Well, Ain't That A Shame.... "Disney Crowd Sizes ‘Shockingly Low’ Amid Backlash" Epoch News
Karma Is a BITCH!
Comments (15)
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Yeah, I saw this and was actually explaining to my Bro IL today while he was asking me about Sound of Freedom because he wants to watch it but not many people know about it ...Yet...They're getting there though(word of mouth)...Telling him the Pedo side of Disney for a while now and he's 'finally' beginning to see for himself...One more win
Could it be that is now costs over 100.00 to walk through the gate...before you spend LOTS of more money?? In THIS inflated economy? Didn't get to the trans schitt ...yet. Don't need to. It's not affordable. That price is one person. How big is your family?
I paid 800 for a family of 4, 11 years ago for 2 day park hoppers.
Same. We even hired a guide
A friend of ours has been to Disney World twenty times over the years. He just came back on July 2nd after being there for two weeks.
He said he never has seen the crowds so small and hotel parking lots empty.
that's really good news!!
Article with no paywall. https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theepochtimes.com%2Fdisney-crowd-sizes-shockingly-low-amid-backlash_5385164.html
Thank you.
Apologies. i have a subscription to ET and when I prepped the link, I thought I didn't see any indication this was premium, but now I see it is.
Sorry about that.
Doctors are baffled. Wait, wrong thing, but it still applies.
So happy parents\families are waking up!
this place needs to burn to the ground right along with D.C.
I'm shocked! Shocked!