I'm predicting that when visitors to this revival go back to their home churches (most likely tomorrow), that this movement will spread....the term "wild fire" comes to mind.
Outside of the Holy Spirit, what do we think is driving this? Is it the music? It’s crazy the entire crowd is singing and I’ve never even heard these songs.
I imagine they need some time to make sure their chapel is cleaned and maintained, thinking practically about this. Knowing that God is infinite, am sure that this limitation of worship place and times is purely of this world and physical needs, not spiritual, imho.
I cried tears of joy for 21 minutes and 15 seconds, and I'll watch this again, and again, and again. This is one of the most beautiful things I've experienced in my lifetime.
God is touching us. He woke us pepes up, and now he's heading towards the rest of us. I always wondered about the 4-6% lost forever, because the numbers we see are much higher... This is how it's done. God intervenes. If this spreads, and it will, there cannot be a denying of God's power.
We are not only blessed to live through these times, we are touched by God. We won. It's over. Prepare for the fallout of the worst the Cabal has left in it's arsenal, but in the end it doesn't matter. God is with us.
Pray for the Children, pray for Ohio, pray for erveryone that got the jab, pray for the healing of the world. Just pray. God will listen. And he will act.
I still have friends that are in the black pill “worst is yet to come” camp. I struggle not to smile when I tell them how hard I disagree. Really, really great things are coming for us. It may be rocky to get there but we will overcome.
Thought is electrical impulses in the brain. Electrical impulses cause external electrical activity that travels forever in a spherical shape from the source.
Electrical impulses are energy.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it merely changes form.
Prayer is thought.
It is powerful. Especially when concentrated by a large number of people.
The 8 pm eastern time prayer forum here has been going for years. Look it up to join.
Are we making easy targets for the DS? Large long play events with Christians being oblivious to attack? Is there anything beyond campus security? Not dooming just alarmed.
Always maintain a healthy dose of skepticism for something like this. It might be true. But in my experience it is more often not what it seems - especially when garnering this much attention.
Meanwhile, this is the abhorrent way in which CNN is covering this:
The idea of revival as a larger movement and as a spiritual gathering is prominent in the religious imagination. Hymns and spirituals are laden with symbology, pleading for God to “revive us again.” The mere word conjures images of Southern Gothic fervor; people with arms raised to the sky under big white tents, singing, sweating, fanning themselves, and being moved by the entropy of their fellow worshipers. That isn’t far off from the scenes coming out of Kentucky.
Now, thousands of people have flocked to the school, prompting some conversations about who, exactly, the gathering is for and who would be welcome. Not all denominations observe revival traditions, and the practice’s ties to faith groups that marginalize certain identities has been a point of great concern among more progressive Christians. Some find revivals to be a dangerous practice that can conflate religious and political aims.
It takes a special type of societal gutterball to denigrate something such as this, with all the evil in the world right now. Why not head back over to Reddit where you belong?
Yeah, I just say what I think and most people don't like me. I think if a person can't defend their beliefs with a clear and rational argument, then they don't have beliefs, they have an emotional reaction to stimuli that they don't understand or even think about at deeper than surface level. It doesn't give me great hope for our future on this earth with our enemies at the door. It is time for the Saxon to awaken to the world around him or we shall perish. Anyway, thanks for the welcome. I've actually been here since the beginning of TD over at the other place. The account is just new. New phone, new me as they say.
Yeah and it's crazy to think of how many people here are totally for censorship even though they rail against other places censoring people. There's one topic in particular where if you bring it up at all people will cry for the mods to ban you. They don't see the hypocrisy and only say "1A doesn't apply in privately owned places" when the point is that it should apply if it's one of the values that we supposedly cherish.
Praying that this goes worldwide.
I'm predicting that when visitors to this revival go back to their home churches (most likely tomorrow), that this movement will spread....the term "wild fire" comes to mind.
Outside of the Holy Spirit, what do we think is driving this? Is it the music? It’s crazy the entire crowd is singing and I’ve never even heard these songs.
