In their graves, they died from intubation and remdesivir. or from anything else and it was blamed on covid. Of course flu deaths were practically eliminated that year, so couldn't be normal flu deaths, so the bastards tell us.
Also, the statistics were based on deaths "with" Covid, not that Covid was "the" killer. A sleight of hand to allow flu deaths to be counted as Covid deaths, since it was commonly accompanied with flu and pneumonia infections.
The virus can be real, but everything about the pandemic nature of it fake.
The virus does cause effects that can lead to death, but the virus itself was…
created in a lab (artificial virus)
released intentionally (faked origin story)
had its fatality rate intentionally inflated
had symptoms that were treated in a way that increased likelihood of death
had real treatment options suppressed and real science around how to stop the spread silenced
threatened and barred doctors who defied any of the above
used fear to control people into willingly behaving as desired
None of that means there wasn’t a virus, and that the virus didn’t have symptoms that could and did lead to death on its own, but the numbers would have likely been a very bad flu year’s equivalent if not for the rest of the points above. Not pandemic and lockdown worthy.
And remember, even if it was that deadly, it was created intentionally, and then was intentionally allowed and encouraged to kill by using deadly treatment options.
If the goal was to cause death, why would they intentionally inflate the fatality rate? Wouldn't the better move be to downplay it as not a big deal to increase likelihood of exposure?
TLDR version: control was more important than deaths, especially long term.
Long version:
I don’t think death was the primary goal. I think, globally speaking, the primary goal was control, and domestically speaking (in the US) to get rid of DJT.
What kind of control did they seek? Well, first I’ll define “they” as “the globalists at WEF, WEF-aligned allies, and all of their embedded forces within each country, including politicians like Obama and Biden, and peons underneath them like BLM (the organization)”.
With that definition in place, I don’t think it’s controversial to say they have clear goals of a global financial system, social credit system, and larger society over which they can easily control the behaviors of the people, to maintain their power and wealth, without pesky things like freedom or equal opportunity getting in the way.
More specifically, they want global currency, no property ownership, no weapons, and full scale censorship of information. We know this because they say it openly.
So, control is the goal, getting rid of people not in their control (DJT) is a priority, but how? How do you make people accepting of it?
You need the fear of death, more so than actual deaths. But you still need actual deaths, or the fear doesn’t take hold.
Moreover, they need to divide and conquer. This is a strategy successfully deployed in places like China and Germany - get your fellow citizens to turn each other in for “bad behavior” and you’ve amplified your forces for free.
So the lockdown wasn’t about stopping deaths, it was about preventing communication, instilling fear and isolation and division that would allow them to introduce things like mandatory vaccinations and censorship of “misinformation”.
If they just let everyone spread the disease and hoped for deaths that way, then yes more people would end up in the hospital, more people would die, somewhat. Probably not enough to make up the difference in inflated numbers, but closer.
They’d gain some control specifically in health care.
But they’d still be missing key ingredients of what we went through - willful censorship (“stop the spread of harmful misinformation”), division among the people (“you’re killing grandma by going shopping or not wearing a mask”).
Whole entire precedents like dictating who could go where, and when (as needed for concepts like the 15 minute cities) would not have been established the way they were with the pandemic.
So the lockdown wasn’t about stopping deaths, it was about preventing communication, instilling fear and isolation and division that would allow them to introduce things like mandatory vaccinations and censorship of “misinformation”.
Yep can't have people talking in person instead of through electronic channels that big tech and censor and manipulate.
As others have replied: the hospital protocol was killing people. Vents weren't used for the patient; "the science" deemed the air they were breathing out to be too dangerous for our doctors and nurses, so they were forced to rebreath it. On top of that the remdesivir causes kidney failure which causes toxic shit to build up in your body which you keep rebreathing which made your death almost inevitable. 90% of people vented died in the hospital.
Notice how almost nobody died at home from COVID in 2020? They were murdered by the protocol.
In Dec 2020 someone I know had a terrible flu-like illness that lasted a couple months. Unvaccinated at the time, and did have pre-existing medical conditions.
I am of the opinion that there was a mild bioweapon released, equivalent to a bad flu. It bounced right off people with healthy immune systems.
