A couple years ago Detroit was without a single grocery store in the city. It took a concerted effort to lure any chain into the city. Nobody ever said the obvious but it was because they rob these stores blind.
Go into a party store or gas station in Detroit and the cashiers are behind 2 solid inches of bullet proof glass with nothing but a 8 inch by 2 inch hole set up like a pea trap for the exchange of cash. The stores are all mostly owned and run by Arabs and they have a war going on with the blacks in the city who are pissed that people that can barely speak english own stores and all they got is gangbanging. This wars been going on for nearly 50 years in Detroit.
Well now they maybe get reparations soon. The City set up a commission to study them in the last couple days. Cracks me up that a perpetually broke and broken city, every since the Coleman Young became Mayor in 1972, is going to have money for reparations. They cant even fix streetlights or pick up the garbage they are so broke. Both the City and the Detroit Public Schools have gone into bankruptcy and recievership in just the last 10 years.
Kwame is the kind of politician in Detroit. promises the world but fucks his people over for his own enrichment any chance he gets. Thats how business is done in Detroit.
When I was born in 1965 Detroit was the fourth largest city in America with a population of 2.3 million. Now there are around 600k in the city. The people havent all fled they just filled Macomb, Oakland, Livingston and Washtenaw Counties. So we have heavily populated suburbs surrounding a shell of a once proud city.
Up until integration Black families had better families than Whites. Lower divorce rates and more 2 parent families.
Civil rights was a legitimate concern in the 60. Whether you understand it or not
CiA figured out how to destabilize American Black neighborhoods and families by importing strangers to create chaos.
The justice system constantly releases crooks into AB communities even tho Blacks want them locked up.
Blacks have always wanted more police but white folk always bow down to that which seeks to destroy them.
Blacks have been seeking more immigration enforcement decades before Whites realized the problem.
Whites did nothing until it affected them.
Blacks warned you about gas marriage and grooming kids and abortion
72% of the population bowed downs to less than 2% mentally ill people and allow them to educate their children.
Whites accept being lied to and cheated instead of standing up to it.
Whites are indignant about shoplifters and other small time crooks However they allow billions to be stolen from our nation and sent overseas to crooks seeking to destroy our nation.
Someone calls you a name for telling the truth and you shut right up.
You won't even stand for the strong among you.
Blacks are doing quite well in RED STATES and we don't tolerate stupidity from ANYBODY.
THIS chaos is allowed to happen.
Put an end to it by standing up for the truth.
BTW Africa has at least 3 current monarchies.
It appears that Blacks were and still are Kings.
Civil Rights my ass. More like a concerted effort to destroy the black family and create an army of chaos. Then pit them against their oppressors. But their oppressors arent those they think they are. There is just so much evil. So many people who look away as their neighbors are robbed and beaten. So many people willing to fuck someone over for a dime.
Im sorry for ranting I got into the bottle today working around the farm.
I just hate seeing my hometown like this. Until I was 10 it was a great place to live. And I hate that 600k dominate my States politics all through cheating. They regularly show more votes than voters.
Michigan is a red State. Probably as red as any State in the country. Yet we are stuck with the triumvirate of feckless globalist cunts ruining one of the best places to live in this country. All through cheating schemes unsurpassed anywhere in this country.
Yes Im ranting. Having the grandkids over all day shooting and then me having a couple drinks has me fired up. I dont doom I get pissed.
This! My SIL has lived in Seattle for years. Said just this evening that no one will stop thieves unless. The merchandise costs more than $150. People literally can steal $149 worth of stuff and get away with it. She ships at a store that had all the liquor stolen and to cover the loss management raised prices on everything in the store by $2 until they made enough to cover it.
I can't tell you how many times I am at a store and people just walk out. There's the good people who stand in line like sheep to the slaughter and pay like schmucks and just watch. The front line staff just watches them run out too. I talked to an employee once after getting the license plate number of someone that ran out with handfuls of clothing and merchandise. She said they are told not to do anything. I stand in line to pay like an idiot there. However I do it because I am a good and honest person. One place I totally had respect for was a local supermarket. They had automatic opening doors that were so slow to open that people were getting annoyed. The manager I talked to said that they are leaving it like that because when people stealing things run out, they run smack into the door. The merchandise flies everywhere, and if they are stealing beer it rolls out of the cardboard cases and all over the floor. I totally have respect for that store.
