I am at a loss on this one. There are too many possible culprits to be able to narrow it down to the actual perpetrator with what we have available on the record. This is frustrating the hell out of me. Until recently, some deductive reasoning got you close enough to the truth. I am stuck here on this one. What do you all think and why? (there are no wrong answers, unless you have no supporting basis).
My possible suspects:
Russia - For once, Russia might be doing something. The timing is extremely suspect. Right after the expose on Biden being to blame for blowing up Nordstream, we get a bunch of train derailments including one with extremely toxic chemicals on it. We also are at...6 train derailments with the one in western Nebraska yesterday? And the acid spill from the big rig in Arizona. We also have some manufacturing businesses going up in flames...very suspicious...It would also be very naive to think Russia is going to tolerate our continued interloping in Ukraine and simply take it on the chin. If you think that, you don't know Russians.
China - One would think they would not need or want to do this because they already own enough of our politicians to get what they want. If they wanted the US strategically weakened in various respects, they probably just need to ask Pedo Peter to do it. Its like a genie in a bottle giving them infinite wishes. But the balloon thing is possibly motive enough to throw egg in the face of Pedo Peter.
USA - At this point it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that false flags are the modus operandi of choice by this government. Want to go directly against the will of the people? Easy...just create a false flag event that scares the shit out of them then promise the solutions to assuage that fear. But we don't typically conduct false flags that make us look weak, inept, and retarded. Which is the case we have currently.
Antifa/BLM/wtfever grievance astroturf group - Typically these instigators are put up to the task as the means to effect a false flag event sanctioned by the government. But I am not certain that the DS maintains absolute control over these groups. In fact, it is quite likely that they have neglected to check this leviathan sufficiently to keep them in line. Plus, they have to be heated about being abandoned when it is not election season. Perhaps they have gone rogue and are doing this themselves?
The fact that the regime is uninterested in dealing with this situation in Ohio might lead you to believe they caused it. Which still may be true. But I don't think this information is sufficient to lead to that conclusion. This makes them look retarded. But I don't really see an overall benefit to what they have done. At least, a benefit that is worth the negative sentiment of the people. This is not how they typically operate false flags.
Pedo Pete could have received a "bipartisan circle jerk" of accolades by immediately dispatching support to take care of those people affected, as well as clean the shit up. Normally we do not see them run from such opportunities. Yet they basically went through all the ridicule and scorn before Trump forced a response. Very uncharacteristic here.
So I have no idea what to think here. The top choices I have seem to lack anything on the record that would push any of them to a higher likelihood of being the culprit. Am very interested in all of your thoughts here.
Land Grab - maybe through EPA. Put us in smart cities. So I would think USA government in cahoots with corporations.
Plausible, but seems like a long shot. It would not appear to me to be the most prudent means of carrying out that agenda. I could be wrong.
Feds = china = every country that wants the United States gone.
My personal theory is these are intentional by sabotage, to scare the people into putting a “temporary” halt to all transport.
“Now, youse can’t leave”
Russia seems to be the least likely culprit for most, perhaps this is due to the media shouting Russia, Russia over every nothingburger. For me they are the most likely.
I would go with it's our own government and at some point they're going to blame Russia. They're probably using illegals to do it.
I would rather think that the culprits have been paid to 1st get through the US border, and 2nd get to various locations in the US to commit the crimes. It would be rather easy to get paid mercenaries through the border as “migrants”, relocate them as has been done with a lot of migrants, with the purpose of attacks on our infrastructure. Hmmmm….wonder who would pay to make that happen
This would suggest our government to be responsible. And that is certainly a likely possibility. But it doesn’t explain looking retarded and inept in the process. That is what prevents me from making the government #1 on the list above all others.
Antifa and BLM are the foot soldiers of our government. Why would Russia bother when we're already blowing up ourselves and tanking our own economy?
I don't think Putin would target innocent Americans. Just my opinion. The only reason this "war in ukraine" is taking so long is he's trying to limit casualties and help the people as much as possible, all while finding evidence of crimes against humanity, documenting it all, and then destroying the nazis/ds (hopefully)
War games, moves and counter moves. Deep State fighting back is my opinion.
Globalists... all the above work for the NWO
I could imagine Germans having a reason.
Agree. But I cannot imagine the Germans having that kind of ball sack.
Not sure why the Ukrainians would want to make it more difficult for the people in charge of sending them grift money though. That seems like the type of bargain that would be unwise to participate in if you depend on the handouts because it would seem to result in receiving less aid than without doing this.
