Damar Hamlin can leave a hospital 7 DAYS after being placed in the trauma unit of a hospital on a ventilator in critical condition? AFTER getting CPR for 9 minutes? With no brain damage? He’s only lost the ability to do interviews? That’s the tale the NFL is telling us?
He's dead, Jim.

He's dead, Jim.
We don't know who the clown was impersonating him at the game last weekend. Staying completely covered (even indoors) and not saying a word... I have to wonder if there is anyone, anywhere being fooled by this bullshit?
The bigger question is: what is the point of this coverup in the first place? Eventually the truth will come out... and the coverup will just make the backlash much worse.
I said in another thread how do you keep a lid on this ? I know the NFL is corrupt but seriously the whole Bills staff zipper lipped ?
The freaking FBI surrounded the hospital. That is all you need to know.
The government threatened them.
Makes sense. Kinda like how everybody got zippered after Mandalay Bay.
The NFL is so corrupt. Never bet on anything - it is all Pete Rose level fake. Thanks Roger Goodell for ruining the last bastion of Americana.
NBA MLB and sadly, NFL
all fake. Faked to all oblivion.
"...zipper lipped?"
[see: 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Las Vegas Massacre...]
That's gonna be a trillion dollars, please
That'd shut a lotta mouths.
Totally Kosher
Why do people always make things more complicated than they need to? Why would anyone except a single point of contact for the Bills need to be in on anything?
Steve totally saw that this dude is ok so he told everyone to tell everyone that it's cool the dude's fine, nothing to see, go about your business.
Steve also said he hates everyone on the team and doesn't want to see them anymore. He also changed his phone number.
The most logical reason for the coverups is what has already been alluded to here: lawsuits. All those players were mandated to take the kill jab. If it gets out that he was dead on the field, all hell would break loose. They’re desperately trying to keep all the jab deaths under wraps - I’ve been waiting and wondering when we’d start seeing it on live TV. When will be next? Super Bowl Sunday?
...that insidious mind worm called doubt is invariably penetrating every NFL player who took the jab. they must b asking themselves ' am I next '
How could they not be? Man, I thank God every day that my spirit felt so strongly to NOT go near that jab, or even the nose swab tests. I can only imagine what it would be like to wonder whether or not you’re a ticking time bomb. I personally knew 5 people - four friends and my former brother-in-law - who took the jab and died within a year after. Breaks my heart.
I'm sure all the normies will believe it because they're fucking retarded.
They are PrAyInG FoR DaMaR
Normies will eat ze bugs in droves and post millions of virtue signaling selfies on social media.
Yes. My Bills fan friend who is conservative and otherwise intelligent doesn't want to believe a second of this. Then again, he got vaxxed. Amazing how easily people are fooled.
"It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim! Dead, Jim! Dead, Jim! It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim! Dead, Jim! Dead!"
Thanks a lot, now I can't get that song out of my head!