Some individual person like a nurse or pharmacist or something? Slightly possible if they are obviously suffering from remorse over their own ignorance. But they would have to have never been warned.... to give or promote one shot, after being warned, is their guilt. Did they walk away from the program after they were warned, no matter the cost to them? Or did they continue? Did they persecute those who refused the vaxx? There are many ways to carry blame in all this. The intention of the heart, is the true determining factor for good or evil. And how can anyone but God ever know that about someone? This is really a tough one because they hurt and destroyed so many people.
Repentance is always a good thing for the soul. Under common law, however, the people must be made whole. Doing wrong--especially to the extent that these very weak people did, requires accountability. If there is no accountability, what is to stop other weak people from repeating this and probably doing worse? Many will "apologize" but their purpose is to avoid punishment or having to make the wronged people whole.
I wasn't as moved by her apology as the author of the article. She admits they knew the decision was baseless and would cause harm to people, but they did it anyway. No explanation of why they went ahead with the mandate. The motivation needs to be weighed before forgiving, as well as what amends (if any) they plan to make to those they wronged/harmed/killed. Absent those two things, it doesn't seem that sincere to me.
Murderers apologize and some ask for forgiveness in the courtroom, HOWEVER , they are still sent to prison or to the chair. Seeking forgiveness is fine for their own soul , but punishment must follow for what they did ! Of course we forgive if asked , we are instructed to forgive! but it is not an exchange for punishment !
We are going to be seeing a lot more of these in the near future. We are going to have to make personal and moral decisions about how to handle these. This may very well be the hardest moral decision we will have to make in our own lives.
Some of the officials are going to be sincere, others are going to be “face saving” and yet some will be an attempt to save their own lives. We are going to have to take a moral position.
For myself, I’m torn between to perspectives: Forgiveness and Guilt/Punishment.
I am not any special person, yet early on I knew these jabs were pure evil. They violated almost everything I can think of. They violated the Nuremburg codes, medical ethics, legal standards, the Constitution, Religious beliefs, personal preferences, personal safety, parent/child bonds and security and so much more. Yet, these officials still demanded and required people to get injected, and usually against their will.
The officials threatened jobs, family, religion, safety and so much more to push an agenda. Lives were ruined or in many cases, lost. “I was just doing my job” is NOT A DEFENSE. Those are such wise words. Now, it is a FACT that these jabs were intentionally designed to kill millions of people. So, how do we respond to an apology?
The Spirit says to forgive yet “no punishment” is NOT scriptural, fair, nor appropriate. George S. Patton once said, ”May God have mercy on their souls because I sure as hell won’t.” Somehow, that sounds reasonable. Those who pushed the jab made a conscience decision to push something that they themselves did not research. If I was able to research and discover the evil in the jab, they could have done the same, but they chose not to. They chose to “follow orders.” This seems to be where my sympathy ends.
I can’t just ignore the damage that was inflicted on innocent people. Whether doctor, nurse, elected official, employer or whatever, they had a responsibility that innocent people relied on. Responsibility was their job. To me, it is their responsibility to make sure they “Do no Harm.” To me, this is where they failed.
I might be wrong, but this position seems reasonable to me.
A mistake is dropping a birthday cake. I can forgive a mistake. Genocide is not a mistake, it’s a crime. One does not accidently commit genocide. It requires deliberate forethought and planning. The perpetrators can have remorse and apologize, but a premeditated crime requires punishment. These officials made an individual choice to commit their part of this crime.
I struggle with that. I always forgive in my heart so that I have peace but too many times I have given forgiveness when asked but the other person acts like "Cool, my transgression is erased!" And I think "No, you are supposed to learn and grow from this."
It's a difficult thing,but easier for me as I live in a conservative Christian state. I never saw or expiriance myself any of the craziness. I did have to go thru some bs at work but the bosses knew it was stupid and I kept my job.
we already turned the other cheek early on. their continued refusal to listen and their insistence that those that would not conform should be punished shows they are not worthy of our forgiveness. those that will forgive, God bless you. you are better than me.
Of course, what other option is there? We forgive because what we truly want is a peaceful and harmonious society. That doesn't mean we have to forget the trespasses, we need to remember them so we can learn from our mistakes and be better.
No amnesty. No mercy.
Nope not forgiving and never forgetting. This can not happen ever again.
Here here, fu@k em’ give no quarter
Some individual person like a nurse or pharmacist or something? Slightly possible if they are obviously suffering from remorse over their own ignorance. But they would have to have never been warned.... to give or promote one shot, after being warned, is their guilt. Did they walk away from the program after they were warned, no matter the cost to them? Or did they continue? Did they persecute those who refused the vaxx? There are many ways to carry blame in all this. The intention of the heart, is the true determining factor for good or evil. And how can anyone but God ever know that about someone? This is really a tough one because they hurt and destroyed so many people.
