And PCR test is a scam, the vaccine wasn't safe and effective, masks doesn't work, social distancing and lockdown have destroyed the economy, digital ID & Digital Currency to black mail anyone, the Russia 🇷🇺 Russia hoax, the climate change scam, Crt at school, parents become terrorists..... and just in the last few years.
Then we have JFK assassination conspiracy, the moon landing hoax, 9/11 conspiracy. All of this to maintain the uniparty system.
Angie's pic shows the that website goes to magazine subscription page for the Washington Examiner magazine. so the article must be in the more recent magazine. I can't find an online version of the magazine.
Also, I am not on Twitter so I'm honestly not in a position to follow Angie at angie_anson and ask her. neat name Anson,,,, George Anson Admiral British navy some say he is the father of the modern navy...... sorry mind wanders. 😃
Meanwhile, how many charged in the Jan 6 "insurrection" are still in Jail awaiting trial? You would think as US citizens we would have a right to a speedy trial!
They would in any other jurisdiction. The DC judges have repeatedly denied motions for changes even though their own system is incredibly backlogged. It's obviously a not so covert form of cruel and unusually punishment.
We do have that right. However, when people don't KNOW those rights and our public servants defecate on those rights AND THEY ARE NOT MADE ACCOUNTABLE, we have nothing.
They had no choice. If they declared it an insurrection, once it fully came out to the public that they were behind it, they would be in a tough spot. They're just covering their own rear-ends.
Please explain to me with an new House why are these people still sitting in jail. Can't the House Leader, McCarthy say they are not going to press charges on these people, say time served is enough punishment--LET THEM GO!
I don't understand why they are still in jail. If they were arrested by Capitol police, then McCarthy should have some say. I Metropolitan police arrested them then maybe McCarthy can say no charges will be placed.
So release the prisoners now. It took the FBI more than 2 years to arrive at that conclusion. Congress needs to get off their butts and do something about this travesty.
From my understanding, not a single person has been charged with insurrection, let alone convicted of it. So if no one has been accused of insurrection, why does gov/media falsely label it as insurrection?
Rhetorical question BTW, no need to answer the obvious.
And PCR test is a scam, the vaccine wasn't safe and effective, masks doesn't work, social distancing and lockdown have destroyed the economy, digital ID & Digital Currency to black mail anyone, the Russia 🇷🇺 Russia hoax, the climate change scam, Crt at school, parents become terrorists..... and just in the last few years. Then we have JFK assassination conspiracy, the moon landing hoax, 9/11 conspiracy. All of this to maintain the uniparty system.
Let the dominoes fall
That intense ground shaking you just felt wasn't an earthquake. It was Pig Cheney dropping to the floor.
get the mods to agree. 😃
Do you have a link to the original article?
Screen captures offer limited information.
Angie's pic shows the that website goes to magazine subscription page for the Washington Examiner magazine. so the article must be in the more recent magazine. I can't find an online version of the magazine.
Also, I am not on Twitter so I'm honestly not in a position to follow Angie at angie_anson and ask her. neat name Anson,,,, George Anson Admiral British navy some say he is the father of the modern navy...... sorry mind wanders. 😃
I'm not the OP, but here:
J6 were just there to protest the steal of their country, and those that stole it had them imprisoned for noticing.
Release the prisoners
Original tweet?
But article is from 2021:
Archived 5 months ago:
August 20, 2021.. and yet patriots still remain indefinitely imprisoned with mo trial.. tortured by cruel guards and with lityle hope.
Unconstitutional and utterly illegal.
Meanwhile, how many charged in the Jan 6 "insurrection" are still in Jail awaiting trial? You would think as US citizens we would have a right to a speedy trial!
They would in any other jurisdiction. The DC judges have repeatedly denied motions for changes even though their own system is incredibly backlogged. It's obviously a not so covert form of cruel and unusually punishment.
As if our government actually cares anymore about what a sheet of paper says, who is going to hold them responsible, themselves? 🤡🤡🤡
We do have that right. However, when people don't KNOW those rights and our public servants defecate on those rights AND THEY ARE NOT MADE ACCOUNTABLE, we have nothing.
And the FBI was seething with anger they had to say those words.
They had no choice. If they declared it an insurrection, once it fully came out to the public that they were behind it, they would be in a tough spot. They're just covering their own rear-ends.
Well, if ANGIE says so!
Sauce please??
That's a step in the right direction.
Now, admit that those "militias" and gangs were all Antifa and Glowbois.
Please explain to me with an new House why are these people still sitting in jail. Can't the House Leader, McCarthy say they are not going to press charges on these people, say time served is enough punishment--LET THEM GO!
I don't understand why they are still in jail. If they were arrested by Capitol police, then McCarthy should have some say. I Metropolitan police arrested them then maybe McCarthy can say no charges will be placed.
That only took 2 years. Why now?
So release the prisoners now. It took the FBI more than 2 years to arrive at that conclusion. Congress needs to get off their butts and do something about this travesty.
From my understanding, not a single person has been charged with insurrection, let alone convicted of it. So if no one has been accused of insurrection, why does gov/media falsely label it as insurrection?
Rhetorical question BTW, no need to answer the obvious.