"give us your poor impoverish...." Who are using Door Dash for food orders while they wait to invade us.
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Just like the destitute EU immigrants paying 5000-10000 € for a cruise over the Mediterranean. May as well have bought first class plane tickets.
This is disgusting! With all of our inflation doordash is something we have never done!
They still have “money” left on their credit card.
I'm way too cheap to justify paying extra because I'm too lazy to get my butt to the store. Even Domino's is pushing takeout over delivery.
It’s cheaper to transport 100 “refugees” from a third world country to the west, than to train and equip 1 infantry soldier.
And the devastation is worse.
Soros/CCP/NWO/U.N. have been waging a war on us for years. And the war is fought on many fronts; food, illnesses, LGBTQ++, drugs and migration.
Everything is connected, and it surely is a war between dark and light, good and evil.
Have a link?
link added in comments.
I don’t even use door dash. Too expensive and cold.
These central and south american countries really are not that bad or dangerous. Propaganda, a lot stemming from our side, has us believing that they are incredibly dangerous and you're very likely to be kidnapped if you even visit. This isn't true.
For perspective, try to find what other countries say about the US. They tell tourists that if you visit US, it's likely you'll become a victim of a mass shooting. They rank us the same as they rank south american countries, which they have a similar view on as US does. That should be all you need to see to understand that it's all propaganda.
You can safely visit these countries. And these people can safely live in those countries. It's fine.
I only order DD on special occasions because it is so expensive.
Recently ordered Chipotle from DD, didn't have a car, it cost me nearly $40.00 for one veggie bowl with chips and queso.
They expect me to believe that these people are desperate "looking for a better life", when they are calling DD from the border? Not so much.
I have a theory that "someone(s)" is funneling loads of money to these people. Wonder where the money to Ukraine went, likely into these people's pockets.
This seems unclear. We have someone picking up trash in Mexico, and we are supposed to be outraged that this is Door Dash? C'mon man!
Capitalism in its finest hour...
That trash and tents look like parts of denver today. Can’t wait for more of that shithole they’re bringing with them.
Twitter source of reporter confirming Door Dash. https://twitter.com/GrahamAllen_1/status/1656415921752223745?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1656415921752223745%7Ctwgr%5E3e396a06f147c5805d4d4c54ff45cb7d8c1ada66%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.americanthinker.com%2Fblog%2F2023%2F05%2Fillegals_in_tijuana_using_doordash_as_they_await_their_chance_to_charge_into_the_us.html
Take all the stuff from the ? away to leave only the beginning part of the link... like this ...
OH, Thanks, the ? is the end of the link.
The gobbledygook after the question mark is all the tracking bullshit.