- CHINA: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1756350530644115556&wfr=spider&for=pc
- RUSSIA: https://pharmvestnik.ru/content/news/Pfizer-otvetila-na-obvineniya-v-iskusstvennom-vyvedenii-virusov.html
- BRAZIL: https://jornalggn.com.br/em-observacao/alerta-pfizer-quer-criar-virus-mutante-potente-da-covid-19-por-ruben-rosenthal/
- INDIA: https://www.indiasnews.net/news/273451486/pfizer-admits-it-engineered-new-covid-mutations
- GREECE: https://www.ethnos.gr/health/article/244244/salosmekryfobinteopoyferetainaemplekeithpfizerodieythynthsereynasmilagiaergasthriakhmetallaxhtoyioy
- ITALY: https://www.ilgiornaleditalia.it/video/cronaca/449806/vaccini-covid-project-veritas-denuncia-dirigente-pfizer-sembrerebbe-confermare-mutazione-virus-creare-nuovi-vaccini-video-.html
- SPAIN: https://es.investing.com/news/economy/el-senador-de-florida-iniciara-una-investigacion-contra-pfizer-despues-de-los-planes-expuestos-en-mutar-al-covid-2350755
- GERMANY: https://www.haolam.de/artikel/Welt/54179/Pfizer-versucht-potentere-CoronaMutanten-herzustellen.html
- ENGLAND: https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/pfizer-publically-denies-claims-purposely-26104712
- POLAND: https://wolnemedia.net/nie-wyglada-na-to-zeby-czemus-zaprzeczali/
- MEXICO: http://hilodirecto.com.mx/piden-a-pfizer-aclare-si-esta-mutando-el-covid-para-crear-vacunas/
- BELGIUM: https://www.lalibre.be/planete/sante/2023/01/27/une-bombe-ce-que-lon-sait-de-cette-video-assurant-que-pfizer-fait-muter-le-virus-du-covid-19-VOIXYFEB4VBS5NQLKIX4SJH7VE/
- CZECH REPUBLIC: https://cz24.news/aktualne-z-usa-personalni-sef-bileho-domu-odstupuje-mcdanielova-znovu-predsedkyni-rnc-a-dalsi-videozpravy-video-cz-3-min/
- SLOVAKIA: https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/dalsi-skandal-spolocnosti-pfizer-cinsky-expert-reaguje-uniknutie-zaujimaveho-videa/3029060
- NETHERLANDS: https://www.blckbx.tv/corona/reactie-pfizer-op-project-veritas-video-is-impliciete-schuldbekentenis
- FRANCE: https://www.francesoir.fr/societe-sante/accuse-de-vouloir-faire-muter-le-coronavirus-pfizer-detaille-ses-experiences-sur-le
Comments (31)
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Thanks for the roundup, penisse. Good news for the global Great Awakening.
Tipping point coming soon, I think.
Really good write up on the Liverpool Daily Post above. If you read it as one of us it’s got everything . Read it as a normie and it reads more like a Pfizer press release .
On a separate issue I read to the end and then saw that the wife of the Dictator of Wales has “ died suddenly”.
He was the leader who was in lockstep with Ahern,Sturgeon , Boris and Trudeau who bullied his nation through Covid.
I remember reading back in late 2020 an article on Bain advising governments around Europe on their approach to Covid.
Gosh, Penisse, how many languages do you frickin speak? 😯
Not many:
So impressive!!
I got to get on babble! LOL - well done☘️
Yeah I splurged for a lifetime Babbel subscription. Started to learn Russian when Ukraine started because I wanted to know the Cyrillic letters. I need to pick it back up. Too busy re-learning C++ these days…
I know Europeans have different definitions of how many is "many" when it comes to languages, but as a child of 2 Europeans, I am going to say that 7 qualifies as many. Anything more is considered "very many."
Shot heard around the world
Japan is conspicuously not on the list. I swear... My country is nothing but sheep.
Isn't that where they say the nail that sticks up gets hammered?
At least Japan is homogenous and while I'm assuming they're welcoming to foreigners, they don't take shit and will always keep suspicion in the back of their mind when they see us gaijin.
Don't confuse multi-ethnicity with multiculturalism. Interculturalism is fine, but multiculturalism is crap. Japan has its own culture and as long as immigrants don't try to change things, then that's fine. It is a bit concerning to see so many hijabs every time I visit Tokyo though. Islam will always seek to dominate. No harmony in the "religion of peace." Some cultures are better than others.
This! ☝🏻Islam always seeks to dominate because it’s not just a religion, it’s a political ideology as well.
Impressive penisse!
Hehe and in my head I heard the famous TWSS😂😂😂
Thanks LQdy!🤗💐
Hello LQdy!🤗💐
How are you today?
"Directed Evolution" is such a watered down way to say "Man Made."
Plus, "Directed Evolution" is no longer "Evolution" (in the Darwinian sense). If it's being directed buy a human, then it's Intelligent Design.
Fuck yea
RIP Cucknada.
Wow, penisse! Thanks so much for keeping us informed. Had no idea it went 🌎
You mean youtubes ban didn't work!!!!