In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot. It was done after the vaccine rollout.
This is extraordinary. They did it hoping nobody would notice. It worked for a while. Nobody caught it.
But you can’t hide these things for long.
This is a tacit admission from the US government that the COVID vaccine has damaged the hearts of our pilots. Not just a few pilots. A lot of pilots and a lot of damage.
The cardiac harm of course is not limited to pilots.
My best guess right now is that over 50M Americans sustained some amount of heart damage from the shot.
That’s a lot of people who will be very upset when they realize the vaccine they took to reduce their chance of dying from COVID actually worked in reverse making it:
1 - More likely that people will get COVID
2 - Be hospitalized from COVID and other diseases
3 - Die from COVID (and other diseases)
4 - You also have an excellent chance of getting a lifetime of heart damage for no extra charge.
But don’t worry; you can’t sue them. They fixed the law so none of them aren’t liable (the doctors, the drug companies, the government). After all, you took the vaccine of your own free will. It’s not like you were forced (or coerced) to take it or anything like that! And there were plenty of people warning you not to take the shots (even though they censored most of them).
In this article, I will explain the evidence and thinking behind all my claims.
Scary. I will think of this every time I wish I could fly off someplace.
Better get right with Jesus and have a good life insurance policy.
Gonna get right with Jesus and buy a tent and wood panel station wagon for all American trips across U S of A.
Hopefully the insurance companies aren’t bankrupted by then
Gonna have to go take your flying lessons and fly yourself
Very interesting...they have changed parameters in many other places as well. The CDC revised baby's milestones...what used to be 12 month goals are now 18 month goals. The IQ scale has also changed to make the lower IQ's appear more acceptable or normal. Even goals for education are constantly changing...evidently it is ok to graduate high school being technically illiterate. I have even asked my doctor why the acceptable numbers for blood pressure or cholesteral keep changing. They obviously want more people on drugs. They constantly change parameters to push whatever narrative they are trying to is just another form of their deception to control the narrative. I sure would not want to have to fly...maybe it is okay since they have a co-pilot.
True. BP normal (and desirable) was formerly 120/80. The "new normal" for women 18 to 39 is now 110/68. Yeah, they changed it that much. So many more people now have high blood pressure.
Cholesterol as well. About 10 years ago, they had a wellness screening at work where you could get things like cholesterol tested. Two women, who were very healthy, were freaked when told their cholesterol was high. (My background is in life insurance and the lipid panel is one of the underwriting screens looked at in the blood draw.) I don't remember what the numbers were off the top of my head, but when they told me. I told them that is not considered high. They didn't believe me until I finally pulled out five different guidelines from five different carriers to show them they would be considered best class by every single one of them. They relaxed, so I was able to get through that day. But it speaks to the power of authority we have granted our institutions.
Oh, and 20 years ago, no one was 'pre -diabetic' either.
They took it upon themselves to adjust the importance of the lives of millions of passengers.
No one asked us if this was okay.
And the "elites" want non vaxxed to fly their jets.
This is right up there with diversity hires in the control tower.
Government agencies work for us.
It's time that they, and we, start acting like it.
Normal PR interval in a healthy adult is 0.12 - 0.2 seconds. Beyond that is first degree heart block. A damaged heart.
Looks like the FAA requirements go to .3 for a specific type of test and .3+ for a different one but they seem to be the same.
“1st Degree AV Block
with PR interval of LESS than 300 msAllIf no symptoms or AME concernsISSUE Annotate Item 60 1st Degree AV Block
with PR interval of 300 ms or MOREAllSubmit the following:
A current Holter and cardiac evaluation”
Never flying again. Never letting strangers or vaxxed drive me anywhere.
Don't worry. They've got a med for that, too.
I'm a big fan of the tireless work Kirsch has done and I've posted many of his links here in the past.
However, be careful with this particular article, pedes.
There's some good, intelligent discussion in the comments section of this particular article and there's some well-reasoned debate on whether Kirsch is drawing the correct conclusion here.
I need to do additional research on this and don't have time at the moment due to the workday interfering, but I would advise caution on sharing this article until we get clarity.
We have two studies showing real rates of myocarditis are around 1-in-40, in addition to potentially everyone vaccinated having some level of heart damage due to elevated troponin with high sensitivity tests.
Absolutely true on everything you stated. The debate in the comments is if Steve is correctly interpreting the net effect of the new FAA heart health standards.
There's a good debate in the comments right now and I just want to advise caution on this particular story. We don't want to risk pointing out incorrect information on the jab because as we all know, there are people waiting to jump all over us for the slightest mistake.
Plus we have no shortage of evidence to prove our point. It's just that this particular article by Kirsch may not be good evidence. Jury is still out.
Got it. I agree with what you're saying. Steve has been wrong before, although he always owns up to it.
One of the things I respect most about the guy.
Thanks for pointing that out. GAW is best when we question and confirm everything before we spread it.
the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited)...eventually that would be a "flatline"...Asystole
This is so scary. I live in Alaska. I used to fly 4 or 5 times a week for work - many of those flights were small planes - Nearly every one of our friends and relatives here fly for work or to ‘travel’. Traveling ‘Outside’ is a biggie. I dread what is to come.
Why do I get the feeling the Nepal pilots suffered strokes mid-flight?
Nah. You’re right to suspect everything but I’m a pilot. This was clearly a bad approach that led to stalling / spinning the plane in an unrecoverable position.
Almost certainly pilot error. Almost certainly not incapacitation.
Gee, what could possibly go wrong with that decision?
From a purported prophecy contained in the Mormon/LDS scriptures:
D&C 45:
26 And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth.
Interesting to note in this context.
Just gotta hope your pilot and co pilot’s heart events are staggered on different days.
in case you know someone who is in vax-remorse:
Myocarditis is a sign of HIV infection. The vaccine is AIDS.
Just curious but would any insurance company pay out death benefits to anyone willingly taking an "experimental" innoculations ?