I refused to wear a mask and nearly everywhere that was accepted, certainly by stores and such. The few times I couldn't avoid it (airports etc.) then I wore a camo bandanna mask made of what the British Army calls "scrim" a kind of loose mesh scarf. The holes are visibly quite large but nobody cared so long as I was conforming by wearing a mask. Also it looked somewhat more badass than the blue chinese disposables.
She also had a chain-link fence installed to keep mosquitoes out of her yard.
Probably crocheted condoms too.
Nope. Raw and regret.
This Satanic Strumpet should stick to her day job of offering naked backstroke rides across the Styx to assless-chapped Baphomet Demons.
oh come now...... even Satan doesn't like them that dumb!
Sucks to have to live with a haunted womb in this life. I think you nailed her afterlife!
I wore one of those into any place I had to. Laughing the whole time
anything for attention
Very timely.
Nice burka.
The Linus Van Pelt is strong in this one.
What a cuck her husband must be to allow her to showcase her utter lunacy like this.
This again?
Yea its 3 years old but still funny.
I refused to wear a mask and nearly everywhere that was accepted, certainly by stores and such. The few times I couldn't avoid it (airports etc.) then I wore a camo bandanna mask made of what the British Army calls "scrim" a kind of loose mesh scarf. The holes are visibly quite large but nobody cared so long as I was conforming by wearing a mask. Also it looked somewhat more badass than the blue chinese disposables.
Maybe she's just making a point too just how stupid mask are?
This just proves its a fashion accessory for ugly people