10.69 So yeah, I suppose 11.3 could be next but not that likely. 10.7 would be more likely, no?? Or maybe a new 11.0. Why would it go from 10.69 to 11.3 without an 11.0 first???
SO yeah, I think it's one of the top 2. 2 weeks, or 14 days from when he posted it would be, um January 21. That is the EXACT day one would expect Trump to return so that he can serve another term after. hmmm, maybe we really aren't fooling ourselves this time
That would have an effect on Tesla stock too of course or rather a whole game changer altogether as to why the owner of Tesla isn't too worried about his stock crashing
Also, on Brunson, we will find out Monday but they were only going to decide if they will hear it & schedule a date. If it's scheduled anytime before January 21st that would really be a good confirmation (It depends on how long they expect the case to go for - they are usually one day but considering how significant it is it might be a few days before) We will find out Monday
Sweet sounds to my ears!
Now, more than ever in my life, I wish I was brighter than I am. All these Q drops with their cryptic meanings are like watching strippers and knowing all I can do is watch. Friggin' brain.
You’re here right? You’re ahead of about 96% of the global population. Many of us here were reading the q-drops live with deltas hitting 5 years later.
I stumbled onto Q via X22 about 6 months after Q's first drop. It seemed like a foreign language for about 2 months of Dave's podcasts. I felt like such a noob until things started to make sense. I came to X22 while seeking sanity and hope. You people were like finding an oasis in a desert.
Thanks, Fren.
I feel the same way...I require a lot of "handholding" to decipher all of this. GAW is holding my hands...
That's part of the job of the digital soldiers/anons: helping people to understand this madness best we can.
I am grateful for the “handholding “ and knowledge that everyone shares!
There is zero chance my MIL is smart. I also am not smart smart.
I'm with you. I have come to terms with my abilities, and it isn't that. But I am black belt level contrarian, ph.d in criticism, and master of breaking stuff. So I stick to that.
I may have met you at a Breaking Stuff Convention.
Don't feel bad...I've been on here for 2 years AND STILL LEARNING...don't get takes a lil' time to get used to the machinations of the site and what the anons are talking about but you'll get it...BTW...I'm Older than Dirt and love the site!!!!
I'm only as old as dirt, so I guess you're my elder. Thanks for the cheer-up, Fren.
Anytime!!! Learning is good for the brain....What we don't have in instantaneous recognition we make up for stealthiness...
Glad to be of "SOME" help...Just stay with it...I learned along time ago-except at first and then after reading a few...start your own thought process...
The reason why I say this...because you will "recall" something that NO ONE has connected the dots...
Glad you're on the boards...Send a message if you have trouble...I don't mind helping another out...
The 11.3 refers to software versions for Tesla that went out. I saw other comments about prior versions. So did he release versions to coincide with 11.3 notice dropping on 1/7 or what?
Yes, I’m well aware Elon is referring to Tesla V11.3 model whateverthef*ck. Did you see the comment from Tesla owners??? What happened to all iterations BEFORE 11.3, Elon? Meaning, he released V11.3 straightaway after what previous version? Is he skipping?
With McCarthy’s Durham boat/Washington crossing the Potomac SoH speech, and Elon posting a picture of his nightstand with that same famous painting is not a coincidence.
Did Elon just set off the first marker? [1] >
Here's all the other versions. But I'm here for it!!!
Ty. So it went from V11 to V11.3?
Not even. The mid 10s are still in beta least, according to that link. I don't know shit about Teslas so I couldn't say what version is the operating version.
You might want to add this 5 year delta
What post number? I’ll embed it here.
Here ya go fren, cheers!!
Embed doesn't work because and have been taken offline.
Thanks, was wondering why they weren’t linking
Q posted a 'V' before.
Q Post 26
Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker). Biggest advanced drop on Pol.
What happened to the representation of Q post 34 in the graphic above? This sentence has been chopped up
"However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast."
The above is missing magnificent-mod, u/Bqnita ‘s earlier sticky RE post #505 confirming marker [1] with a 1/7 delta. Bqonita’s Q505 Sticky
TWO WEEKS TIME WILL BE JAN 21, 2023...Interesting...
Herm. I'll be waiting for 2 weeks, just in case.
I mean, Nov 3 was already a pretty big marker, if you ask me. Not that there might not be concurrent meanings and all, and who knows, maybe Elon is our boy and actually a genius Q-type fella. The evidence mounts, but I'm gonna wait 2 weeks to see if this is really a Q proof. (Sets alarm for 10 hours, 2 weeks)
Anon, 11.3 refers not to a date but the DoD Law of War manual. We have been belligerently occupied since 1/20/21. In two weeks, our military may engage the occupier. Read section 11 here it starts on page 757: DoD Law of War Manual
Let's be clear, shall we? That is a theory. To treat it like a fact is not Q-like at all -it's not what Q taught us to do.
I've listened to MajicEyes vids and decodes on LOW manual, and I think they are very good. I stated "concurrent" for that specific reason. There are, I believe (and I acknowledge when I have beliefs and don't pretend that they are facts, btw), numerous concurrent meanings.
However, I have also done a LOT of digging into LOW manual, and specifically the theories about "waiting times" required before engagement can occur, etc, and in my view, they are extremely bogus. They are premised on mis-readings of the LOW manual content + severe prejudicial interpretation + a form of hopium.
One such (nonsense, imo, although I caveat that I AM speaking rather passionately, I admit) theory that was being promoted by 107 and others who latched on to it, ONE YEAR AGO, was that for some reason (aka misreading of the LOW manual) the rightful sovereigns could NOT engage the belligerent forces for 12 months due to Geneva conventions, so when Jan 20, 2022 came around, all gloves would be off and we would see them activating and swooping in.
See: 11.3 End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations
Majic Eyes stuff is very high quality, but he does NOT (if I recall correctly) go so far as to throw out time period date fagging theories like some who follow on from his work and then mis-apply (imo) reasoning to the LOW manual. They do not, imo, apply the same rigorous logic and due diligence that MajicEyes does in his work.
"military may engage the occupier"
If you can specifically point me to any content that actually says this (after having been vetted for ambiguity, analysed in terms of semantics and actual langauge) then, I'm all ears.
Although it's by no means a validation of my opinions, I will mention that I professionally read texts to interpret their precise and accurate meaning for my work, and have done so for almost 30 years now: I've done legal texts, contract, legislation, medical research, civil engineering, manufacturing, journalistic texts, religious texts, etc. If I misread the meaning in texts, I don't get paid and I lose work. So that's the approach I bring when I look into and analyse something like LOW manual.
It makes NO sense to have a rule that says you have to WAIT to engage the enemy...NONE!
Yeah, it doesn't make sense even on the surface of it.
LOW talks about obligations of an occupying power, and how long those obligations last. However, the obligations finish (12 months after, I think) once the occupation is no longer considered an 'occupation'. The occupying power is obliged to observe GC for 12 months after the occupation has completed. GC are only relevant in terms of war, aka military engagement, and when they are not relevant, then civil law kicks in.
He was actually pretty heavy into datefagging for a time...
Ah, perhaps I glossed over that part, on account of not being a big fan of the ol' datefagging generally.
IIRC I had been watching a series and in the very next decode, the q drop "corrected" him about dates. He admitted his error and moved on. Still quality work.
Let's see if this causes the cabal to expend any ammo they have left.
Anyone have a link to Musks Tweet? I looked and don't see that he posted that.
Ty, anon 🫡🇺🇸
Are you implying it's not real? It's fairly easy to find on his page under replies
No. When I wrote that nobody was replying to this question. Then I got into dinner and drinks and forgot all about this. No worries. .