159 Baal Gates not happy to see pureblood, Orthodoc Christian Novax win. (media.gab.com) - N C S W I C - posted 1 year ago by undine53 1 year ago by undine53 +159 / -0 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Is it me or does he resemble a turtle...like a 100 y/o sea turtle?
A turtle or a lizard. My goodness is it homely.
I thought lizard person upon first glance
Yep, Lizard. Came her to say that.
He is slowly turning into emperor palpatine, give him a black hood and it's spot on
Yo, McConnell - we found your long lost twin!
LMFAO I was just thinking this. Fucking turtle looking pedo.
Side eye from a sidewinder
Wish we could correct title typos...
At least we know you're human and not some sort of AI bot.
It's ok, no grammar Nazi's here.
I guess the Gates of Hell didn't prevail!
This deserves a rimshot; (But instead I have a Steve Camp Song): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfz0OrleRN8
Upon This Rock -The Gates Of Hell Will Not Stand Against It!
Lit right from hell. But seriously why is his face spot lighted like that lol
Dude cheated his ass off with performance enhancing pureblood. This is unacceptable.
baal gates 🤣
I like that name.
That, is a mask...
I like his name: NO VAX😉