It looks like a shift handover log to me. The writing with 17, it'd just be coincidence that is written in the log. What's not a coincidence is that Trump chose to include that text in his tweet...
...knowing damn well that the experts on QAnon-followers will go mental over us talking about it :-)
Speaking to that. I had written a note to an 18 year old a couple of years ago. He proceeds to tell me he can't read what I wrote. The note was written in cursive.🤦
17 . What are the words before and after 17 ? Do u know ? TYo
It looks like a shift handover log to me. The writing with 17, it'd just be coincidence that is written in the log. What's not a coincidence is that Trump chose to include that text in his tweet...
...knowing damn well that the experts on QAnon-followers will go mental over us talking about it :-)
There are no coincidences.
No "QAnon" followers either.
There is Q and There are anons.
Way to out yourself.
Or 17 District.
Looks like a flourish on the "I" of "dist", yes
lol, "Unobstructed"
Dest .. Destination , correct ?
I think "dist" for "district."
That makes much more sense , more then destination. TY
I vote 'destination' as well.
Yes must be comms because I don’t get it lol
Btw someone said district .. that makes more sense , but I still don’t get it lol
Cursive “as” and “Dest”. The e looks similar to other e’s
If that's what passes for cursive these days my handwriting must look like a lost ancient language :P
Speaking to that. I had written a note to an 18 year old a couple of years ago. He proceeds to tell me he can't read what I wrote. The note was written in cursive.🤦
I don't think they teach cursive ,not for a long time
That happens to me with some too with some people. They were teenagers.
The original Constitution and documents back to the Magna Carta etc are of course all in cursive.
Writing in cursive develops the brain faster than manuscript. Notes written out longhand are remembered better by us.
There are many very good homeschool curricula for cursive writing.
Perhaps one of them would be a good graduation or wedding gift nowadays. In fact, I'm going to buy several to gift out this year.
Dest as in destination ?
Definitely Dest - agree it matches other e's, and other i's are consistently different.
Destination, destiny, destroyer, destruction, destabilize....?
...logged in as 17 dest Or maybe desk? Word before is "as" though.
SH camera...... ?