Woke Owners of Nashville Flower Shop Won’t Provide Service For RNC Event…Blames Them For Murder of 3 Children and 3 Staff Members at Christian School by Transgender Terrorist
🧠 These people are stupid!
Sue them, going by their rules.
If its anything like the Colorado Baker, then they don't have to provide flowers if they don't want to.
Except they are STILL persecuting the baker.... he is still in court.
Jfc, I did not know that. Thought it was put to bed a long time ago.
It was. Then drummed up again
Leftism is not a religion though
It is definitely a religion. We are heretics.
It's replaced it for many of these people.
Well went to post a review it seems the backlash has already started. Reviews are being blocked at this time. Almost everyone I read was pushing back against them. They have already screwed up
They keep overestimating the size of their side. Also someone was pointing out in their history they started in LA, moved to NYC, then came to TN "why don't you just go back to LA or NYC if you dislike TN's gun laws so much?"
They have NO idea how small their side is. They totally believed all those swarms of bots were real yet now that most of those are gone they haven't readjusted their perceptions. They sneer at me when I tell them we are more than half the country... they just have no idea.
Indeed, I live in the suburbs of a major city yet I go months between sightings of troons and ugly lesbos. They seem to be concentrated into certain hotspots which probably increases their false perception that they're the majority as they self-segregate.
Bud light style.
Arrange my flowers, bigot.
The thing about virtue signaling is......... it's NEVER the right time.
Don’t you just love it when the screw there own business? By not doing business with the GOP is kind of like what is happening to Bud Light. Boycott this flower shop and let them go out of business!
They should have stayed in the shithole where they came from
And all they had to do was decline the order and be quiet about it, it's by grandstanding over it that they brought this onto themselves.
How did Nashville become so woke? Do you think the old country-western musicians who built the Nashville brand would approve? I don't think so. Rich, spoiled, and brain-washed children that should have long ago learned the many lessons of a hickory switch.
Likely when Hollyweird took over Country music a few years back.
The country music industry, by and large, has become rap with a twang.
It's horrible.
Absolutely worthless.
So either they don't have a Twitter or shut it down already as I can't seem to find their page despite all of the posts from other accounts blasting them.
They do have a Facebook page and people are going into the comments of their posts and lighting them up there. https://www.facebook.com/FLWRShop
They are getting torched in the comments. A beautiful thing.
Only makes sense since they don't want to lose any sales for the funerals of tranny suicides. That is a much more lucrative market.
So fucking sick of them trying to make the murderer into a victim and called them out for it.
Its not wise to turn away customers... If they wanted to decline the business without making a "statement" they should have just quoted a super high price. I like Nashville except the weather and the Liberals. Kek
Nashville is on a slippery slope to shit
Like that woke brewery that was insisting on muzzles and the other retarded restrictions inside their establishment even after the mandate had been lifted and was begging for more support on social media when they saw their sales being lost to other places in the area.
Why would the RNC want to give business to the Democrat-Marxists?
Time to make them feel the bud light pain
We should send them flowers from. Their competition
Moronic times in which we live!
You don't want their food. They'll do something to it. And you will consume it.
See, I think a bit differently about this. Esp bc of how they pester conservatives who want to do this. Let them be stupid, but buy elsewhere. They'll go under quick without all the needless heat in place of light that's generated
That's why they launch the frivolous lawsuits against us when we do it, their bullshit system can't survive without 100% compliance and they know it so they have to try to make examples out of dissenters.