That's why Fauci was comfortable removing his mask as soon as the cameras were off. In an email he said he was taking 6000mg of vitamin D per day.
Correction: You know someone who died at home, probably from the flu. The CDC was moving deaths from the flu column to the virus column. The tests were not useful in testing for any disease. The virus, to this day, has never been isolated and proven to exist. The shots were based, so they say, on computer models. Just watch hurricane forecasts and see how good computer models are.
From what I have come to understand the Flu went away in 2020. Why? Because the CDC and their ilk said it was Covid. The PCR tests cannot tell the difference between viruses. It was a sham. People died from the flu before Covid and now after. The hospitals, doctors, etc would get kickbacks for stating Covid death or by providing treatments when not necessary. So yes, people did die but not from a virus they have never isolated. From my experience with ”Covid” it was hard core but not worse than a bad flu I had in 2017. It was weird. About a month or so after recovering from it, I started losing hair. I’ve met several other people this happened to. Bizarre! It took my husband and I a month to feel better. We used vitamin protocol and ivermectin to support us through it. Something had been altered with that particular virus. It didn’t affect everyone the same way. I think it was altered (gain of function) to attack the weakest areas of each human or to search for it. Some folks did better than others. So, yes fake in what was being portrayed. It was a real virus that could have bad results but the fear mongering by the 4th arm of the government, the MSM propaganda arm, is what scared the crap out of people to get them to conform their behaviors (wear masks, don’t see your family/friends, don’t go outside) and then submit to their BIOWEAPON vaccines. Which by the way, the Medical industrial complex has made Billions from it and Anthony Fraudci got his cut too. As much as it’s a tough pill for me to swallow, I believe our DoD and maybe DoE were involved with gain of function in Ukrainian labs. There is a Chyna in Ukraine. Or they moved it to China, Wuhan, to release to blame it on the Chinese. My 2 cents 🤨🧐
If the pandemic was fake the where are all the people who died from it?
In their graves, they died from intubation and remdesivir. or from anything else and it was blamed on covid. Of course flu deaths were practically eliminated that year, so couldn't be normal flu deaths, so the bastards tell us.
So why did these people go to the hospital to begin with? Were they otherwise healthy people who were kidnapped and intubated?
Some went because they got the flu and had breathing difficulties.
Also, the statistics were based on deaths "with" Covid, not that Covid was "the" killer. A sleight of hand to allow flu deaths to be counted as Covid deaths, since it was commonly accompanied with flu and pneumonia infections.
The virus can be real, but everything about the pandemic nature of it fake.
The virus does cause effects that can lead to death, but the virus itself was…
None of that means there wasn’t a virus, and that the virus didn’t have symptoms that could and did lead to death on its own, but the numbers would have likely been a very bad flu year’s equivalent if not for the rest of the points above. Not pandemic and lockdown worthy.
And remember, even if it was that deadly, it was created intentionally, and then was intentionally allowed and encouraged to kill by using deadly treatment options.
IF it were created in a lab and intentionally released, then it was THE worst "bioweapon" of all time.
It was crafted with it's main purpose allowing mass mail in ballots so they could cheat easier in 2020 election. It wasn't supposed to kill everyone.
So China...created a virus that killed millions around the entire globe in order to fake the 2020 US election? I don't see how that adds up.
It was also one of the best psyop weapons of all time. Which in my mind was always its purpose.
AND the vaccines were real...causing death and destruction...
viruses are fake and gay. germ theory is a hoax
If the goal was to cause death, why would they intentionally inflate the fatality rate? Wouldn't the better move be to downplay it as not a big deal to increase likelihood of exposure?
TLDR version: control was more important than deaths, especially long term.
Long version:
I don’t think death was the primary goal. I think, globally speaking, the primary goal was control, and domestically speaking (in the US) to get rid of DJT.
What kind of control did they seek? Well, first I’ll define “they” as “the globalists at WEF, WEF-aligned allies, and all of their embedded forces within each country, including politicians like Obama and Biden, and peons underneath them like BLM (the organization)”.
