Yes. I became appalled during Benghazi in 2012, again in 2014 when Obama released 5 Taliban prisoners from GITMO for Bowe Bergdahl, and in 2016 when Obama sent our soldiers to fly a midnight run to Iran (allegedly) to drop pallets stacked high with hundreds of millions of American taxpayer $$$ and the media's silence about it.
Then the primary steal in the Dem party, making Hillary the candidate, and shortly thereafter, the suspicious murder of whistleblower Seth Rich.
After Trump entered the picture and won his primary, my research and dedication to obtain real news became an obsession. The verifiable lies, the surveillance, and the media collusion against him was nonstop. Hillary's campaign, her constant phlegmy coughing fits, and her eventual collapse on 9/11 when she was thrown like a side of beef into her medical van was shocking.
I began exclaiming to my husband how the media lies, censorship and false accusations were impossible to believe, and that there must be a mistake. And, as world events became increasingly more outrageous, my exasperated outbursts became more frequent.
As my knowledge grew, my understanding of the complexity of it all was magnified and I tried to converse and discuss it with my family members, but it was an exercise in frustration.
Then the 2020 election steal happened and everything that went with it including CV-19 Hoax, Jan 6th, the rollout of the poisonous vaccine, the SUDDEN DEATHS in our athletes, students and children, the media coverups and the medical tyranny while we watched the collapse of our American economy, the gayification of our military and the decimation of our dollar and our world standing...
My intelligent spouse doesn't get it. He tells me it is unproductive to think like this and that it is not benefitting me to continue to study this, nor continue researching with this body of knowledge. He'll say, why do you want to know this? Isn't there something better you can do with your time?
So, I reply that someone needs to know and catalogue this information, to be able to tell about it later when they've purged all of the truth from the internet and the collective recorded history.
There are very few people I know that I can share this kind of discussion with. It does feel like the world has gone insane. Thank goodness for GAW.
I thank Glenn Beck for speaking this out loud for the rest of us.
And that is the strength of our movement and the weakness of the pedo death cult. In this war of attrition our side can only gain in strength and their side can only diminish. Hold the line and live your best life. Both of these things piss them off to untold heights.
I feel for you. My wife is asleep. She's intelligent as well, but just tunes it all out. She lives "in the now" and actively ignores anything that will disturb her calm.
I started waking up once Trump got elected. I started reading "The Donald". Everything got better, but politicians and the media started attacking him relentlessly. Something had to be going on. Once I looked into Q in April 2020, things got a lot clearer.
This is almost exactly my story. The Donald started it all for me. I'm blessed... Because while my husband was skeptical.... He sees what is going on now.
Mine, too, although it was 9/11 that really woke me. But my beloved, intelligent wife has had three c19 shots, one flu and has booked a shingles vaxx!
Luckily, I can cook, clean, wash and do all essential "women's work" so I'll get by; but it will be lonely. (That was a joke; I hope it doesn't come to that. So far she seems healthy.)
I think we’re all trying to lighten what may be devastating. I’m blessed that my husband hasn’t gotten the shot... but there are many couples where there is a split on “opinion”.
We’ve both had relationships damaged because of this whole thing. My husband is bitter about it as a defense... but when things go south it will hit him very hard.
A friend tried to wake me up about 9/11 with some info about what didn’t really happen at the Pentagon. It didn’t sink in, but has always stayed with me. And here we are.
9/11 is also what woke me up. I saw with my own eyes that those buildings were controlled demo. I saw the molten metal at the foundations. I saw building 7 collapse at free fall speed having been hit by no plane.
I already had a healthy distrust of government having grown up studying the JFK assassination and watching shows like the X-Files, etc. But 9/11 was really when I realized the scope of things and how deep the rabbit hole went. Started me down a path of research that red pilled me hard and led me to where I am today.
I started following the Q discussion in Dec of 2017. Back then, YouTube hadn't started banning or demonetizing the discussion. Those days you could pick from 20 or 30 channels every day who discussed the Q drops and other news like The Las Vegas Harvest festival massacre, the hurricanes, the volcanoes, North Korea, Sandy Hook and everything Trump. The huge purge happened right before the 2020 election with over 100 conservative channels getting wiped without warning because they deigned to discuss the Hunter Biden laptops from Hell and the subsequent permanent ban of President Trump from Twitter and Facebook. SMDH!
