I was told to have an update tetanus shot years ago and accepted. That night I thought I was going to die: my temperature plummeted and I shivered despite having layer upon layer put on me. My daughter had to take me to the bathroom covered in blankets, went to bed with my teeth chattering. No amount of hot water bottles or covering made any difference. Thankfully I managed to sleep and felt better in the morning.
Years ago (almost 20 years now), I was working on a Navy ship in San Diego. I was helping the welder layout foundations and braces when I got a long cut on my left hand. It was fairly deep and it was bleeding a lot. I cleaned it out with betadine and bandaged it up myself. After another hour or two, one of the officers noticed my hand and asked what happened. I told him it was just a cut. He insisted that I leave the ship and get a medical evaluation. I left the base and went to a hospital to let them check it out. A nurse saw me first and saw the wound and asked how it happened. I explained in detail. She said that I am going to need a tetanus booster. I told her I didn't need one, the metal was cleaned and on a ship. She was insistent that I get one. I declined. The doctor came in, took one look and said I would need a tetanus booster. I explained again that it was not necessary. He was insistent. I asked him if he knows what causes tetanus. He couldn't remember the bacteria. I explained it is clostridium and it lives in soil. It thrives in rust of soil contact steel/iron. Since the metal used was cleaned with acetone and ground down for welding, there was zero chance of clostridium present. Therefore, I didn't need a tetanus booster. I left without one, the fact that both the nurse and doctor didn't know what caused lockjaw and when and why a tetanus shot would be required is why I haven't been to see a doctor ever since. I research my own issues and problems and treat them accordingly. If my treatment doesn't work or I need prescription meds, I will go see a doctor, but so far I have been batting a thousand. Hoping to go the rest of my life without needing to see a doctor or go to a hospital.
Good work! I decline the tetanus shot for my kids based on this same logic and it shuts medical people down. Like they got hurt in the house, how would they get the tetanus bacteria from that??
Also, it's really a puncture wound from such a rusty/soil metal situation that closes over that really sets you up for it because it's an anerobic bacteria.
I git a million mandatory ones in the military but avoided ever since. Everytime we got the flu shot or the nose gel version they had literally half the people on our ship got sick...I normally get the flu maybe once every 3 or 4 years so simple math dictates that's way better than the shot.
Additionally I got a tetanus shot for an injury when I was like 12 and I must have subconsciously hated them because they had to get 2 nurses and a doctor to hold me down to give it to me...my newborn is 100% pureblood despite being 2 months early . My oldest (10) only had is initial shots on a delayed schedule and has not had any since.
Yes the bacterium is anaerobic which means it grows without oxygen, which is why puncture wounds run the highest risk for tetanus. With an open would that has bled a lot and if you've been able to wash it out you have about zero chance of getting tetanus. ๐
I concur and am on board with everything you said...doesn't it feel good to be in charge of one of the most important aspects of your life...your health and well-being? I hope people that are trying to ditch the medical establishment's plan for our lives, will gain confidence in their ability to choose appropriate remedies and to learn to trust themselves and their ability to acquire the knowledge and resources to treat just about anything. I also am batting a thousand...independence from this tyranny is it's own reward and for me it is such a lot of fun to solve a puzzle and enjoy the fruits of success, healing and knowledge. God has been my guide in everything I do and He has proven more than faithful to reveal His wonderful knowledge and healing power. God bless you Patriot for your testimony and encouragement.
Wow, thank you for that info! I didn't know that. When I was 13, I slipped while fishing on Longboat Key and sliced my leg open on a barnacle. The cut was really deep and bled a ton, had to have 30 stitches in 3 layers. I remember they gave me a tetanus shot for it. At the time, I didn't question it. I'm sure it could have gotten infected from something, but probably not the tetanus bacteria.
Thanks for your service to our country and the education on tetanus shot. The officer might have been covering himself telling you to go to doctor. I canโt blame anyone for covering themselves. I learned about that quickly when I started worked for big companies.