I just read an article saying that is it slowing down. Will provide link in just a sec.
I imagine they need some time to make sure their chapel is cleaned and maintained, thinking practically about this. Knowing that God is infinite, am sure that this limitation of worship place and times is purely of this world and physical needs, not spiritual, imho.
Watching this gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes.
You and me both.
I cried tears of joy for 21 minutes and 15 seconds, and I'll watch this again, and again, and again. This is one of the most beautiful things I've experienced in my lifetime.
God is touching us. He woke us pepes up, and now he's heading towards the rest of us. I always wondered about the 4-6% lost forever, because the numbers we see are much higher... This is how it's done. God intervenes. If this spreads, and it will, there cannot be a denying of God's power.
We are not only blessed to live through these times, we are touched by God. We won. It's over. Prepare for the fallout of the worst the Cabal has left in it's arsenal, but in the end it doesn't matter. God is with us.
Pray for the Children, pray for Ohio, pray for erveryone that got the jab, pray for the healing of the world. Just pray. God will listen. And he will act.
Have faith, frens, God bless, and Godspeed.
I still have friends that are in the black pill “worst is yet to come” camp. I struggle not to smile when I tell them how hard I disagree. Really, really great things are coming for us. It may be rocky to get there but we will overcome.
Bless their hearts. Their love is healing the world.
Thought is electrical impulses in the brain. Electrical impulses cause external electrical activity that travels forever in a spherical shape from the source.
Electrical impulses are energy.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it merely changes form.
Prayer is thought.
It is powerful. Especially when concentrated by a large number of people.
The 8 pm eastern time prayer forum here has been going for years. Look it up to join.
Are we making easy targets for the DS? Large long play events with Christians being oblivious to attack? Is there anything beyond campus security? Not dooming just alarmed.
The DS is no match for Jesus! In the presence of God, those cowards will cower and fail....God already won!
Attack how, exactly? Such a reaction would be great for turning people who are awake but not yet to the existence of God.
Exactly. They attack this they blow their cover even further. They’re not smart, but they’re smarter than to shoot up this event.
Exactly speaking...fuckin' EVIL gets a hardon outa martyring a bunch of Christians.
Always maintain a healthy dose of skepticism for something like this. It might be true. But in my experience it is more often not what it seems - especially when garnering this much attention.
I heard that megachurch pastors were showing up and the kids were intercepting them and keeping them off stage.
Freakin' awesome.
Lol sounds like they don’t want to miss their chance to profiteer!
can't resist a stage with an audience. They see an audience and a basically empty stage and think the people "must be waiting for ME!"
That's true hopium right there son...
Meanwhile, this is the abhorrent way in which CNN is covering this:
"Revivals can be a dangerous place", mutters someone who would be executed in a righteous nation
It takes a special type of societal gutterball to denigrate something such as this, with all the evil in the world right now. Why not head back over to Reddit where you belong?
Yeah, Ok handshake...whatever you say...
Where it shows total user upvotes does yours actually show a negative number or does it just say "0"? Just honestly curious.
Aw I wanted to know at the time tho haha...anyway welcome to the forum, anyone who is non-mason is okay with me.
Yeah, I just say what I think and most people don't like me. I think if a person can't defend their beliefs with a clear and rational argument, then they don't have beliefs, they have an emotional reaction to stimuli that they don't understand or even think about at deeper than surface level. It doesn't give me great hope for our future on this earth with our enemies at the door. It is time for the Saxon to awaken to the world around him or we shall perish. Anyway, thanks for the welcome. I've actually been here since the beginning of TD over at the other place. The account is just new. New phone, new me as they say.
Yeah and it's crazy to think of how many people here are totally for censorship even though they rail against other places censoring people. There's one topic in particular where if you bring it up at all people will cry for the mods to ban you. They don't see the hypocrisy and only say "1A doesn't apply in privately owned places" when the point is that it should apply if it's one of the values that we supposedly cherish.