Just think where all those voices went. All demonitized, censored; all their followers. All underground. Here, and everywhere. There's lots of us, everywhere. But hard to find now, hard to sed and hard to connect.
There is a resurgence in truth platforms. Places like substack, Truth Social, GA, Badlands Media and now Elons Twitter have taken up the mantle. The Truth is more available than ever before. The problem is getting the headline readers to dive deeper.
Truth is also leaking through MSM (Tucker) at times too, whether intentional or by mistake. Even if this is limited hangout ops, this tactic isnt as effective as it once was. They can no longer pull out a single thread without the tapestry unravelling.
My wife is the same. Always telling me to: “tune out what you can’t control. Ignore the news as it just makes you negative honey. And do t talk to me about any of it because I hear crap all day at the hospital so I don’t want to hear it here. Just pay attention to the kids and don’t go researching negativity.”
Sometimes when she talks like this, I have this vision/daydream. It’s of ANTIFA marching down are street burning houses as they go and dragging people and their children into the street to kneel to BLM or they get beat down by a mob. And my wife suddenly, magically coming around and yelling at me to, “DO SOMETHING!! STOP THEM!! Why didn’t YOU KNOW this was coming?!?!”
And me, sitting on the couch calmly with a Party Bag of regular Lays Potato Chips on my lap, watching a 3-Stooges re-run, glancing over at her with that funny I-Told-Ya-So look on my face, and telling her, “Hey, I’m trying to ignore the negativity going on out there like ya told me. They’re still a few houses away. When they get to our neighbors lawn I’ll get my shotgun and go on out and explain the 2A to them in front of you and the kids. If I live through what happens, or not, then maybe you’ll finally listen to somethings I needed to say months if not years ago.”
My wife is Filipino and they have an annoying saying "bahala na" = "Come what may". She doesn't want to know... 2X and 1 boost, not because she believes in the jab, first 2 were job mandated and the boost was to go home for vacation home last year.
So far no symptoms...
Aside from the vax, she doesn't want to know whats going on, an ostrich with her head in the sand...
It's a coping mechanism for living in hard times. You accept that there is evil in the world, that things are not in your control, and that you must still live your life. So, you learn to brush off these large scale things because you can't affect them.
You hear lots of variations. "It's in God's hands" is one of the most common ones I hear day to day. It's another coping mechanism. You say that when someone gets into a terrible accident or gets a cancer diagnosis.
Personally, I understand that mentality.
In the context of our discussion here on this board, the solution to the problem is to actually find tangible solutions. You need to show people that there are things they can actually do that make a meaningful difference. This is why Trump gets broad support. No other "leader" is actually suggesting ways to fix the problem or even peck away at the fringes of it.
If you want to break the sheep mentality, be the shepherd. Help people see what they can do to fight back. Fight back locally. For the overwhelming majority of us our focus is too big. We need to fight back locally. Fix the globohomo in your own local school district. Stop the "gender affirming" child mutilation at your local hospital (by peacefully protesting it and building a case to have such things banned). Drug problem? Help the cops ID the networks of dealers. Human trafficking? Get video, give it to police as evidence, then post it on social media. Wake others up locally. Start coming up with ideas to fix the problem. Be the shepherd, and suddenly all those other sheep will step up too because likely they're angry, but coping.
I'm imagining our Founders. You know it was the same for them. Many spouses and family members and friends thinking they were nuts or telling them to just go on with life, put your head down. It was the British Empire after all! Every day I thank them for staying the course. Against all odds.
Excellent observation. Neighbor against neighbor, friends and families split. The same dynamic can be observed during the Civil War. This is a road well travelled in this country.
It was hurtful to hear my wife call me an "anti-vaxer" and referred to Q as "a cult". (implying that I was in a cult)
Went to the in-laws in October. Everybody is vaxxed, but me. Everybody got "COVID"; starting with my mother-in-law. At the dinner table I asked them if they were going to get any more shots. I got back "crickets". (in-laws are based and it drives my wife crazy; my wife is "stubborn" according to them; I agree)
The history books made us believe that the Revoluntary War was fought by and supported by ALL in America. Wrong. New York City was then and mostly Crown supporters.
Yes. I became appalled during Benghazi in 2012, again in 2014 when Obama released 5 Taliban prisoners from GITMO for Bowe Bergdahl, and in 2016 when Obama sent our soldiers to fly a midnight run to Iran (allegedly) to drop pallets stacked high with hundreds of millions of American taxpayer $$$ and the media's silence about it.