I didn't blame him at all. I get the responsibilities and protocols. I was just shocked at the doctor and nurse not understanding something so basic. I know they have to learn a lot of material, but this is an extremely common bacteria and it did cause a lot of damage throughout history. It would've seemed to be a very basic medical concept. I didn't think too highly of their knowledge and skill. I also dated a woman that worked in a hospital for many years, I got to know a lot of doctors and nurses socially. It became very apparent that many of them weren't terribly intelligent and were just going through the motions at work, just to live their social lives afterwards. Only a couple were actually impressive in knowledge and passion for medicine.
Tetanus is pretty brutal. Because we've had such a long time to observe the effects of that vaccine, there is a lot of evidence to suggest -- or even prove -- that provided you get the vaccine at an early enough age, it provides sufficient protection for the rest of your life without boosters.
You know..like a vaccine should. That said, that's proof of even a non mRNA vaccine can have lifelong effects, and that we shouldn't be injecting this all willy nilly.
AND what you have eluded too is EXACTLY why this mRNA vaccine was brought out...to make the planet DEPENDENT on the vacs instead of OUR NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM...
I like you will NEVER have another vaccine...my 3 shot Cards from the military are quite enough!!!
Especially as they decided the simple tetanus shot was no longer acceptable, so now they recommend everyone receive the Booster TDAP shot (with Pertussis) every 5 years instead of every 10)
I had to get a second tetanus plus another shot so I could go to school years ago. I'm done after those. I had residual pain in my injection sites for 2 years and the doctors told me I was crazy.
Traditional vaccines aren't clean (unless you're a VIP who can afford cleaned vaccines) and mRNA vaccines are just purely poisonous. Pharma needs its ass kicked.
I was told to have an update tetanus shot years ago and accepted. That night I thought I was going to die: my temperature plummeted and I shivered despite having layer upon layer put on me. My daughter had to take me to the bathroom covered in blankets, went to bed with my teeth chattering. No amount of hot water bottles or covering made any difference. Thankfully I managed to sleep and felt better in the morning.
Years ago (almost 20 years now), I was working on a Navy ship in San Diego. I was helping the welder layout foundations and braces when I got a long cut on my left hand. It was fairly deep and it was bleeding a lot. I cleaned it out with betadine and bandaged it up myself. After another hour or two, one of the officers noticed my hand and asked what happened. I told him it was just a cut. He insisted that I leave the ship and get a medical evaluation. I left the base and went to a hospital to let them check it out. A nurse saw me first and saw the wound and asked how it happened. I explained in detail. She said that I am going to need a tetanus booster. I told her I didn't need one, the metal was cleaned and on a ship. She was insistent that I get one. I declined. The doctor came in, took one look and said I would need a tetanus booster. I explained again that it was not necessary. He was insistent. I asked him if he knows what causes tetanus. He couldn't remember the bacteria. I explained it is clostridium and it lives in soil. It thrives in rust of soil contact steel/iron. Since the metal used was cleaned with acetone and ground down for welding, there was zero chance of clostridium present. Therefore, I didn't need a tetanus booster. I left without one, the fact that both the nurse and doctor didn't know what caused lockjaw and when and why a tetanus shot would be required is why I haven't been to see a doctor ever since. I research my own issues and problems and treat them accordingly. If my treatment doesn't work or I need prescription meds, I will go see a doctor, but so far I have been batting a thousand. Hoping to go the rest of my life without needing to see a doctor or go to a hospital.
What a great illustration of being your own advocate.
Good work! I decline the tetanus shot for my kids based on this same logic and it shuts medical people down. Like they got hurt in the house, how would they get the tetanus bacteria from that??
Also, it's really a puncture wound from such a rusty/soil metal situation that closes over that really sets you up for it because it's an anerobic bacteria.
I git a million mandatory ones in the military but avoided ever since. Everytime we got the flu shot or the nose gel version they had literally half the people on our ship got sick...I normally get the flu maybe once every 3 or 4 years so simple math dictates that's way better than the shot.