5. People with EVIL BEHAVIORS
I speculate that the primary root cause of most of those challenges is people with EVIL BEHAVIORS. Not a single country, political party, organization, group, person, gender, or age. But people with Evil behaviors within ALL of the above.
Details in my post at https://greatawakening.win/p/16aT38al9B/
Banks/Wall Street/Corporations and the people who own them. That would be the usual suspects.
Someone has offered pictures of train tracks in Nevada that have been bad for years. Our trains have been the most ignored and neglected part of anything in America a critical part of the infrastructure
For sure it has been a problem. But with as long as it has been a problem, have there been any other 2 week periods with this many derailments? I cannot recall such an event.
The question is who is really benefiting from this? We can assume Antifa/BLM are employs of Soros based funding for carrying out color revolution activities. This was of great use during the Trump Administration. In the end, their color revolution worked and removed Trump from office. Right now, Antifa/BLM are not really of much use. Their activity is relatively silent.
What's important to understand is the real war going on is between the uni-polar and multi-polar financial system. This war is occurring all over the world with the majority of it occurring behind the scene. Ukraine is an example of it boiling over into a political-economic war. The coming financial collapse is recognized by both warring parties as something not only inevitable, but necessary for it to occur for a new financial system to occur. The question is which financial ideology will win out? Is it the Rothschild uni-polar financial system or is it the multi-polar system led by Russia and BRICS. I'll get to how this explains the most likely suspects for the sabotage we have been seeing in America (and elsewhere). But first, a little more information on the Great Financial Reset is needed to understand who is the likely culprit to all the sabotage occurring.
Operation Warp Speed did more than throw a monkey wrench in the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic. It's purpose was to greatly accelerate their scheduled series of markers and events. The fallacy of the lock-downs was that each scheduled operation had a timeline and was contingent on the completion of another. Operation Warp Speed's success was by causing glaring timeline conflicts. It was noticeable to the public. Many of us have been saying this for a long time.
The Pandemic was necessary instrument used by the uni-polar axis for establishing worldwide lock-downs before the Great Financial Reset would occur. This was to be a controlled financial crash, to which the Fractional Reserve Banking System was in control of this slow motion collapse. Operation Warp Speed caused all of it to be accelerated, so they lost control. Ever since then, the Cabal has been trying to get back on track for controlling the collapse. It has become much more difficult for them, since the lock-down scheme was ruined.
If we analyze these acts of sabotage in America closely, it doesn't appear to really help the Cabal's controlled financial crash. It's way too premature.... It tends to speed up the impending financial crash, instead of slowing it down so that it can be controlled and managed. It is imperative the Cabal has control before their Great Reset can be implemented. With all the food processing plants, electrical power stations, trains, trucks, etc. being sabotaged the public can see what is happening and are increasingly aware. People are noticing..... Even Tucker Carlson noted all the food plant fires and asked if the United States was under attack. IMHO, I believe these acts are from sleeper cells that have been activated to disrupt the supply chain and cause shortages.
Are these acts of sabotage causing the public to live in fear? I don't think it is. Not yet, anyway. People are seeing these events occur and asking questions. They are getting angry with the Biden Administration instead. So, fear is very useful for the Cabal to herd people in giving up their rights, but it isn't happening. It would take a very large Pearl Harbor event to get the American people collectively scared. After the fake pandemic and the lock-downs, the public has become generally aware of the massive fraud and the lies they were told by their government. More people are not trusting their government each new day. This tends to work against the Cabal's plan as well. They want a compliant populace to be herded into a new form of slavery where you "own nothing and are happy". The sobriety of such experiences (like from the lock-downs) tends to make people desensitized to fear, especially when it is overused. The Pandemic and lock-downs tapped people out. We're all numb from the experience and do not want to ever revisit that experience again. The only Pearl Harbor event I can envision is a nuclear event....... Is this why Biden keeps upping the ante for war with Russia? We are now at depleted uranium armament level with the Abrams tanks being sent to Ukraine, to which the Russians consider "dirty nuke bombs". They have warned us.
One thing I always take note of is whether the legacy media is effectively reporting on these acts of sabotage. If it benefited the Cabal, we'd see endless reporting on all of these acts of disrupting the supply chain, but we aren't. They're ignoring it. This tells me these acts of sabotage may not be from just the Cabal, but rather....dare I say..... White Hats? 'Q' said the truth won't be for everyone.
I am not in a mental state at the moment to reply to this, but good post. It needs a reply, but that'll have to wait till I get some sleep tonight. Thanks for the comment though, it was a good one.