Then the primary steal in the Dem party, making Hillary the candidate, and shortly thereafter, the suspicious murder of whistleblower Seth Rich.
After Trump entered the picture and won his primary, my research and dedication to obtain real news became an obsession. The verifiable lies, the surveillance, and the media collusion against him was nonstop. Hillary's campaign, her constant phlegmy coughing fits, and her eventual collapse on 9/11 when she was thrown like a side of beef into her medical van was shocking.
I began exclaiming to my husband how the media lies, censorship and false accusations were impossible to believe, and that there must be a mistake. And, as world events became increasingly more outrageous, my exasperated outbursts became more frequent.
As my knowledge grew, my understanding of the complexity of it all was magnified and I tried to converse and discuss it with my family members, but it was an exercise in frustration.
Then the 2020 election steal happened and everything that went with it including CV-19 Hoax, Jan 6th, the rollout of the poisonous vaccine, the SUDDEN DEATHS in our athletes, students and children, the media coverups and the medical tyranny while we watched the collapse of our American economy, the gayification of our military and the decimation of our dollar and our world standing...
My intelligent spouse doesn't get it. He tells me it is unproductive to think like this and that it is not benefitting me to continue to study this, nor continue researching with this body of knowledge. He'll say, why do you want to know this? Isn't there something better you can do with your time?
So, I reply that someone needs to know and catalogue this information, to be able to tell about it later when they've purged all of the truth from the internet and the collective recorded history.
There are very few people I know that I can share this kind of discussion with. It does feel like the world has gone insane. Thank goodness for GAW.
I thank Glenn Beck for speaking this out loud for the rest of us.
Once you see what's going on, you can't go back to sleep - its that simple.
And that is the strength of our movement and the weakness of the pedo death cult. In this war of attrition our side can only gain in strength and their side can only diminish. Hold the line and live your best life. Both of these things piss them off to untold heights.
I feel for you. My wife is asleep. She's intelligent as well, but just tunes it all out. She lives "in the now" and actively ignores anything that will disturb her calm.
I started waking up once Trump got elected. I started reading "The Donald". Everything got better, but politicians and the media started attacking him relentlessly. Something had to be going on. Once I looked into Q in April 2020, things got a lot clearer.
This is almost exactly my story. The Donald started it all for me. I'm blessed... Because while my husband was skeptical.... He sees what is going on now.
Mine, too, although it was 9/11 that really woke me. But my beloved, intelligent wife has had three c19 shots, one flu and has booked a shingles vaxx!
Luckily, I can cook, clean, wash and do all essential "women's work" so I'll get by; but it will be lonely. (That was a joke; I hope it doesn't come to that. So far she seems healthy.)
Can you get her to watch the documentary, "Died Suddenly?" She really needs to stop with the vaxxes. God bless!
I think we’re all trying to lighten what may be devastating. I’m blessed that my husband hasn’t gotten the shot... but there are many couples where there is a split on “opinion”.
We’ve both had relationships damaged because of this whole thing. My husband is bitter about it as a defense... but when things go south it will hit him very hard.
A friend tried to wake me up about 9/11 with some info about what didn’t really happen at the Pentagon. It didn’t sink in, but has always stayed with me. And here we are.
9/11 is also what woke me up. I saw with my own eyes that those buildings were controlled demo. I saw the molten metal at the foundations. I saw building 7 collapse at free fall speed having been hit by no plane.
I already had a healthy distrust of government having grown up studying the JFK assassination and watching shows like the X-Files, etc. But 9/11 was really when I realized the scope of things and how deep the rabbit hole went. Started me down a path of research that red pilled me hard and led me to where I am today.
I started following the Q discussion in Dec of 2017. Back then, YouTube hadn't started banning or demonetizing the discussion. Those days you could pick from 20 or 30 channels every day who discussed the Q drops and other news like The Las Vegas Harvest festival massacre, the hurricanes, the volcanoes, North Korea, Sandy Hook and everything Trump. The huge purge happened right before the 2020 election with over 100 conservative channels getting wiped without warning because they deigned to discuss the Hunter Biden laptops from Hell and the subsequent permanent ban of President Trump from Twitter and Facebook. SMDH!
