A devils advocate post here: I am suspicious at this recent "dooming" over the Ohio Train Derailment, especially since the MSM never seem to shut up about it nowadays after ignoring it for so long.
It is a deja vu moment to the Chyna virus. At first, silence from the MSM, then 24/7 coverage of the Chyna virus to drive everyone insane with fear and accepting of the clot shot.
I wonder what tyrannical policy the government has cooked up to take advantage of this disaster that warrants sudden and constant media coverage?
In my educated and informed opinion....
The train was supposed to derail, catastrophically damage the chemical rail cars and go up in flames all at once.
As fate would have it the majority of train cars remained sealed and not leaking a drop. Because of the fact that the cars did not fail as expected, they dispatched a crew to go in and rig up explosives under the guise of doing the right thing, which is nonsense.
Had they NOT had to improvise and blow it up, the MSM would not have cancelled their pre written coverage and hung back until they could spin it. The reason the politicians and news crews did not go there right away is they had to rewrite the story and that took some time.
Carry On!!!
I am curious to see if you think Dr. Lee Merritt has a point on this…it adds to your theory:
Sounds just like the scamdemic.
She has some solid points there for sure.
They’ll say it actually spread across the nation and they’ll use that as cover for adverse reactions to the vaccine. I hope that’s not the case, but it’s probably on their whiteboard.
Imagine dioxin poisoning of people with decimated immune systems.
yeah this shits pretty fkin bad
It’s probably the idea being floated that the rail industry should be nationalized.
Just to follow that train of thought (LEL at the pun, heheh)
I saw a lot of weird video of dilapidated trains and rails in China about ten years ago. Since the Ohio disaster, some video, remarkably similar to the Chinese ones, appeared, several times on this site, of a train picking its way through a twisted mess of rails. It stated that this was in Ohio, and I was like - yeah right, I have seen this before, only it was in China.
Then, China started building the highspeed Maglev railways all over China, and further afield, and those weird videos disappeared, to be replaced with shiny new trains. I don't think that the wonky rail video is a coincidence. I am not saying that there wasn't foul play in the Ohio disaster, and I am also not saying that it was XX who perpetrated it. I don't know. However, there are no coincidences either, and I am drawing on memory.
I have since seen some plans for a connection of a Maglev rail-system to be extended through a tunnel in the Bering Straight, into the American continent. For example: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/china-russia-canada-america-traintunnel-link-paul-goncharoff. Another coinkidnk, in this context, is Elon's investment in the Boring company.
Those high-speed rails will bring trade and travel speed, and comfort, to many millions of people, however, any railways project comes at a human and political price when they are built. for context see the Railway Man https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2058107/
some thoughts:
An Asia/America connection will defeat the Naval supremacy that the USA enjoys in the Pacific. Trade routes will no longer need the high seas, and therefore will not need protection from piracy.
The existing ports will have less traffic - note how this is consistent with how California is banning diesel trucks, and how container ships were blockaded during Covid.
Politically, it will be seen as a Chinese, or Russian invasion, when engineers familiar with the building process appear in the USA and Canada. Tensions between the superpowers is already high, so I don't think that's going to go well.
Furthermore, Chinese are particularly well-versed on the building of rail. Chinese labor was used on the Trans-American railway, and were particularly good with the use of explosives, and they were also used for the Trans-Siberian one. The latter was the fastest rail ever laid. However, the importation of said workers will cause problems for American workers who will protest the foreign workers, which will be another sore point.
Highspeed rail will be faster than driving trucks, or even flying. So, those industries will also be undermined - more political pressure.
Very compelling! Thsnk you for taking the time to lay it out for us. There is actually an interesting recent movie about the post apocalyptic world where the survivors live on a train and have something of a caste system.. it was pretty awful... but a very good movie and goes perfectly with what you are describing
I have one serious question. If this is truly that bad and dangerous to ones health, even with the time passing, would the white hats really risk Geotus going there or has enough time passed that at least the air quality is safe to breathe now?
Agreed. This is a play for water rights and land for large electronics facilities. They need massive cooling flows. Yes, there was pollution. Then they amplify and scare people off their land. Also, those were fentanyl ingredients they burned.
One Train that won't Derail is the TRUMP TRAIN!
I'm suspicious of the constant posting about it. Reeks of a mission to stir up a reaction. Hard to tell how many are paid to doom and how many believe what they see and don't do their homework to verify if it's true.
It’s their prerequisite for taking control of the water. Much like the taking over of people’s bodies for the “good of people” they must take control of all water to protect it from evil corporations, never mind they and the corporations are one in the same.
I belive the media is terrified that Biden will run again, they are turning on him.
Karma for not rectifying the 2020 election.
Its like what Rahm Emanuel said.....