What if the stores are closing not for violence and theft, but to help usher in further distopia? No physical stores means shopping done online, means don't leave the house or exit your 15 minute city/zone. Also means all transactions are via digital since you can't use cash online. Watch as more and more close and watch them really push online shopping.
That is the plan as we saw with the plandemic. It was a test run and anything they can do to deter ordinary people from going to retail brick and mortar stores they will do.
The same corporations that left those cities are the same corporations that created this mess in all these states. I do not want them in our conservative states. They are going to do the same here and create the same mess until they’ll get their goal which is to destroy America.
Tbh, regardless of why they're shutting down it's probably not the worst thing in the world. Big box stores aren't very good for the local economy. It's very well researched and documented that once big box stores move into a community, small locally owned businesses suffer and less money flows back into the economy of the area.
A big box store may hurt smaller store fronts but they can also compliment each other by pushing sales. When a big box store and small store fronts all close down everyone in the community loses.
Especially if you are forced to do all your ordering online.
The real problem is, the average 'citizen' will Not blame the low life thieves but will say this is 'racism'.
A couple years ago Detroit was without a single grocery store in the city. It took a concerted effort to lure any chain into the city. Nobody ever said the obvious but it was because they rob these stores blind.
Go into a party store or gas station in Detroit and the cashiers are behind 2 solid inches of bullet proof glass with nothing but a 8 inch by 2 inch hole set up like a pea trap for the exchange of cash. The stores are all mostly owned and run by Arabs and they have a war going on with the blacks in the city who are pissed that people that can barely speak english own stores and all they got is gangbanging. This wars been going on for nearly 50 years in Detroit.
Well now they maybe get reparations soon. The City set up a commission to study them in the last couple days. Cracks me up that a perpetually broke and broken city, every since the Coleman Young became Mayor in 1972, is going to have money for reparations. They cant even fix streetlights or pick up the garbage they are so broke. Both the City and the Detroit Public Schools have gone into bankruptcy and recievership in just the last 10 years.
Kwame is the kind of politician in Detroit. promises the world but fucks his people over for his own enrichment any chance he gets. Thats how business is done in Detroit.
When I was born in 1965 Detroit was the fourth largest city in America with a population of 2.3 million. Now there are around 600k in the city. The people havent all fled they just filled Macomb, Oakland, Livingston and Washtenaw Counties. So we have heavily populated suburbs surrounding a shell of a once proud city.
These people were never "kangs" and never will be.
Look at any location on the planet where they're concentrated and everything is a ruined, destroyed, hellscape.
Let that sink in.
The geographical location doesn't matter.
The "culture" doesn't matter.
The country doesn't matter.
They're a disaster and curse wherever they exist in numbers.
The only way to effectively deal with this is to put them all on one continent and leave them there to sort themselves out.
I'd give it 10-20 years tops before they either killed each other, died of starvation and disease, or a combination of the three.
Nobody has to die, they just can't stay here.
Up until integration Black families had better families than Whites. Lower divorce rates and more 2 parent families.
Civil rights was a legitimate concern in the 60. Whether you understand it or not CiA figured out how to destabilize American Black neighborhoods and families by importing strangers to create chaos.
The justice system constantly releases crooks into AB communities even tho Blacks want them locked up. Blacks have always wanted more police but white folk always bow down to that which seeks to destroy them.
Blacks have been seeking more immigration enforcement decades before Whites realized the problem.
Whites did nothing until it affected them. Blacks warned you about gas marriage and grooming kids and abortion
72% of the population bowed downs to less than 2% mentally ill people and allow them to educate their children.
Whites accept being lied to and cheated instead of standing up to it.
