Rob and Stephen King have been angry towards Trump for at least five years. In fact, it is so over the top in a way that they are more likely to be mad that the old arrangements are no longer in place, alongside protection they had. More so than anything Trump could do to them. Almost seems like they are big angry about an event both were at, say a movie set, and what may have happened there.
I don't always attempt to overthrow a government with 1.8 million civilian employees, 1.4 million in the military, and kazillion of dollars of arms, but when I do, it's with a few thousand unarmed yokels wandering around taking pictures and stealing podiums as souvenirs.
Signed, the World's Most Interesting Man
"People involved in attempting to overthrow the govt"...
Sure, Mr. Reiner, you keep sucking on that crack.....
(For the record, how do they really attempt to explain how Jan 6 was meant to .... overthrow? the govt? How was that plan meant to work? <facepalm>
Chubby was in fact on the logs
Meat-head needs to shut his pie-hole, pronto!
That explains his absolute disregard for pres Trump... he knows his meat-head days are coming to an end.
Desperate pig of a man
But he is not left-handed!
Poor Rob...he appears to think others care what he thinks.
A common effect of delusions of grandeur.
Yep on the list
This post provided more satisfaction than the Alec Baldwin story.
Everybody’s life would improve if old Robbie did less drugs and alcohol. These midnight rants just make him look suspicious.
Wow, I just checked out RR’s twitter feed. He can’t shut up about Trump. It’s comical.
He still, to this day, doesn't understand that The People resonated with Archie Bunker, and not with him. Meat-head! Shaddup!
He's worse than Meat-head in real life!
One of my sock puppets saw that tweet yesterday and responded:
Rob and Stephen King have been angry towards Trump for at least five years. In fact, it is so over the top in a way that they are more likely to be mad that the old arrangements are no longer in place, alongside protection they had. More so than anything Trump could do to them. Almost seems like they are big angry about an event both were at, say a movie set, and what may have happened there.
Add Dinero to the list. He has TDS more than all of em. Screems the loudest !
And Bette Midler was another of the most vocal TDS whackos, although she seems to have crawled back into the shadows lately.
Chubby loves hot dogs...
Alice in Wonderland you say? Yes I believe we are all mad here. Patriots are pissed mad and pedos crazy mad
"People involved in attempting to overthrow the govt"...
Sure, Mr. Reiner, you keep sucking on that crack.....
(For the record, how do they really attempt to explain how Jan 6 was meant to .... overthrow? the govt? How was that plan meant to work? <facepalm>
South Park was spot on with their rob reiner episode
No, cabeza de carne... the people who overthrew the government are running the government