Paid for by your property taxes, mostly! Those wonderful school funding propositions that raised your taxes to fund the schools based on Your Property taxesβ¦β¦whoβs property taxes have gone down?
I have seen children (under 5) that have been in day care masturbating...I have NEVER in my whole life even heard of that or had seen that...are they learning from day care, other kids, online? What in God's Name is going on?
I saw it personally...sad to say...I was shocked...but I share because it is true...I remember the Disney stuff...our kids are not safe...anywhere...mine are grown...NO DAYCARE EVER...
But this is why the gov't took moms out of the home with work and then provided free pre-school...they knew EXACTLY what they were doing...
It's shit like this that is the reason we should not even talk to the left. Why waste time talking or even listening, ( much less debating ) to a nutter ? It's not just their pedo legalization goals. They are crazy on all subjects. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but not them.
They seriously do get it wrong on every topic. That is NOT by accident, if it were we would share some common ground at some point. They are simply made up of useful idiots and/or criminals that share the same insane mindsets.
you're right. its because they're stupid. you can't talk to stupid. stupid people are the reason the elite can start wars. stupid is a decision, bet that's a surprise, watch the video...
My apolitical (and yes, bisexual) girlfriend randomly said to me that we should be homeschooling our future kids to me yesterday, because of all this push to turn everyone and everything gay, bi, trans, non-human bullshit.
I consider it a major win when people who don't participate in politics and fit partially under the ridiculously massive umbrella that is the alphabet soup is coming to this conclusion of their own accord.
It means that these people have pushed so hard, so fast, and so relentlessly that people are catching on that normally wouldn't.
I'm sure she would if we made that decision together, but she tends to take my cues and tendencies which is more traditional so at present, no. Better to build bonds with one another so our future children are better off.
Fucking demons. Literally. I just watched Nefarious (2023) last night. It's an absolute masterpiece. It gave me additional insight into the WHY of demons. You can find it on bitch shoot. If you have even the smallest interest in the war between good and evil, you gotta see it. It will connect several dots for you and put some logic into what is often brushed off as just fantasy.
Demons literally hate you - because God cast them out (the original ones) and God loves us - not them. This went up their ass sideways. They've made their entire existence about proving God wrong by trying to corrupt us to the point of turning us away from God and towards the devil's free for all, "do as tho will, shall be the whole of the law" - where fuckery in all it's forms dominates our lives. It's right there in your face at every turn.
Don't miss seeing this important film. It's so relevant to our current situation.
It comes as the NHS is facing a mass legal action from 1,000 families who claim their children were rushed into taking life-changing puberty blockers' by the ππΌTavistock Centreπ.
Satan is deliriously happy at this. We, however, would like to see them haave millstones wrapped around their necks, and their being thrown into the deepest ocean for compromising children's innocence.
Take out the school. No one needs to send them there to be groomed.
Paid for by your property taxes, mostly! Those wonderful school funding propositions that raised your taxes to fund the schools based on Your Property taxesβ¦β¦whoβs property taxes have gone down?
They're trying to raise property taxes here for every little thing they can, including schools pushing this shit.
Oh you are right. When we were in WA, I tried to tell them I don't have kids and can I not support school.
They said no.
I have seen children (under 5) that have been in day care masturbating...I have NEVER in my whole life even heard of that or had seen that...are they learning from day care, other kids, online? What in God's Name is going on?
Well that's disgusting, I hope you didn't see it personally and are talking about accounts of it happening.
They are being taught from schools, predators disguising themselves as teachers or caregivers, and through their peers taught by the same.
There have also been quite a few instances of subliminal messaging in YouTube videos, obviously the old Disney imagery, and cartoons are pushing it.
Children are not safe. We have a duty to ensure that changes for sure.
I saw it personally...sad to say...I was shocked...but I share because it is true...I remember the Disney stuff...our kids are not safe...anywhere...mine are grown...NO DAYCARE EVER...
But this is why the gov't took moms out of the home with work and then provided free pre-school...they knew EXACTLY what they were doing...
It's shit like this that is the reason we should not even talk to the left. Why waste time talking or even listening, ( much less debating ) to a nutter ? It's not just their pedo legalization goals. They are crazy on all subjects. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but not them.
They seriously do get it wrong on every topic. That is NOT by accident, if it were we would share some common ground at some point. They are simply made up of useful idiots and/or criminals that share the same insane mindsets.
you're right. its because they're stupid. you can't talk to stupid. stupid people are the reason the elite can start wars. stupid is a decision, bet that's a surprise, watch the video...
My apolitical (and yes, bisexual) girlfriend randomly said to me that we should be homeschooling our future kids to me yesterday, because of all this push to turn everyone and everything gay, bi, trans, non-human bullshit.
I consider it a major win when people who don't participate in politics and fit partially under the ridiculously massive umbrella that is the alphabet soup is coming to this conclusion of their own accord.
It means that these people have pushed so hard, so fast, and so relentlessly that people are catching on that normally wouldn't.
Yes. The pendulum hss swung too far.
You didn't answer the most important question, which is does your girlfriend bring hot girlfriends home?
I'm sure she would if we made that decision together, but she tends to take my cues and tendencies which is more traditional so at present, no. Better to build bonds with one another so our future children are better off.
Fucking demons. Literally. I just watched Nefarious (2023) last night. It's an absolute masterpiece. It gave me additional insight into the WHY of demons. You can find it on bitch shoot. If you have even the smallest interest in the war between good and evil, you gotta see it. It will connect several dots for you and put some logic into what is often brushed off as just fantasy.
Demons literally hate you - because God cast them out (the original ones) and God loves us - not them. This went up their ass sideways. They've made their entire existence about proving God wrong by trying to corrupt us to the point of turning us away from God and towards the devil's free for all, "do as tho will, shall be the whole of the law" - where fuckery in all it's forms dominates our lives. It's right there in your face at every turn.
Don't miss seeing this important film. It's so relevant to our current situation.
Thanks.... Will check it out later... π
Found it:
I cant watch it....says This video is blocked under the following Community Guideline:
Hmm not sure why, I can try to find it elsewhere and get back to you.
Try this one:
Well, there ya go!
Satan is deliriously happy at this. We, however, would like to see them haave millstones wrapped around their necks, and their being thrown into the deepest ocean for compromising children's innocence.
I am not a lawyer, but in the US, this sounds like corruption of a minor. Teachers are not above the law.
"Shit on my dick, or blood on my knife" says the powers that be.