Long story short, a friend of mine just found out that he has cancer. He's a good man and he and his family could really use some prayers please. I'm hoping it was caught early enough.
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Heavenly Father we love you so much. We ask that you look after cobalts fren. Heal him from whatever is wrong so he may return better then before. Allow the doctors to act in his best interest and have love in there hearts. Put a protective blanket over him so nothing can cause further harm. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen
Will keep praying fren. God bless u.
Very well said thank you, and Amen!
Thank you!
Fenbendazole - GAW search for Fenbendazole
Thanks fren! I will check into that!
https://mycancerstory.rocks/ is where most of those discussions point.
You will also find studies that show cancer reduction with Ivermectin if you search for it.
Sorry for not pulling all the info I have here, reply to me as a reminder to respond again & I can get you more info I have saved from this community once I am done with family stuff tonight.
edit: I can't not do this now
This link should get you at least one study I saved.
Thank you! I would appreciate anything you can find.
Another pedes compilation on potential cures
The link above is one I had forgotten about & loved the most because it is chock-full of medical literature about these unused cures.
Pine Needle info:
Unprecedented Cancer Study
Monoclonal Antibodies effect
9 studies on cancer & Ivermectin
Comment with YouTube link on Fenben
Claim of hydrogen Peroxide
I have 28 saved links so far about possible cancer cures. All I know is that I would try every single one before doing chemo. Have a good friend who survived stage 4 with chemo & the standard care given. He tells me he can still taste the poison & it has destroyed his ability to move easily some days. Wish I had known about these things a decade ago so I could have helped him test them out before.
edit- Tossed the best link to the top. I hope this helps fren.
Thank you very much fren! Hopefully my friend will try these options. I've had so many family members go through chemo and I definitely don't want to see another person go through it.
I hear you. A very good friend of mine (politically polar opposite, though we both shared a passion for physically getting out & helping others who needed it & donating our time) went through it and died before they were 40.
He was a liberal who respected my opinions & only attacked the ideas with his best understanding. Often he just didn't have answers to my questions during our debates & would go look for answers to them to the best of his understanding (granted they were "trusted" liberal sources).
It was so hard watching him go from frequent phycial competition with me, to barely being able to sit on the sidelines to cheer our mutual friends on.
Now seeing my other friend that survived it & all the complications, it only encourages me to strongly suggest these possibilities to any other family & friends.
At the very least I don't see how the Ivermectin or Fenbendazole could hurt from my experience during Covid taking Antiparasitics.
Sounds like he was a good friend. I'm sorry for your loss.
Lord bless them and give them peace.
Thank you!
🙏🙏🙏 - Praying God lifts up your friend and his family during this time and brings miraculous healing, Amen!
Thank you!
Dear Lord, please send healing to CP’s friend. Strengthen him with your presence, give him faith in Christ Jesus as his Lord & Savior, and fill him with your Holy Spirit and your peace. Grant the medical staff wisdom & discernment to know how to treat him. Let them be extensions of your healing hands. I ask this in Jesus’ Holy name, Amen.
I'll pray for him.
Thank you!
Prayers coming his way. God will know who we mean.
Thank you!
Just prayed fren. Is he vaccinated? It's important, because if so he has turned off his body's immune system and it is not fighting the cancer. There are protocols online that can help.
Unfortunately, yes...despite my warning. He didn't want to lose his job. If he had waited just a few days longer, like I told him to... His job backed off the "mandate" as I predicted. He was pissed.
Turn to Jesus before it is too late. Do not make an even worse decision. Prayer said. God bless you both.
Praying for your friend. But, since he is jabbed, make sure he understands that he cannot waste time. Some of these cancers in the vaxxed are moving fast. Keep us posted.
Thank you!
Tell him to search Ivermectin and cancer. Also Panacur and cancer. The ingredients of the dog medicine has some incredible properties. If I had cancer, I would try anything other than Chemo. Praying he finds a cure!
Thank you for the info!