Whites are indignant about shoplifters and other small time crooks However they allow billions to be stolen from our nation and sent overseas to crooks seeking to destroy our nation. Someone calls you a name for telling the truth and you shut right up. You won't even stand for the strong among you. Blacks are doing quite well in RED STATES and we don't tolerate stupidity from ANYBODY.
THIS chaos is allowed to happen. Put an end to it by standing up for the truth. BTW Africa has at least 3 current monarchies. It appears that Blacks were and still are Kings.
Civil Rights my ass. More like a concerted effort to destroy the black family and create an army of chaos. Then pit them against their oppressors. But their oppressors arent those they think they are. There is just so much evil. So many people who look away as their neighbors are robbed and beaten. So many people willing to fuck someone over for a dime.
Im sorry for ranting I got into the bottle today working around the farm.
That's not a rant. That's the TRUTH.
No apology necessary.
I just hate seeing my hometown like this. Until I was 10 it was a great place to live. And I hate that 600k dominate my States politics all through cheating. They regularly show more votes than voters.
Michigan is a red State. Probably as red as any State in the country. Yet we are stuck with the triumvirate of feckless globalist cunts ruining one of the best places to live in this country. All through cheating schemes unsurpassed anywhere in this country.
Yes Im ranting. Having the grandkids over all day shooting and then me having a couple drinks has me fired up. I dont doom I get pissed.
It will work something like the $100 billion worked in Ukraine.
These demonic entities have a goal remember that which is to control and the eradication of human life.
The 'obvious' is the same obvious in every state and until the obama Lie that 'they' are allowed to break the law because of..... It will continue.
Imagine living in what was the wealthiest city in the union at one point and demanding reparations.
Thye have such a cover for this now.
This is what they want. Destroy the property values, by them back up, get rid of the criminals and homeless and rebuild them as 15 minutes cities.
Rinse and repeat.
Theft. Pure and simple. At least in Portland Oregon.
This! My SIL has lived in Seattle for years. Said just this evening that no one will stop thieves unless. The merchandise costs more than $150. People literally can steal $149 worth of stuff and get away with it. She ships at a store that had all the liquor stolen and to cover the loss management raised prices on everything in the store by $2 until they made enough to cover it.
We're all paying for this. Look at your home and auto insurance. How much has it gone up over the past 2 years?
Let's trade all the residents to south africa and we'll take all the Dutch in...detroit would thrive
This is why:
I can't tell you how many times I am at a store and people just walk out. There's the good people who stand in line like sheep to the slaughter and pay like schmucks and just watch. The front line staff just watches them run out too. I talked to an employee once after getting the license plate number of someone that ran out with handfuls of clothing and merchandise. She said they are told not to do anything. I stand in line to pay like an idiot there. However I do it because I am a good and honest person. One place I totally had respect for was a local supermarket. They had automatic opening doors that were so slow to open that people were getting annoyed. The manager I talked to said that they are leaving it like that because when people stealing things run out, they run smack into the door. The merchandise flies everywhere, and if they are stealing beer it rolls out of the cardboard cases and all over the floor. I totally have respect for that store.
What if the stores are closing not for violence and theft, but to help usher in further distopia? No physical stores means shopping done online, means don't leave the house or exit your 15 minute city/zone. Also means all transactions are via digital since you can't use cash online. Watch as more and more close and watch them really push online shopping.
That is the plan as we saw with the plandemic. It was a test run and anything they can do to deter ordinary people from going to retail brick and mortar stores they will do.
maybe it's because the FRN/USD is not being accepted as payments for imported products? they have no new stock to sell.
The same corporations that left those cities are the same corporations that created this mess in all these states. I do not want them in our conservative states. They are going to do the same here and create the same mess until they’ll get their goal which is to destroy America.
Tbh, regardless of why they're shutting down it's probably not the worst thing in the world. Big box stores aren't very good for the local economy. It's very well researched and documented that once big box stores move into a community, small locally owned businesses suffer and less money flows back into the economy of the area.
A big box store may hurt smaller store fronts but they can also compliment each other by pushing sales. When a big box store and small store fronts all close down everyone in the community loses.
Especially if you are forced to do all your ordering online.