With that definition in place, I don’t think it’s controversial to say they have clear goals of a global financial system, social credit system, and larger society over which they can easily control the behaviors of the people, to maintain their power and wealth, without pesky things like freedom or equal opportunity getting in the way.
More specifically, they want global currency, no property ownership, no weapons, and full scale censorship of information. We know this because they say it openly.
So, control is the goal, getting rid of people not in their control (DJT) is a priority, but how? How do you make people accepting of it?
You need the fear of death, more so than actual deaths. But you still need actual deaths, or the fear doesn’t take hold.
Moreover, they need to divide and conquer. This is a strategy successfully deployed in places like China and Germany - get your fellow citizens to turn each other in for “bad behavior” and you’ve amplified your forces for free.
So the lockdown wasn’t about stopping deaths, it was about preventing communication, instilling fear and isolation and division that would allow them to introduce things like mandatory vaccinations and censorship of “misinformation”.
If they just let everyone spread the disease and hoped for deaths that way, then yes more people would end up in the hospital, more people would die, somewhat. Probably not enough to make up the difference in inflated numbers, but closer.
They’d gain some control specifically in health care.
But they’d still be missing key ingredients of what we went through - willful censorship (“stop the spread of harmful misinformation”), division among the people (“you’re killing grandma by going shopping or not wearing a mask”).
Whole entire precedents like dictating who could go where, and when (as needed for concepts like the 15 minute cities) would not have been established the way they were with the pandemic.
My two cents at least.
Yep can't have people talking in person instead of through electronic channels that big tech and censor and manipulate.
As others have replied: the hospital protocol was killing people. Vents weren't used for the patient; "the science" deemed the air they were breathing out to be too dangerous for our doctors and nurses, so they were forced to rebreath it. On top of that the remdesivir causes kidney failure which causes toxic shit to build up in your body which you keep rebreathing which made your death almost inevitable. 90% of people vented died in the hospital.
Notice how almost nobody died at home from COVID in 2020? They were murdered by the protocol.
I know someone who died at home from covid. But I agree most of the deaths were not from people staying home while sick.
In Dec 2020 someone I know had a terrible flu-like illness that lasted a couple months. Unvaccinated at the time, and did have pre-existing medical conditions.
I am of the opinion that there was a mild bioweapon released, equivalent to a bad flu. It bounced right off people with healthy immune systems.
That's why Fauci was comfortable removing his mask as soon as the cameras were off. In an email he said he was taking 6000mg of vitamin D per day.
Correction: You know someone who died at home, probably from the flu. The CDC was moving deaths from the flu column to the virus column. The tests were not useful in testing for any disease. The virus, to this day, has never been isolated and proven to exist. The shots were based, so they say, on computer models. Just watch hurricane forecasts and see how good computer models are.
From what I have come to understand the Flu went away in 2020. Why? Because the CDC and their ilk said it was Covid. The PCR tests cannot tell the difference between viruses. It was a sham. People died from the flu before Covid and now after. The hospitals, doctors, etc would get kickbacks for stating Covid death or by providing treatments when not necessary. So yes, people did die but not from a virus they have never isolated. From my experience with ”Covid” it was hard core but not worse than a bad flu I had in 2017. It was weird. About a month or so after recovering from it, I started losing hair. I’ve met several other people this happened to. Bizarre! It took my husband and I a month to feel better. We used vitamin protocol and ivermectin to support us through it. Something had been altered with that particular virus. It didn’t affect everyone the same way. I think it was altered (gain of function) to attack the weakest areas of each human or to search for it. Some folks did better than others. So, yes fake in what was being portrayed. It was a real virus that could have bad results but the fear mongering by the 4th arm of the government, the MSM propaganda arm, is what scared the crap out of people to get them to conform their behaviors (wear masks, don’t see your family/friends, don’t go outside) and then submit to their BIOWEAPON vaccines. Which by the way, the Medical industrial complex has made Billions from it and Anthony Fraudci got his cut too. As much as it’s a tough pill for me to swallow, I believe our DoD and maybe DoE were involved with gain of function in Ukrainian labs. There is a Chyna in Ukraine. Or they moved it to China, Wuhan, to release to blame it on the Chinese. My 2 cents 🤨🧐