Just think where all those voices went. All demonitized, censored; all their followers. All underground. Here, and everywhere. There's lots of us, everywhere. But hard to find now, hard to sed and hard to connect.
There is a resurgence in truth platforms. Places like substack, Truth Social, GA, Badlands Media and now Elons Twitter have taken up the mantle. The Truth is more available than ever before. The problem is getting the headline readers to dive deeper.
Truth is also leaking through MSM (Tucker) at times too, whether intentional or by mistake. Even if this is limited hangout ops, this tactic isnt as effective as it once was. They can no longer pull out a single thread without the tapestry unravelling.
It feels like I missed "A New Hope" and arrived right at the start of "The Empire Strikes Back".
My wife is the same. Always telling me to: “tune out what you can’t control. Ignore the news as it just makes you negative honey. And do t talk to me about any of it because I hear crap all day at the hospital so I don’t want to hear it here. Just pay attention to the kids and don’t go researching negativity.”
Sometimes when she talks like this, I have this vision/daydream. It’s of ANTIFA marching down are street burning houses as they go and dragging people and their children into the street to kneel to BLM or they get beat down by a mob. And my wife suddenly, magically coming around and yelling at me to, “DO SOMETHING!! STOP THEM!! Why didn’t YOU KNOW this was coming?!?!”
And me, sitting on the couch calmly with a Party Bag of regular Lays Potato Chips on my lap, watching a 3-Stooges re-run, glancing over at her with that funny I-Told-Ya-So look on my face, and telling her, “Hey, I’m trying to ignore the negativity going on out there like ya told me. They’re still a few houses away. When they get to our neighbors lawn I’ll get my shotgun and go on out and explain the 2A to them in front of you and the kids. If I live through what happens, or not, then maybe you’ll finally listen to somethings I needed to say months if not years ago.”
Everyone thought Noah was crazy, till it started to rain.
My wife is Filipino and they have an annoying saying "bahala na" = "Come what may". She doesn't want to know... 2X and 1 boost, not because she believes in the jab, first 2 were job mandated and the boost was to go home for vacation home last year.
So far no symptoms...
Aside from the vax, she doesn't want to know whats going on, an ostrich with her head in the sand...
Baa, like a sheep.
It's a coping mechanism for living in hard times. You accept that there is evil in the world, that things are not in your control, and that you must still live your life. So, you learn to brush off these large scale things because you can't affect them.
You hear lots of variations. "It's in God's hands" is one of the most common ones I hear day to day. It's another coping mechanism. You say that when someone gets into a terrible accident or gets a cancer diagnosis.
Personally, I understand that mentality.
In the context of our discussion here on this board, the solution to the problem is to actually find tangible solutions. You need to show people that there are things they can actually do that make a meaningful difference. This is why Trump gets broad support. No other "leader" is actually suggesting ways to fix the problem or even peck away at the fringes of it.
If you want to break the sheep mentality, be the shepherd. Help people see what they can do to fight back. Fight back locally. For the overwhelming majority of us our focus is too big. We need to fight back locally. Fix the globohomo in your own local school district. Stop the "gender affirming" child mutilation at your local hospital (by peacefully protesting it and building a case to have such things banned). Drug problem? Help the cops ID the networks of dealers. Human trafficking? Get video, give it to police as evidence, then post it on social media. Wake others up locally. Start coming up with ideas to fix the problem. Be the shepherd, and suddenly all those other sheep will step up too because likely they're angry, but coping.
My wife was the same way. Took her a few years to come around. She still won't go as deep as me but she gets it.
I'm imagining our Founders. You know it was the same for them. Many spouses and family members and friends thinking they were nuts or telling them to just go on with life, put your head down. It was the British Empire after all! Every day I thank them for staying the course. Against all odds.
Excellent observation. Neighbor against neighbor, friends and families split. The same dynamic can be observed during the Civil War. This is a road well travelled in this country.
It was hurtful to hear my wife call me an "anti-vaxer" and referred to Q as "a cult". (implying that I was in a cult)
Went to the in-laws in October. Everybody is vaxxed, but me. Everybody got "COVID"; starting with my mother-in-law. At the dinner table I asked them if they were going to get any more shots. I got back "crickets". (in-laws are based and it drives my wife crazy; my wife is "stubborn" according to them; I agree)
The history books made us believe that the Revoluntary War was fought by and supported by ALL in America. Wrong. New York City was then and mostly Crown supporters.