The graph would refer to that group as native Americans, here "Indian American" is referring to people from the country India hence the flag icon to the left. Native Americans would likely be at the bottom of the list since only a select few are earning from casinos and the rest are very poor on average. Wikipedia for example has the median income at $33,627 and says "The quality of life for many Native Americans are often comparable to that of developing nations".
I'm pretty sure that's not how household income is determined.
You’re sure? Why are you sure? What are you basing it off of?
Multiple families don't file one big tax form because they live in the same house. Each family files separate taxes. I had roommates in college and we didn't file joint tax returns because we lived in the same house.
Who said it’s tax info. You think the IRS is giving this information out? Wrong.
And what's wrong with nepotism?
What’s not wrong with it??? You want the guy doing your heart surgery or flying your plane to be hired because of merit or because he knew the right people?
You’ve never worked in a company with Indians clearly. You get fired in your home country so some H1B street shitter can take your place, and then soon the entire company is Indian.
This chart is also indicative of something else. Some of the top performers come to the US because there is a tech / medical talent shortage and we have to find these people somewhere. So, what this is really showcasing is that the best, top talent from countries whose populations are much larger than our own are very successful and we get the cream of the crop from those countries! This goes to show that no matter how messed up things are here, people have earned the right to excel in their professions and partake in the American dream.
In my experience that happens when a foreign born person gets in a management role and wants people from the same culture under them. There is no doubt it's happening. I've seen entire teams of Americans get fired, unfortunately.
The last time I lost my job to outsourcing some karma came into play. My previous CEO was being investigated for stealing. They found out when he outsourced our entire IT Dept he got a huge kickback from the company he outsourced us to. Along with that and embezzling he went to jail. I also heard the HR/Finance system went down for A MONTH after the foreign workers took over and they lost 7 years of required data.
Perhaps if American schools focused on teaching practical skills instead of gender obfuscation, we wouldn't need so many H1Bs. In my profession,we have to take skill sets exogenously.
No idea. But anecdotally, I’d expect white/black Americans to save considerably less than other-Americans. In general, other-Americans bear cultural pressure to save/invest money instead of spending it.
Yeah I realized my mistake after all the ruthless downvotes. Some days there just isn't enough coffee to open my eyes.
Edit to add, my husband went through something similar - Zoom interviewed (an India Indian for a position) - the girl knew her stuff, but the person that showed up for the job after being hired wasn't even the same person. Shameless.
Too funny, I checked it twice to be sure, does anyone notice what ethnic american is not even on the list?
Think Hollywood, Banking, law, medicine, music, diamonds, gold and child trafficking for your answer.
I bet they are top of the list.
GUD1 Nice catch.
TRUTH. Ever met one that was poor?
well, maybe not poor but average
was friends with a jewish kid - we called him Rabbi Joe
His mom worked as a bank teller, his dad was an ER nurse
as far as i could tell, they never went to synagogue or anything, JINO's I guess?
Not that I'm arguing your point or anything - rich jews DO control the media and the government
It's hard to find a real answer but it appears they'd be above India in that graph, since "44% of American Jews live in a household with total income of $100,000 or more. That's the highest rate in the nation, followed by Hindus (36%) and Episcopalians (35%)".
Epstein wasn't Italian.
I just look at the verifiable data and write what I see.
Jews are not on the list. Wonder why?
Also Indians crowd into houses, with multiple families sometimes in the same house so it drives their household income numbers up. Also nepotism.
Indians own a lot of casinos, on their own land. They're making hand-over-fist.
Indians as in native Americans own the casinos. Indians from the country of India are a different ethnic group.
The graph would refer to that group as native Americans, here "Indian American" is referring to people from the country India hence the flag icon to the left. Native Americans would likely be at the bottom of the list since only a select few are earning from casinos and the rest are very poor on average. Wikipedia for example has the median income at $33,627 and says "The quality of life for many Native Americans are often comparable to that of developing nations".
Its a list of ethnic groups, not religion groups. Christian and Muslim arent on this list either.
Jews are a race and a religion…..double the victims points
Jews are not white.
Until they are.
In this case, they clearly aren't because then the white Americans percentage would sky rocket to number 1.
So pray tell, why is one specific group ignored?
You’re sure? Why are you sure? What are you basing it off of?
Who said it’s tax info. You think the IRS is giving this information out? Wrong.
What’s not wrong with it??? You want the guy doing your heart surgery or flying your plane to be hired because of merit or because he knew the right people?
You’ve never worked in a company with Indians clearly. You get fired in your home country so some H1B street shitter can take your place, and then soon the entire company is Indian.
The left is going to have to kick out Indians, they are way too conscientious.
Yes. But not when they’re behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Khazarians are an ethnic group - surely they would be up there on the list...
New flash: Ethnics, especially the browner ones, only hire from their ethnic group.
They all hate whites.
Notice how "the chosen" are not on this list...🤔
Some of these cockroaches like to cram a hundred people in one household with each one doing slave labour, they do it here in Australia too.
This chart is also indicative of something else. Some of the top performers come to the US because there is a tech / medical talent shortage and we have to find these people somewhere. So, what this is really showcasing is that the best, top talent from countries whose populations are much larger than our own are very successful and we get the cream of the crop from those countries! This goes to show that no matter how messed up things are here, people have earned the right to excel in their professions and partake in the American dream.
What it shows is the success of H1B1 visa scheme at the expense of the domestic population.
Exactly. Do you know how many times I've lost my Tech job to an H1B1 worker? And it's never just me, it's the entire Tech dept.
In my experience that happens when a foreign born person gets in a management role and wants people from the same culture under them. There is no doubt it's happening. I've seen entire teams of Americans get fired, unfortunately.
I've seen that as well, you're exactly right!
The last time I lost my job to outsourcing some karma came into play. My previous CEO was being investigated for stealing. They found out when he outsourced our entire IT Dept he got a huge kickback from the company he outsourced us to. Along with that and embezzling he went to jail. I also heard the HR/Finance system went down for A MONTH after the foreign workers took over and they lost 7 years of required data.
Wow! That's a great case of karma. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy!
Perhaps if American schools focused on teaching practical skills instead of gender obfuscation, we wouldn't need so many H1Bs. In my profession,we have to take skill sets exogenously.
What race is "The Average"? Never heard of them before.
Its not what you make its what you keep.
No idea. But anecdotally, I’d expect white/black Americans to save considerably less than other-Americans. In general, other-Americans bear cultural pressure to save/invest money instead of spending it.
Yeah I realized my mistake after all the ruthless downvotes. Some days there just isn't enough coffee to open my eyes.
Edit to add, my husband went through something similar - Zoom interviewed (an India Indian for a position) - the girl knew her stuff, but the person that showed up for the job after being hired wasn't even the same person. Shameless.