"And the convicts in jail? Most of those men are good people who just found themselves crossed with the law. They're not evil, and they don't respect you, or any punk like you. They'll toss you around like a rag doll."
You’re blessed , both of these men would be a great reason to move there , I’m sure there are more reasons lol , can’t say I know much about your state , but it’s sure the hell better than mine ! San Diego CA ,, I loved this man when he was a sheriff , the press release video of him coming out agaisnt the jab , was a bright light in a dark time. I listened to it many times. Wish I still had it ,, I’ll do a search !!
I am so sad for your state. Gruesome is really a walking poopbag of evil. Until we have honest elections demons like News um will continue to be installed and he even got thru a recall... Shows how far we have fallen
Cox won years ago , we watched the steal happened just like 2020, I worked on his first election with Cox and on the recall, it we had the votes, but the open steal is insane . CA was the practice state for theft , it’s been going on blatantly for 20 years and somewhat hidden before than . I believe CA is red , even if it’s 51 percent, it’s red ! It’s a real drag as I’m kind of stuck here , I’m a single woman with a special needs daughter , I have my home and business here ! I could sell my home but I can’t sell my biz , it’s a private practice that I built the past 15 years. I can’t take my patients/ clients with me and rebuilding is impossible. Private is very hard when u don’t accept ins. being hooked up with the ins matrix is demonic esp these days . So my income would stop ! Two years ago I took a couple of modeling add gigs , I was in the business years ago and got out , you know why , anyway, I took a couple of shoots to make some fast cash to buy an RV , I stocked it to be ready to get to safe ground if I needed to . A few years ago when covid happened I thought it was dangerous to not have a fast exit plan . Not sure how this is going to play out , if I have to rent my house to traveling nurse and drive away I will. My son and daughter will not leave SD so I’ll leave the house for them and I’ll hit the road with my special needs daughter , it’s bad here and I believe NY and CA will be the first to lock down the exits , CCP already owns CA .
I supported him for congress in his first run based on a video he put out. I sent him money and I don't live in La. I just knew he would be an asset to MAGA.
When he was a cop in Louisiana he made a video taunting the gang bangers to come over and fuck around. It’s on gaytube somewhere and full of good feels
The Democrat Party needs to be obliterated along with the rest of the Deep State trash right into the history books. With a VERY CLEAR picture of exactly who and what they are, and what they’ve done to America since their inception.
Higgins represents the Lafayette area, aka, Cajun country. Very nice group of people unless you get on their bad side. Bragg got on Higgins's bad side. Now, he'll go after him like a pit bull.
He was a badass Sheriff in Louisiana before becoming an equally badass Congressman. I love the guy.
Him and Kennedy rock!
I liked him alot as sherrif. I like him even better where he is now
Clay Higgins resigned and ran for Congress after he was asked to apologize for this video - https://youtu.be/KjtGkrxnKA8
Omgosh!! “Son, we do dumbbell presses with weights bigger than you!”
"And the convicts in jail? Most of those men are good people who just found themselves crossed with the law. They're not evil, and they don't respect you, or any punk like you. They'll toss you around like a rag doll."
“I’m easy to find. Come find me.”
Start cloning him now.
WERE you on the program "F TROOP"??? You don't have answer if you don't want to.....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
No, I was not. LOL.
Say it like you mean it, bubba!
Very based. Very true.
Fat Alvin is a Soros pawn through and through.
I wonder how Higgins really feels 😂
I want that guy to come be my governor in Texas.
I am proud to say I voted for him and John Kennedy. Yall come on down to Lousiana. We don't play those dumb games most of the country is up to.
You’re blessed , both of these men would be a great reason to move there , I’m sure there are more reasons lol , can’t say I know much about your state , but it’s sure the hell better than mine ! San Diego CA ,, I loved this man when he was a sheriff , the press release video of him coming out agaisnt the jab , was a bright light in a dark time. I listened to it many times. Wish I still had it ,, I’ll do a search !!
I am so sad for your state. Gruesome is really a walking poopbag of evil. Until we have honest elections demons like News um will continue to be installed and he even got thru a recall... Shows how far we have fallen
Cox won years ago , we watched the steal happened just like 2020, I worked on his first election with Cox and on the recall, it we had the votes, but the open steal is insane . CA was the practice state for theft , it’s been going on blatantly for 20 years and somewhat hidden before than . I believe CA is red , even if it’s 51 percent, it’s red ! It’s a real drag as I’m kind of stuck here , I’m a single woman with a special needs daughter , I have my home and business here ! I could sell my home but I can’t sell my biz , it’s a private practice that I built the past 15 years. I can’t take my patients/ clients with me and rebuilding is impossible. Private is very hard when u don’t accept ins. being hooked up with the ins matrix is demonic esp these days . So my income would stop ! Two years ago I took a couple of modeling add gigs , I was in the business years ago and got out , you know why , anyway, I took a couple of shoots to make some fast cash to buy an RV , I stocked it to be ready to get to safe ground if I needed to . A few years ago when covid happened I thought it was dangerous to not have a fast exit plan . Not sure how this is going to play out , if I have to rent my house to traveling nurse and drive away I will. My son and daughter will not leave SD so I’ll leave the house for them and I’ll hit the road with my special needs daughter , it’s bad here and I believe NY and CA will be the first to lock down the exits , CCP already owns CA .
Except for Cassidy. That guy needs to go, pronto!
Although Nola is really lefty .
We don't count them as part of the state.
Gotcha. I have had great times in Louisiana.
Bc a bunch of out of staters moved in and try to change the culture they loved enough to move for in the first place
I love Louisiana, but you did end up with a D governor.
I supported him for congress in his first run based on a video he put out. I sent him money and I don't live in La. I just knew he would be an asset to MAGA.
He's one of the best we have!
When he was a cop in Louisiana he made a video taunting the gang bangers to come over and fuck around. It’s on gaytube somewhere and full of good feels
Dragon's Breath
Not pushing a product but check these https://www.firequest.com/G12-065.html
Holy Shit, is this guy for real?!
This is not surprising coming from him. I’ve heard him speak numerous times. Absolutely love his unapologetic tone.
A very fat zero.
He has a way with words.
I don't know anything about any of [them] but it is good to see the cracks in the armor. I'm sure there are more. Stay tuned for more defects. :)
Actually in the end, God wins.
The Democrat Party needs to be obliterated along with the rest of the Deep State trash right into the history books. With a VERY CLEAR picture of exactly who and what they are, and what they’ve done to America since their inception.
FAFO for the win!
Yay Clay!
Higgins represents the Lafayette area, aka, Cajun country. Very nice group of people unless you get on their bad side. Bragg got on Higgins's bad side. Now, he'll go after him like a pit bull.