The rage this would bring forth from me if I presently had kids that were being subjected to this would be insurmountable. I would not ever stop verbally harassing the school for this, and I would ensure that my child saw the fruits of good old American food
Working in new Urban office compounds, I can see that people are ready to live in their pods. Office building with parking garage, scooter parking at several locations and tiny 250 Sq foot Apt. that they charge a fortune for.
Found a book called "Pandemics for Babies" in the board book section of my library today. Talked about contact tracing, isolation, social distancing, and the last page had all masked faces.
There were a few other propaganda pieces mixed in but that was the worst. Keep a vigilant eye out.
Author’s last name looks familiar, lol
Those Goebels are still in the propaganda game it seems!
Jesus they’re REALLY trying to push bugs on us!
The rage this would bring forth from me if I presently had kids that were being subjected to this would be insurmountable. I would not ever stop verbally harassing the school for this, and I would ensure that my child saw the fruits of good old American food
Working in new Urban office compounds, I can see that people are ready to live in their pods. Office building with parking garage, scooter parking at several locations and tiny 250 Sq foot Apt. that they charge a fortune for.
The new company town.
What is it about people with "Goebel" in their surname & propaganda?
Diner: "Waiter, there is a fly in my soup."
Waiter: What is zee problem? Zat is ze garnish."
Looks like the "WAITER! There is a fly in my soup!" joke just got updated
Thanks for the assist, catsfive! o7
Best lead-in title I've seen in awhile, thanks for the belly laugh!
Found a book called "Pandemics for Babies" in the board book section of my library today. Talked about contact tracing, isolation, social distancing, and the last page had all masked faces.
There were a few other propaganda pieces mixed in but that was the worst. Keep a vigilant eye out.
trying to brainwash the next gen to accept this evil demonic shit and look its all women and jews writing it up of course.
Hey Jenny Goebel - your scales are showing!
Note how the brother 'William' is so obviously illustrated to look like a trans twat.
Eve's got the "y" head gear and she's tempting Adam who's sporting a brown version of President DJT's. They want us dead.
I remember reading horrific kids books.....but they were presented as horrific