That's the point. Food producers will mention the bugs in the small print of the ingredients, but if we can get the bug ingredients front and center to raise awareness, it will negatively impact sales.
Some use the term Cricket Protein or Cricket Powder. Others mask the use of crickets by using Acheta Domesticus (House Cricket) and/or Gryllodes Sigillatus (Tropical House Cricket) in the ingredient list.
See, I think that could relate to gmo things like gmo soy and gmo corn, etc. I hope they use a more specific term because that seems to be a catch-all.
PepsiCo uses the ground cricket flour in several of their products which include: Quaker Granola Bars, Quaker Oatmeal, Cap’n Crunch Cereal, Quaker Life Cereal, Quaker Shredded Wheat Cereal, Aunt Jemima mixes, Quaker Rice Cakes, Quaker Tortillaz, Doritos, Cheeto’s, Lay’s products… the list goes on and on.
Great post but GOD HELP US! That article is mind blowing! They're putting these critters in EVERYTHING!
If they can't kill us with the bio-engineered viruses or vaxxess, they might kill us off by starvation because a lot of people (myself included) are gonna have a hard time eating any of this cricket sh!t.
Hello Congress! Make this a requirement for all products containing insects. Must be visible on front of product in large letters!
That's the point. Food producers will mention the bugs in the small print of the ingredients, but if we can get the bug ingredients front and center to raise awareness, it will negatively impact sales.
Yes, I agree 100%. Most people don’t read the fine print of the ingredients. Congress must make this a law NOW!
What is the terminology they use? Do they literally list crickets, or is it some mumbo jumbo?
Some use the term Cricket Protein or Cricket Powder. Others mask the use of crickets by using Acheta Domesticus (House Cricket) and/or Gryllodes Sigillatus (Tropical House Cricket) in the ingredient list.
Oh thank you, that's helpful.
We are looking for the term bioengineered ingredients….or similar
See, I think that could relate to gmo things like gmo soy and gmo corn, etc. I hope they use a more specific term because that seems to be a catch-all.
And then when listing it they use scientific names that the ignorant normies dont recognize.
They will combine the bug mill with wheat or corn and it will be allowed to be listed as wheat mill by product or some such lies.
I wonder how many people are period.
According to this woke news site, Pepsi is already slipping it in many of their products:
Doritos??? That's my jam!!
Let us know if you start to feel the need to rub your appendages together and start making music. Kek!
Pretty sad about the doritos
Great post but GOD HELP US! That article is mind blowing! They're putting these critters in EVERYTHING!
If they can't kill us with the bio-engineered viruses or vaxxess, they might kill us off by starvation because a lot of people (myself included) are gonna have a hard time eating any of this cricket sh!t.
Thanks for posting. Sending this out to people I know who eat that stuff.
Glad I don't eat that shite but I sent it to a few people I know who do. Good looking out pede
They don’t list any sources in that article
Now that would be funny.
What if the manufacturers lie about the ingredients?
Fine them, big!