Additionally I got a tetanus shot for an injury when I was like 12 and I must have subconsciously hated them because they had to get 2 nurses and a doctor to hold me down to give it to me...my newborn is 100% pureblood despite being 2 months early . My oldest (10) only had is initial shots on a delayed schedule and has not had any since.
Good job dad. ๐
Are they homeschooled?
ie: you step on a rusty nail and it punctures the sole of your foot - good idea get a tetanus shot. Lol
The homeopathic Ledum works wonders for puncture wounds...just sayin',,,
Yes the bacterium is anaerobic which means it grows without oxygen, which is why puncture wounds run the highest risk for tetanus. With an open would that has bled a lot and if you've been able to wash it out you have about zero chance of getting tetanus. ๐
I concur and am on board with everything you said...doesn't it feel good to be in charge of one of the most important aspects of your life...your health and well-being? I hope people that are trying to ditch the medical establishment's plan for our lives, will gain confidence in their ability to choose appropriate remedies and to learn to trust themselves and their ability to acquire the knowledge and resources to treat just about anything. I also am batting a thousand...independence from this tyranny is it's own reward and for me it is such a lot of fun to solve a puzzle and enjoy the fruits of success, healing and knowledge. God has been my guide in everything I do and He has proven more than faithful to reveal His wonderful knowledge and healing power. God bless you Patriot for your testimony and encouragement.
Wow, thank you for that info! I didn't know that. When I was 13, I slipped while fishing on Longboat Key and sliced my leg open on a barnacle. The cut was really deep and bled a ton, had to have 30 stitches in 3 layers. I remember they gave me a tetanus shot for it. At the time, I didn't question it. I'm sure it could have gotten infected from something, but probably not the tetanus bacteria.
Thanks for your service to our country and the education on tetanus shot. The officer might have been covering himself telling you to go to doctor. I canโt blame anyone for covering themselves. I learned about that quickly when I started worked for big companies.
I didn't blame him at all. I get the responsibilities and protocols. I was just shocked at the doctor and nurse not understanding something so basic. I know they have to learn a lot of material, but this is an extremely common bacteria and it did cause a lot of damage throughout history. It would've seemed to be a very basic medical concept. I didn't think too highly of their knowledge and skill. I also dated a woman that worked in a hospital for many years, I got to know a lot of doctors and nurses socially. It became very apparent that many of them weren't terribly intelligent and were just going through the motions at work, just to live their social lives afterwards. Only a couple were actually impressive in knowledge and passion for medicine.
Tetanus is pretty brutal. Because we've had such a long time to observe the effects of that vaccine, there is a lot of evidence to suggest -- or even prove -- that provided you get the vaccine at an early enough age, it provides sufficient protection for the rest of your life without boosters.
You know..like a vaccine should. That said, that's proof of even a non mRNA vaccine can have lifelong effects, and that we shouldn't be injecting this all willy nilly.
AND what you have eluded too is EXACTLY why this mRNA vaccine was brought out...to make the planet DEPENDENT on the vacs instead of OUR NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM...
I like you will NEVER have another vaccine...my 3 shot Cards from the military are quite enough!!!
No, I think the mRNA vaxxx was brought out to conduct the genocide that the rich globalists desire to achieve 500 million on the earth.
Especially as they decided the simple tetanus shot was no longer acceptable, so now they recommend everyone receive the Booster TDAP shot (with Pertussis) every 5 years instead of every 10)
I had to get a second tetanus plus another shot so I could go to school years ago. I'm done after those. I had residual pain in my injection sites for 2 years and the doctors told me I was crazy.
Traditional vaccines aren't clean (unless you're a VIP who can afford cleaned vaccines) and mRNA vaccines are just purely poisonous. Pharma needs its ass kicked.
Medical gaslighting is one of the system's best practiced skills.
I was told the primary source for tetanus is manure. So most people don't need the shot.
Updated tetanus shots were the only ones I trusted for years, now not even that. I will never let a needle in my arm voluntarily again.