Former owner, Mrs. Post I believe, built Mar-a -Lago hoping that one day it would be used as the Southern White House. She donated the mansion to the U.S government, but when it remained unused the government decided to sell it because it was too expensive to "keep up". Trump attempted to buy it at one time, but thought the price was too high. He did eventually purchase it at a reduced price.
That's very interesting. Thank you. I'm sure it's not just Trump who planned him owning MAL. I reckon it was a decision made a while back by the white hats.
Yes, i thought the same, then it kind of does makes sense, but still seems weird. Maybe it's the '&' instead of 'and' which groups them together making 'is' unnecessary.
The two fastest ways to earn accommodations in a swanky government five star luxury resort (A.K.A. Federal Prison) is to violate classified material protocol, and/or ammunition/explosives/weapons.
If you're talking about the election, I think it's all theater. It needed to be shown that the system is corrupt. I believe that will be corrected, among other things.
I was referring more to DC being destroyed and capital moving to Phoenix but I am truly hoping elections are fixed more than I care about where the capital is located lol
Kudos for asking a question rather than trying to make a feeling appear to be a fact.
Rather than addressing the accuracy and motivations behind this choice of adjective, perhaps the answer is in THIS universe?
Obviously, not everyone has the same ability to see nor the same abilities to analyze what's seen. Consequently, not everyone will realize that, as PDJT pointed out, this DID happen, and continues to happen, " in this fucking universe".
Naturally, those who are sure that there's nothing to fucking see won't take another look.
However, others who arent imprisoned by hubris may become curious to figure out what they missed seeing that PDJT sees. Motivated by curiousity, they may start looking more closely. Those who seek will find.
This ability to see, seek and find relates to Qs training that began on October 28, 2017. which initially was designed to train those who had above average sight and superior critical analysis skills.
Later, Q moved beyond digital warrior special ops training to include those who could play equally important supporting roles despite not having the gifts to become special ops warriors.
Everyone's role, while different, is equally important. Developing the ability to work together despite those differences is the key to triumphing over any storm.
Q highlighted themes of training, teamwork and survival in a link: You Tube. White Squall. Official movie trailer.
The "Southern White House" turned out to be true?
That points to the Biden admin being fake and perhaps to Trump being the president undeclared to the public.
Ding! Ding! Ding! I believe Trump is confirming that Devolution is in place and that HE IS THE PRESIDENT
Also, I keep hearing, RJR only Presidents can declassify, not VP's, so what was Joe doing with the documents LOL!
I agree.
I think there was a point where no one was in control.
I think we all watched it during the inauguration of Biden.
I think that point may have just ended, but even if it did we wouldn't know openly.
So, it's all very interesting.
I will bet money Trump is currently the Commander in Chief and I don't have money to lose.
He never conceded and fraud vitiates everything, especially fraudulent and treasonous elections.
Maybe our Favorite President can light the fuse on The Fourth of July!
Selling them to china for $75 million
Man... of all the hopium that ever hoped, this, to me, was the absolute hopiest.
This is all so wild.
It's getting more explicit isn't it.
The early Q stuff was so cryptic, but as we get closer to the storm and more people need to be redpilled, the signals are getting easier to interpret,
They tried to fight it
Former owner, Mrs. Post I believe, built Mar-a -Lago hoping that one day it would be used as the Southern White House. She donated the mansion to the U.S government, but when it remained unused the government decided to sell it because it was too expensive to "keep up". Trump attempted to buy it at one time, but thought the price was too high. He did eventually purchase it at a reduced price.
That's very interesting. Thank you. I'm sure it's not just Trump who planned him owning MAL. I reckon it was a decision made a while back by the white hats.
How he did that is an interesting story. Search it.
I don't normally see these things.
LOL I love it. Just think how much sting that phrase has in it for many...that one is gonna hurt lol.
Extra [d] in Biden
Here is the qpost search for [d] (case sensitive)
Here is the qpost search for [d] (not case sensitive)
Do we have any clever q interpreters here?
In the sentence about security and Secret Service it looks to me the word [is] does not belong.
Yes, i thought the same, then it kind of does makes sense, but still seems weird. Maybe it's the '&' instead of 'and' which groups them together making 'is' unnecessary.
Here is a search for Bidden:
Good idea!
Interesting, thanks!
Well I know the first one was Q responding to something the Rothschilds were saying on the chans to Q.
Idk what the second one is for.
The first one was referring to Rothschild. However, it could apply to others. The 2nd one with the capitalization of D, usually refers to the Dems.
Good catch fren 🐸
Thanks but it was u/Privatejoker 's catch
Just Joe admitting they had them locked in the garage is a trip to levenworth
Note that he says "I have the right as President." Not "I had the right."
Southern white house. There it is.
Bidden - dd > developmentally disabled.
The two fastest ways to earn accommodations in a swanky government five star luxury resort (A.K.A. Federal Prison) is to violate classified material protocol, and/or ammunition/explosives/weapons.
Not looking good for the idiot in the basement.
I read the new White House will be in Phoenix. I can't find where I sourced that, but I believe that DC will be destroyed.
I hope not if Phoenix is still compromised either
If you're talking about the election, I think it's all theater. It needed to be shown that the system is corrupt. I believe that will be corrected, among other things.
I was referring more to DC being destroyed and capital moving to Phoenix but I am truly hoping elections are fixed more than I care about where the capital is located lol
In what fucking universe did this happen?
"In what fucking universe"?
Kudos for asking a question rather than trying to make a feeling appear to be a fact.
Rather than addressing the accuracy and motivations behind this choice of adjective, perhaps the answer is in THIS universe?
Obviously, not everyone has the same ability to see nor the same abilities to analyze what's seen. Consequently, not everyone will realize that, as PDJT pointed out, this DID happen, and continues to happen, " in this fucking universe".
Naturally, those who are sure that there's nothing to fucking see won't take another look.
However, others who arent imprisoned by hubris may become curious to figure out what they missed seeing that PDJT sees. Motivated by curiousity, they may start looking more closely. Those who seek will find.
This ability to see, seek and find relates to Qs training that began on October 28, 2017. which initially was designed to train those who had above average sight and superior critical analysis skills.
Later, Q moved beyond digital warrior special ops training to include those who could play equally important supporting roles despite not having the gifts to become special ops warriors.
Everyone's role, while different, is equally important. Developing the ability to work together despite those differences is the key to triumphing over any storm.
Q highlighted themes of training, teamwork and survival in a link: You Tube. White Squall. Official movie trailer.
Why is Biden misspelled?
Perhaps its an evocative play on words? Biden does the bidden of ......? Will those classified emails Bidden took help us figure out who he serves?