The Deep State is trying to hijack the Right-wing narrative in transition, now that the lab-leak cat is out of the bag...
The enemy recognizes they can’t keep the lid on the lab origin anymore. So while the narrative transitions, they are trying to bait the Right-wing “CHINA”...
This is why Wray went on Fox News not CNN. The Deep State is targeting the Right, hoping to divert the trail...
It’s a TRAP!...
Because it was developed in Ukraine.
UNC Chapel Hill to be more specific. Then to UKR for fine tuning and mass production. Wuhan was just one location of the release. Most likely hundreds of locations worldwide.
Nah, there's no "it". Full stop.
RET fan?
No idea what "RET" is referring to?
There's no such thing as "muh viruses". Germ theory is a hoax. There is no "thing" to "gain function". There is no "substance" that was "released on humanity".
The cause of Covid is FEAR and all its adjuncts, worry/concern/scare/fright/terror/etc.
%100 correct,.NO Germs,NO Viruses,NO Gain of Fucntion,.all to keep the poppulations in a state of fear,
." worry/concern/scare/fright/terror/etc."
Get our focus off of Ukraine…the masses are starting to see thru the bullshit and now they won’t us to look elsewhere (China, lab leak) so they can continue to steal our money and send to their favorite laundry man.
Yep, this is propaganda for the truther movement. They always supply ganda for both sides. Now that their normie ganda is dead in the water, they revert to their truther ganda.
In both cases, their ganda always drives fear and judgment which is their #1 goal at all times. If they keep the masses in fear, they disempower the masses, which enables the cabal to maintain their power and control. A script that's been working since time immemorial.
This anon gets it.
Which is why it's important to be very careful of ALL the fearmongering that is going on. East palestine, shedding, chyna, etc etc.
Fear->judgment->control. Cabal weapons.
Compassion->Love->Unity. Divine weapons.
Indeed. Well said!
We here will not be swayed no matter who says what. We know the deal.
So let's look at who can be swayed and go from there.
If the FBI has come out and basically said "everyone who said the lab leak was a simple conspiracy theory was wrong", what does that do to the people who bought the lie? Do they now question everything about the covid bullshit? Do they now distrust the msm? Fauci? Biden?
Look at the big picture. Let's say it was in reality "leaked" from Ukraine, or chapel hill, or Taiwan. What were the lemmings told/sold? That it wasn't leaked at all. Any official confirmation to the contrary sets them on a path of discovery.
As for why the FBI would come forward and openly blame the leak on China at this time, well that's obvious.
China will shortly become official "pals" with Russia.
The other possibility is that Trump has been using DECLAS docs since the day after he was elected President to blackmail horrible people to do his bidding - and that this is all just one crazy, degenerate, heartbreaking, INTERACTIVE "reality show" meant to gently wake up the masses to the reality that this is the devil's planet.
"trust wray"
Another case of look here, not there. Diversionary tactic.
Where did their sudden burst of energy come from?
Are you sure?
Q said more than once to TRUST Wray (not that I do, I don't trust anyone but my Lord)...but Wrays of light, perhaps?
Q also posted this: