posted ago by Martha1776 ago by Martha1776 +36 / -0

This is a really weird request but I need to find a Pepe lawn ornament or something else as a nod to either Trump, Q, or something. I have a creepy neighbor who has apparently been sneaking around my yard and complained to my HOA about my garden, my special needs sons toys, and a bunch of other stuff that’s happened over the last couple years we’ve lived here but he just told them now like it’s all happening at the same time. He has caused me weeks of stress and we are putting up a camera to find out who is so interested in our yard they have to continually check up on us. I don’t have any lawn ornaments in my yard and I see people with them, I didn’t have any chairs so I just put 3 back there. I bought pots and planted flowers, my yard is so offensive to look at, whoever it is wants it to be completely empty and us never in it. We have .4 acre. I need a Pepe for my house for good luck maybe a bird bath not sure what else and I’m not having any luck finding anything but you all find the best stuff. Help a middle aged mom out!