Forgiveness is one thing,they still have to face legal justice where they comited crimes,they have to pay.
Lethal injection, firing squad or wood chipper whatever the law says.
I want Nuremburg on Cocaine and Fentanyl.
Thirty years breaking rocks
Rather 30 years in a hole. Let them rot away
Their apologies mean nothing. Send them to the stockade
Repentance is always a good thing for the soul. Under common law, however, the people must be made whole. Doing wrong--especially to the extent that these very weak people did, requires accountability. If there is no accountability, what is to stop other weak people from repeating this and probably doing worse? Many will "apologize" but their purpose is to avoid punishment or having to make the wronged people whole.
I wasn't as moved by her apology as the author of the article. She admits they knew the decision was baseless and would cause harm to people, but they did it anyway. No explanation of why they went ahead with the mandate. The motivation needs to be weighed before forgiving, as well as what amends (if any) they plan to make to those they wronged/harmed/killed. Absent those two things, it doesn't seem that sincere to me.
Murderers apologize and some ask for forgiveness in the courtroom, HOWEVER , they are still sent to prison or to the chair. Seeking forgiveness is fine for their own soul , but punishment must follow for what they did ! Of course we forgive if asked , we are instructed to forgive! but it is not an exchange for punishment !
We are going to be seeing a lot more of these in the near future. We are going to have to make personal and moral decisions about how to handle these. This may very well be the hardest moral decision we will have to make in our own lives. Some of the officials are going to be sincere, others are going to be “face saving” and yet some will be an attempt to save their own lives. We are going to have to take a moral position.
For myself, I’m torn between to perspectives: Forgiveness and Guilt/Punishment. I am not any special person, yet early on I knew these jabs were pure evil. They violated almost everything I can think of. They violated the Nuremburg codes, medical ethics, legal standards, the Constitution, Religious beliefs, personal preferences, personal safety, parent/child bonds and security and so much more. Yet, these officials still demanded and required people to get injected, and usually against their will. The officials threatened jobs, family, religion, safety and so much more to push an agenda. Lives were ruined or in many cases, lost. “I was just doing my job” is NOT A DEFENSE. Those are such wise words. Now, it is a FACT that these jabs were intentionally designed to kill millions of people. So, how do we respond to an apology?
The Spirit says to forgive yet “no punishment” is NOT scriptural, fair, nor appropriate. George S. Patton once said, ”May God have mercy on their souls because I sure as hell won’t.” Somehow, that sounds reasonable. Those who pushed the jab made a conscience decision to push something that they themselves did not research. If I was able to research and discover the evil in the jab, they could have done the same, but they chose not to. They chose to “follow orders.” This seems to be where my sympathy ends.
I can’t just ignore the damage that was inflicted on innocent people. Whether doctor, nurse, elected official, employer or whatever, they had a responsibility that innocent people relied on. Responsibility was their job. To me, it is their responsibility to make sure they “Do no Harm.” To me, this is where they failed. I might be wrong, but this position seems reasonable to me.
A mistake is dropping a birthday cake. I can forgive a mistake. Genocide is not a mistake, it’s a crime. One does not accidently commit genocide. It requires deliberate forethought and planning. The perpetrators can have remorse and apologize, but a premeditated crime requires punishment. These officials made an individual choice to commit their part of this crime.
No deals.
FK no.
If they apologize and ask for forgiveness, I will forgive,as the Bible says.
I struggle with that. I always forgive in my heart so that I have peace but too many times I have given forgiveness when asked but the other person acts like "Cool, my transgression is erased!" And I think "No, you are supposed to learn and grow from this."
It's a difficult thing,but easier for me as I live in a conservative Christian state. I never saw or expiriance myself any of the craziness. I did have to go thru some bs at work but the bosses knew it was stupid and I kept my job.
The KJV says that we must forgive as it heaps hot coals on their heads.
I don't know exactly where this is in the good book, but its there.
Yeah. No
What was her vote back then?
Fuck you justice is coming
we already turned the other cheek early on. their continued refusal to listen and their insistence that those that would not conform should be punished shows they are not worthy of our forgiveness. those that will forgive, God bless you. you are better than me.
I’ll forgive for my peace of mind but, I will not forget and will be watching.
Of course, what other option is there? We forgive because what we truly want is a peaceful and harmonious society. That doesn't mean we have to forget the trespasses, we need to remember them so we can learn from our mistakes and be better.