@LaurenWitzkeOfficial: « Just received a text message from one of my friends in Delaware:
“Hunter Biden is singing like a canary, and the feds are busting down doors all over Delaware” »

I'll pause here with my hopium and wait for this to be vetted.
Ditto. I'd love for it to be true, but I'll need something more substantial than "one of my friends in Delaware."
Fox news alert reported that Hunter's Criminal Defense Attorney just quit. Edit: Was reported around 7:15pm or so.
Yeah they're busting down doors all right... looking for evidence to make vanish
Tepid enthusiasm. If Hunter sings, Hillery will be close behind him with a rope and a shotgun.
The way the laptop was "found" is very suspicious.
Hunter might be cooperating because the death penalty kinda sucks.
Question is: Do you trust feds to bust down "their" doors instead of ours ?
the "good feds"???? Please let there be SOME good ones...
He sang at the top of his lungs when he gave up the laptop…and the feds turned a deaf ear to it. So we’ll see.
Who is this Lauren
There is no stupid question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Witzke
Hmmm. She is from Delaware. But this seems like another laser pointer for us to chase.
Talkin' bout Hunter....did u see this?
WHOA!!!! Very unusual. another plus to add in my book for Garland. Again, would a globalist guy do this?
March 1, 2023 --Garland says Delaware U.S. attorney Weiss, has ‘full authority’ to charge Hunter Biden in another state if he deems it necessary. Weiss, the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney for Delaware, has been investigating Hunter Biden for potential tax crimes and influence peddling since 2018.
I thought all the Trump appointed us attorneys were forced to resign.
Biden’s team had wanted all top federal prosecutors to resign with three exceptions. SC Durham, SC Lausch ('18, Clinton server, Joe's 'found' docs) leaving early 2023 for the private sector, n Weiss (Hunter n laptop)
over the yrs I've been watching which lawyers MAY be part of the 'band'. so far this is what I've found. there r some really interesting connections. https://gab.com/hippie/posts/106625011885402304
https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/chrisgeidner/sessions-asks-federal-prosecutor-to-oversee-document https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/apr/9/john-lausch-us-attorney-tapped-doj-oversee-clinton/ https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/08/politics/leftover-trump-us-attorneys/index.html https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/1/9/23547533/chicago-u-s-attorney-reviewing-potentially-classified-docs-found-at-biden-office https://www.cbsnews.com/news/john-lausch-us-attorney-special-counsel-joe-biden-classified-documents/ https://www.foxnews.com/politics/us-attorney-john-lausch-to-oversee-fisa-warrant-document-release
thanks for the info and links, good stuff.
He doesn't have to sing, hell he could go on national news and admit to everything and not a damn thing will happen and no one will do anything.
Look up Earl Bradley from Lewes, DE. I’m convinced he was able to be a horrific as he was for as long as he was because he was protected by the Biden crime family.
...and we all know the feds have a habit of busting down the wrong doors,..any high profile republicans in delaware then gtfo now pronto,!!
Good reminder. They are probably busting down the doors of anyone he identified as able to corroborate his story. They will go to jail or go missing while he skates free.
As in the FBI Feds? So... if Hunter's named names does that mean they're busting down doors in order to tie up loose ends, to get stories coordinated, or come up with some other Biden damage control schema?
Until this is vetted by one of our fellow Anons.. meh.... I'll pause and wait... there is a lot going on now both publicly and behind the curtain.
IF and ONLY IF this is happening...please be advised that posting this is akin to posting something without evidence that this is happening...SO...can this be VERIFIED?
Just askin' a question!!!😎😋😋
Inadmissible. If he is singing, he is either drunk or high.
That would be nice. Let's see some arrests!
....media is media is media. I call bullshit.
Heres the thing The govt, courts, police , millitary,judges,lawyers,the whole damn system is corrupt,.aint no damn thing aint ever gonna change untill,its fixed,....
I would like to believe it, but what about all the stories that so-called truthers were spreading that the Bidens were already taken out 🤷🏼♂️
Show me one video of feds busting down one door from this.
Make it so... Make it so... Make it so... Make it so... Make it so... Make it so...
I’ll see if this is even mentioned 2 weeks from now
👉🏻 https://t.me/LaurenWitzkeOfficial/8288